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Can i use dvdfab on two computers

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    Can i use dvdfab on two computers

    hi all

    Just a quick question, I'd use dvdfab on my laptop which is fine, but I've just got a new tower PC I was just wondering if I could download fab on my new PC and still let me use it on my laptop as well, I have a paid version of fab, and how do I go about registering on my new PC. Hope this makes sense. Thank you for all your help and advice.
    Last edited by Complication; 11-09-2010, 02:48 PM. Reason: Corrected title
    :) never look down on anyone unless you're looking down at them to help them up:)

    Originally posted by tdk View Post
    hi all

    Just a quick question, I'd use dvdfab on my laptop which is fine, but I've just got a new tower PC I was just wondering if I could download fab on my new PC and still let me use it on my laptop as well, I have a paid version of fab, and how do I go about registering on my new PC. Hope this makes sense. Thank you for all your help and advice.
    Yes, you can You will just need to register it with your key that was sent to you.
    DO NOT run Fab on both computers at the same time as your key may get BLACKLISTED
    Even if it's a little thing, do something for those who have need of help, something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.

    Setting Up ImgBurn and DVDFab to work together

    Tips for Posting DVDFab Logs in the Forum



      Thank you CBR 929 for the quick reply and your time I appreciate it.
      :) never look down on anyone unless you're looking down at them to help them up:)


        Originally posted by tdk View Post
        Thank you CBR 929 for the quick reply and your time I appreciate it.
        Hi tdk,

        Please note that if you have bought the Single-User License, you can use it on two machines. That means you can install and register DVDFab on two computers at most.

        If you want to register on the third computer, you need to purchase another license at .

        Best regards,
        DVDFab Support Team


          Are these answers from DVD staff and moderadora still valid?

          It's been a long time and there is even a new versión of the program. Additionally, according to the FAQ it is not possible to use the same license on two computers not used simultaneously, but I would like to confirm it.



            Hi Maal656
            As far as I know this is still true, you can use it on 2 computers, but not running them at the same time. Which means one is copying a movie and one is converting.
            Even if it's a little thing, do something for those who have need of help, something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.

            Setting Up ImgBurn and DVDFab to work together

            Tips for Posting DVDFab Logs in the Forum

