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DVDFab v1. DVD Creator creates no ISO

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    DVDFab v1. DVD Creator creates no ISO

    I would like to create an DVD ISO image from three MP4 files. So I started DVDFab Creator, added those three MP4 files, added a pleasing DVD menu, ordered DVDFab to create an ISO image in a specific folder and started the task.

    DVDFab does this:
    1. It kept my busy for about an hour while writing a DVD file structur in the assigned Temp folder
    2. After that it deletes the DVD file structure in the assigned Temp folder
    3. It tells me, the task was successfully finished
    Far and wide no ISO image in sight in the desired folder.

    What happened? Am I doing something wrong?

    Attached you will find the log of this action.
    Attached Files

    Click image for larger version

Name:	screenshot-20220210-153435.png
Views:	252
Size:	8.2 KB
ID:	406162
    I tested a short video and the created iso file was saved in the directory it should be.
    To confirm, did you look at the SAVE TO path you set?


      Yes, I did look at the SAVE TO path. No ISO image. The SAVE TO path is the "specific/desired folder" I mentioned in my initial post.

      But I have to confess this: I forgot to report that DVDFab Passkey 9 was also launched.
      And this: A full DVD copy to an ISO image works well.
      And this, too: I own a DVD Creator licence.


        New insight here.

        First I stopped DVDFab Passkey 9. That was no help. The DVDFab Creator still refuses to create an ISO image but still claims that the task was successfully finished.

        Then a thought crossed my mind. For two of the three files the GPU acceleration kicked in. I remembered that I was already struggeling with this topic quite a while ago. So I disabled all GPU codecs for decoding an encoding in the common setiings (General/AV Codec).

        Bingo! Now DVDFab Creator was inclined to create an ISO image.

        So that's the bug here. If GPU codecs are not disabled and DVDFab uses this feature at least on my system (An older Intel I3 and Windows 7 x64), it refuses to create an ISO image without error messages and instead claims that the job is done well.


          You may need to check if there is a new driver available for your graphics card, update it and then try again.

