I was curious if anyone else is having an issue where Blu-Ray Creator is taking a long time to encode video and taking up a huge amount of space to do it? I'm trying to take a few discs of a TV show I own and put them onto a single Blu-Ray... am I wrong that this is even possible? They are .vob files, and I'm trying to do about 15 GBs of video, but the encoding has taken well over 12+ hours, as well as over 100 GBs of disk space. Is this normal? Am I completely off base about what this product can do?
I was curious if anyone else is having an issue where Blu-Ray Creator is taking a long time to encode video and taking up a huge amount of space to do it? I'm trying to take a few discs of a TV show I own and put them onto a single Blu-Ray... am I wrong that this is even possible? They are .vob files, and I'm trying to do about 15 GBs of video, but the encoding has taken well over 12+ hours, as well as over 100 GBs of disk space. Is this normal? Am I completely off base about what this product can do?