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DVDRipper Stalling out after completing Rips

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    Other DVDRipper Stalling out after completing Rips

    Hello All,

    I have been using the trial for the past month and loved the tool. I have been performing 3 rips:

    AppleiPhone41080 - great results and great picture
    Custom Rip w/ Profile Editor - for PS3 w/ higher resolution
    Apple iPod Touch Rip - worked fine at first, but now is horrible

    I had great success all month, but then, all of the sudden in the last couple of days before my trial was up, all of the rips that I attempted hit the same issue:

    Rip looks as though it completes to 100%, but then just stalls. Time clock keeps going, but tool never completes the process and pops open the Folder containing the newly ripped file. I tried with multiple DVDs (different studios, recent and old), and the same thing happens everytime. I am using the following adjustments:

    2-Pass Encoding
    128 kbps Sound
    General resolution
    No subtittles.

    Has anybody run into this? I was literally a day away from pulling the trigger and purchasing the tool, but with the iPod feature all of the sudden crashing out, that takes away a decent portion of my use-case.

    Any help would be appreciated.


    2-pass has been problematic for many users, including me.
    While I'm not defending this, frankly, I've never seen a difference in quality between 1-pass and least for any of my conversions.

    I'm still at work, but I'll be glad to try and reproduce your problem on my end and go from there.
    Are you using v.8032?

    Again, while this isn't entirely responsive to your problem, I'd encourage you to try 1-pass and see what you think.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

    You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together and... blow. | Lauren Bacall | "To Have and Have Not" (1944).


      Thx... I will give one-pass a shot. Been using, but same thing was happening w/ the previous 2 versions.

      I don't get it... used 2-pass and multiple settings for last 3 weeks... product was flawless. Now, over past few days, it has turned into a piece of garbage. Tried two separate iPhone4.1080 rips today... both failed about half-way through. Also tried about 6 different iPodTouch rips... all of them stalled out at 100%. Really frustrating.

