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Prince of Persia - Main Movie 504.00 0 Error

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    Prince of Persia - Main Movie 504.00 0 Error

    Hi. Sorry - somewhat of a long post...

    I’ve been trying to copy Prince of Persia (Main Movie) and I keep getting an error message towards the end of the copy job.

    "blu-ray main movie 504.00 0 error: process exception, filter(type128:id18), info = 503.00 13,"

    I tried to copy/paste the log entry, but it's too long for the forum to accept, so I've shorted it a little bit (taking out some of the mt2s processing entries):

    DVDFab (2011/01/08 08:29:25)

    0m 01.84s: option dvd2dvd 1 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 1 bd2mobile 1 bd23d 1 bd2dvd 1 file2mobile 1 filemover 1
    2m 09.49s: detected blu-ray
    2m 09.49s: drive F
    2m 09.51s: blu-ray type 1
    2m 09.51s: volume label PRINCE_OF_PERSIA
    2m 15.25s: aacs 1 bd+ 0
    2m 16.84s: got discinfo
    2m 17.43s: got bdmv
    2m 17.43s: got agid 0
    2m 17.46s: sent host cert chal
    2m 17.46s: got drive cert chal
    2m 17.49s: got drive key
    2m 18.04s: got host key signature
    2m 18.04s: verified drive signature
    2m 18.04s: verified host signature
    2m 18.09s: sent host signature and key point
    2m 18.09s: got bus key
    2m 18.09s: got volume id
    2m 18.09s: got volume id mac
    2m 18.09s: volume id is correct
    2m 18.09s: got vid
    2m 18.15s: blu-ray 1A609DF9A661504CFA7C70942B0A47C33A231732
    2m 18.85s: D 7CE4CB2A
    2m 18.85s: got vuk
    2m 18.88s: got unit key 7
    4m 36.48s: got extended bdinfo
    4m 36.48s: opened blu-ray
    57m 17.27s: Blu-ray Copy: Full Disc
    57m 17.27s: Source: F:\BDMV\
    57m 17.27s: SourceSize: 43104 MB
    57m 17.27s: RemoveHDAudio: 1
    57m 17.27s: OutputTarget: BD50
    57m 17.27s: OutputVideo: 1080p/i
    61m 09.14s: compress begin: Blu-ray groups clips(00066.m2ts,00756.m2ts,00757.m2ts,00759.m2ts, 00423.m2ts,00424.m2ts,00425.m2ts,00426.m2ts,00427. m2ts,00428.m2ts,00429.m2ts,00762.m2ts,00766.m2ts,0 0432.m2ts,00433.m2ts,00434.m2ts,00435.m2ts,00436.m 2ts,00437.m2ts,00438.m2ts,00769.m2ts,00771.m2ts,00 440.m2ts,00441.m2ts,00442.m2ts,00443.m2ts,00773.m2 ts,00775.m2ts,00446.m2ts,00447.m2ts,00448.m2ts,004 49.m2ts,00778.m2ts,00780.m2ts,00452.m2ts,00453.m2t s,00454.m2ts,00455.m2ts,00456.m2ts,00784.m2ts,0078 5.m2ts,00788.m2ts,00459.m2ts,00460.m2ts,00461.m2ts ,00790.m2ts,00792.m2ts,00463.m2ts,00796.m2ts,00798 .m2ts,00948.m2ts,00467.m2ts,00468.m2ts,00469.m2ts, 00470.m2ts,00471.m2ts,00472.m2ts,00473.m2ts,00474. m2ts,00802.m2ts,00801.m2ts,00477.m2ts,01063.m2ts,0 1065.m2ts,00480.m2ts,00481.m2ts,00482.m2ts,00806.m 2ts,00808.m2ts,00810.m2ts,01026.m2ts,01027.m2ts,00 816.m2ts,00818.m2ts,00858.m2ts,00860.m2ts,00824.m2 ts,00826.m2ts,00828.m2ts,00830.m2ts,00832.m2ts,008 34.m2ts,00836.m2ts,00862.m2ts,00864.m2ts,00842.m2t s,00844.m2ts,00846.m2ts, ¾ 0Ûx61m 09.15s: processing source(00066.m2ts)
    62m 39.92s: processing source(00756.m2ts)
    63m 04.97s: processing source(00757.m2ts)
    63m 11.15s: processing source(00759.m2ts)......

    .....123m 05.78s: processing source(01101.m2ts)
    123m 10.36s: processing source(01031.m2ts)
    130m 58.53s: got bdmv
    131m 11.24s: got extended bdinfo
    171m 53.14s: Blu-ray Copy: Main Movie
    171m 53.14s: Source: E:\Admin\Videos\DVDFab\FullDisc\PRINCE_OF_PERSIA\B DMV\
    171m 53.16s: Playlist: 800
    171m 53.16s: Chapters: 1 -> 21
    171m 53.16s: SourceSize: 21146 MB
    171m 53.16s: RemoveHDAudio: 0
    171m 53.16s: OutputTarget: BD50
    171m 53.16s: compress begin: Blu-ray groups clips(00066.m2ts,00421.m2ts,00422.m2ts,00423.m2ts, 00424.m2ts,00425.m2ts,00426.m2ts,00427.m2ts,00428. m2ts,00429.m2ts,00430.m2ts,00431.m2ts,00432.m2ts,0 0433.m2ts,00434.m2ts,00435.m2ts,00436.m2ts,00437.m 2ts,00438.m2ts,00439.m2ts,00752.m2ts,00440.m2ts,00 441.m2ts,00442.m2ts,00443.m2ts,00444.m2ts,00445.m2 ts,00446.m2ts,00447.m2ts,00448.m2ts,00449.m2ts,004 50.m2ts,00451.m2ts,00452.m2ts,00453.m2ts,00454.m2t s,00455.m2ts,00456.m2ts,00457.m2ts,00458.m2ts,0078 8.m2ts,00459.m2ts,00460.m2ts,00461.m2ts,00462.m2ts ,00754.m2ts,00463.m2ts,00464.m2ts,00465.m2ts,00466 .m2ts,00467.m2ts,00468.m2ts,00469.m2ts,00470.m2ts, 00471.m2ts,00472.m2ts,00473.m2ts,00474.m2ts,00475. m2ts,00476.m2ts,00477.m2ts,00478.m2ts,00479.m2ts,0 0480.m2ts,00481.m2ts,00482.m2ts,00484.m2ts,00485.m 2ts,00810.m2ts,01026.m2ts,01027.m2ts,00816.m2ts,00 818.m2ts,00820.m2ts,00822.m2ts,00824.m2ts,00826.m2 ts,00828.m2ts,00830.m2ts,00832.m2ts,00834.m2ts,008 36.m2ts,00838.m2ts,00840.m2ts,00842.m2ts,00844.m2t s,00846.m2ts,00848.m2ts,00850.l!

    0Ûx171m 53.21s: processing source(00066.m2ts)
    172m 19.82s: processing source(00421.m2ts)
    172m 24.08s: processing source(00422.m2ts)...

    ....183m 47.55s: processing source(00892.m2ts)
    184m 05.72s: processing source(00894.m2ts)
    184m 09.98s: processing source(00896.m2ts)
    184m 13.32s: error: process exception, filter(type128:id18), info = 503.00 13,
    184m 13.32s: blu-ray main movie 504.00 0 error: process exception, filter(type128:id18), info = 503.00 13,

    I copied the full disk to my hard drive first, then tried to make a 1:1 copy of the main movie onto my hard drive afterward, but it looks like it tried to compress it? I’m selecting the DTS audio option (with HD Audio removed).

    I’ve also tried to copy the main movie directly from the disc. That failed with the same error message.

    I’ve tried to do slow encoding, fast encoding, full scan, and normal scan on the blu-ray copy options. All failed.

    I’ve tried to change my encoding from CoreAVC/software to software/software. That failed too.

    I’m using a Sony VAIO laptop with an Intel i7 processor running Windows 7 x64. I have an NVIDIA GT 425M graphics card. The driver is as up to date as I can make it – v.259.03. (Sony does not let me update the drivers from the NVIDIA site). I’m running Fab version

    I’ve tried both the internal dvd burner for my computer as well as an external one. Both have failed.

    I’m at a loss why I can copy the Full Disk but not the main movie.

    Any thoughts?

    Try turning all your encoding to software only in "Common Settings"
    "Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." - Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790


      Hi Gregi.

      I tried that once and it didn't work. But I'll go and try it again.


        Originally posted by CER View Post
        Excerpt from log:
        171m 53.14s: Source: E:\Admin\Videos\DVDFab\FullDisc\PRINCE_OF_PERSIA\B DMV
        Please try pulling the source like this:
        171m 53.14s: Source: E:\Admin\Videos\DVDFab\FullDisc\PRINCE_OF_PERSIA

        Do not select just the BDMV folder, open the whole PRINCE_OF_PERSIA folder and then select the film and audio you want under Main Movie.

        It may not work, just a suggestion, let me know how it goes.
        "This is an 80's buddy comedy, Maltin gives it 2 and half stars and says about it: 'hurt by an awful music score.' "

        "Ohhh, Planes, Trains, and Automobiles"



          I tried it again with all settings at software and it still failed. In common settings I also unchecked “use full scan” and selected “fast speed / normal copy.”

          Previously I’ve tried all software settings with the full scan feature and “slow speed / high quality”, so it doesn’t seem to make any difference between those settings.

          I did not use lightning encoding in either attempt.

          I also selected the whole folder as suggested (I always have in the past anyway even though the log says I selected the BDMV folder).

          Here’s my process log:

          19:24:57: Analyzing started
          19:24:57: Analyzing completed successfully
          19:24:57: Copy process started
          19:24:57: Source( 00066.m2ts )
          19:25:28: Source( 00421.m2ts )
          19:25:32: Source( 00422.m2ts )
          19:25:35: Source( 00423.m2ts )…..
          ****cut to save space****
          …..19:37:56: Source( 00894.m2ts )
          19:38:00: Source( 00896.m2ts )
          19:38:03: Task_1 failed! Error=1000(504.00 0 error: process exception, filter(type128:id18), info = 503.00 13, )
          19:38:04: Process failed!

          Here’s my internal log:

          DVDFab (2011/01/08 19:18:28)

          0m 01.18s: option dvd2dvd 1 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 1 bd2mobile 1 bd23d 1 bd2dvd 1 file2mobile 1 filemover 1
          1m 12.85s: got bdmv
          1m 24.27s: got extended bdinfo
          6m 29.87s: Blu-ray Copy: Main Movie
          6m 29.87s: Source: E:\Admin\Videos\DVDFab\FullDisc\PRINCE_OF_PERSIA\B DMV\
          6m 29.87s: Playlist: 800
          6m 29.87s: Chapters: 1 -> 21
          6m 29.87s: SourceSize: 21146 MB
          6m 29.87s: RemoveHDAudio: 0
          6m 29.87s: OutputTarget: BD50
          6m 29.87s: compress begin: Blu-ray groups clips(00066.m2ts,00421.m2ts,00422.m2ts,00423.m2ts, 00424.m2ts,00425.m2ts,00426.m2ts,00427.m2ts,00428. m2ts,00429.m2ts,00430.m2ts,00431.m2ts,00432.m2ts,0 0433.m2ts,00434.m2ts,00435.m2ts,00436.m2ts,00437.m 2ts,00438.m2ts,00439.m2ts,00752.m2ts,00440.m2ts,00 441.m2ts,00442.m2ts,00443.m2ts,00444.m2ts,00445.m2 ts,00446.m2ts,00447.m2ts,00448.m2ts,00449.m2ts,004 50.m2ts,00451.m2ts,00452.m2ts,00453.m2ts,00454.m2t s,00455.m2ts,00456.m2ts,00457.m2ts,00458.m2ts,0078 8.m2ts,00459.m2ts,00460.m2ts,00461.m2ts,00462.m2ts ,00754.m2ts,00463.m2ts,00464.m2ts,00465.m2ts,00466 .m2ts,00467.m2ts,00468.m2ts,00469.m2ts,00470.m2ts, 00471.m2ts,00472.m2ts,00473.m2ts,00474.m2ts,00475. m2ts,00476.m2ts,00477.m2ts,00478.m2ts,00479.m2ts,0 0480.m2ts,00481.m2ts,00482.m2ts,00484.m2ts,00485.m 2ts,00810.m2ts,01026.m2ts,01027.m2ts,00816.m2ts,00 818.m2ts,00820.m2ts,00822.m2ts,00824.m2ts,00826.m2 ts,00828.m2ts,00830.m2ts,00832.m2ts,00834.m2ts,008 36.m2ts,00838.m2ts,00840.m2ts,00842.m2ts,00844.m2t s,00846.m2ts,00848.m2ts,00850.m|®ñ 0Ûx 6m 29.90s: processing source(00066.m2ts)
          7m 00.23s: processing source(00421.m2ts)
          7m 04.47s: processing source(00422.m2ts)
          7m 08.00s: processing source(00423.m2ts)….
          *****cut to save space*****
          …..19m 06.52s: processing source(00890.m2ts)
          19m 09.86s: processing source(00892.m2ts)
          19m 28.33s: processing source(00894.m2ts)
          19m 32.39s: processing source(00896.m2ts)
          19m 35.79s: error: process exception, filter(type128:id18), info = 503.00 13,
          19m 35.79s: blu-ray main movie 504.00 0 error: process exception, filter(type128:id18), info = 503.00 13,

          What I find odd is that the log says the source size is 21146MB, but the GUI screen for the Main Movie option says 18.530 GB as the source size. I don’t know if that has anything to do with the problem or not, but I thought I would point it out.

          (I can give you a screen shot if you want it).

