New! MusicFab is released (April 24, 2024)
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MusicFab Changelog
New: Added "Download Quality Preference" in settings.
When downloading, we will prioritize the quality you have set. (If the original music you downloaded does not have the quality you set, it will automatically match the closest quality.)
Fix: An abnormal problem when analysing certain TIDAL playlist.
Fix: The problem of missing Meta info in some downloaded Spotify music files
Update: Brand New DVDFab products section.
MusicFab (Online vers.):
FullFileName: MusicFab_online_1034.exe
MD5: fbaa50cac83c19342ffb134935ff03d8
SHA1: 6682d4f9a7b0971b3882a602c94e1115ad28bf29
CRC32: 0ed86801
MusicFab (Offline vers.):
FullFileName: MusicFab_1034.exe
MD5: 449ad2666c8cd582d8d04855ec685073
SHA1: 1a3712f0339819c996c948f00e26ea137bc16bca
CRC32: d094177b
MusicFab x64 (Offline vers.):
FullFileName: MusicFab_x64_1034.exe
MD5: bd9e2803d5e9353b05a12c8a0ac637bc
SHA1: cc9afec7f363656410bb2a0326aee429c17e1911
CRC32: 9909447f