You were not being rude. And yes, I agree that ord1117 is being rude and I'll add immature. I don't know if they are trying to seek attention but their posts clearly add no value.
Chameleon describing the software as excellent (which I completely agree with) is not based on fact so it is impossible for it to be a lie. It's based on an opinion (which again, I agree with).
trying the trial version along with Apple Music. Your verbage says that your package downloads full Atmos unmodified. When I try a download of an Atmos file, I only get a 2 channel m4a file. Please tell me the procedure to get a full Atmos file. Thanks.
Sylvia MusicFab Said, MusicFab Apple Music does not support Atmos yet, but will do so later. Where did you read about Apple Music atmos support?
It's a fact that you said the software is excellent. I agree that it is excellent. But us calling it excellent is our opinions and not facts. Other people may have different opinions about the software and they wouldn't be wrong from their point of view . If you said that guy in my profile pic is wearing a blue hat. That would be a fact. If you said that is an excellent hat. That would be an opinion.
What I am saying, in simpler terms, is that a "fact" is different than an "opinion." A fact is always 100% true. Opinions are just how someone feels about something which can vary from person to person.