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Different format question...

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    Other Different format question...

    Hi guys, not sure where to post this as it is a more general question about video formats

    I've conducted searches on google, and what I am finding are more like advertisements to different products rather than actual information.

    What are the differences between the various formats, say Divx and Xvid AVI vs .divx that the Divx (tm) converter creates. The difference between these and wmv, etc... terminology definitions, etc.,

    I guess what I am looking for is a beginner's to intermediate tutorial on this stuff either available on the web, or a good recommended book on the topic.

    Any of you gurus able to point me in the right direction? I'm tired of being (mostly) ignorant in the world of video conversion.

    Try googling format containers and then you will get lots of explanations you are looking for.


      Look in Wiki. Everything is in there. Start with terminology. So far you have apples and oranges, and seem peaches all in same basket. Try to straight up your terminology first.
      Come back here if any question still there.

      Please post your logs the default location is:

      For Win7 C:\Users\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\Log
      For Vista C:\Users\User Name\Documents\DVDFab\Log
      For XP C:\Documents and Settings\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\Log
      Please use attachment button and attach your most recent, Internal log and post right here.


        Thanks AGJ, Spacibo IPopov...

        Yes, searching for "format containers" took me on a spiraling trail through the gauntlet of death! er, rather, information overload. Found lots of really great information.

        I appreciate the invite to come back with new and improved stupid questions.

