trying to do full copy mode for cinavia disc i tick the box to enable protected disc then click start then it comes up with do u want to change these settings for you out put 50gig and imburn of vso to burn it
press yes or no i press yes then go to hit star agian and same thing wont start if i press no it will but protect disc goes unticked and it does it normal disc still comes wit protection up help
Do you mean your burnt BD25 Full Disc backup can be played on PS3?
Altough our tests are successful, we'd like to hear the user feedback
Best Regards,
Damn, I thought it was working. I watched SALT burned to a 25gb for about a half hour and then skipped to the parts I knew had the Cinavia error3 msg and nothing. Then out of nowhere I got the msg toward the end of the movie
Maybe I'm missing something? Are there any settings I'm supposed to check in Fab? I got the Cinavia msg when I loaded SALT into the program and then the copy protected disc msg when before I was about to encode, so I figured it works by default.
Do I have to do that "trick" on the PS3 where you set to optical and multi-channel audio?
*EDIT* I did use clone mode to rip to HDD then mounted the .iso and encoded using full disc option to BDMV/Certificated folders, not .iso. Then burned using IMGburn. I'm not sure if that matters??
Last edited by vWvSTATICvWv; 01-22-2011, 05:44 PM.
AMD Phenom II X6 1055T 2.8 @ 3.3ghz stock cooling
ASUS M4A89GTD Pro/USB3 Sata 6gb/s ATI HD4290
G.Skill RipJaws 8gb(2x4) DDR3 PC10666
Antec 750W Continuous Power
Pioneer BDR205
WD 640gb HDD Internal
WD 2TB HDD External
CoolerMaster 690series
ViewSonic 22" LED 1080p Full HD
Windows7 64 Ultimate
*EDIT* I did use clone mode to rip to HDD then mounted the .iso and encoded using full disc option to BDMV/Certificated folders, not .iso. Then burned using IMGburn. I'm not sure if that matters??
Im pretty sure we cant use imgburn yet to burn theese protected discs.. we must use the internal burner in dvdfab..
Im going to try this disc tonight when im home and will post results.
Update: Sorry i dont own salt yet, will try with Resident Evil Afterlife which also has this protection.
Last edited by BenieUK; 01-22-2011, 06:31 PM.
Reason: Update
Ok so this time I'm doing a full disc to 25gb and burning with Fab. I'll report back.
I have a question...If I decide to do lets say RE3 w/cinavia, can I use clone to my HDD then mount the .iso and do the encode at a later date and still be able to disable cinavia?? Or must it be full disc? I guess my question is, is the cinavia being disabled during the analyzing/ripping process or during the encode? Thanks
Last edited by vWvSTATICvWv; 01-22-2011, 08:37 PM.
AMD Phenom II X6 1055T 2.8 @ 3.3ghz stock cooling
ASUS M4A89GTD Pro/USB3 Sata 6gb/s ATI HD4290
G.Skill RipJaws 8gb(2x4) DDR3 PC10666
Antec 750W Continuous Power
Pioneer BDR205
WD 640gb HDD Internal
WD 2TB HDD External
CoolerMaster 690series
ViewSonic 22" LED 1080p Full HD
Windows7 64 Ultimate
Just watched SALT, region 1, main movie, copy burned with imgburn on PS3 with latest firmware update. Main movie took about an hour and a half to copy with dvdfab bluray copy to a 25 gig LTH disk. Movie played without any problems at all. I am attempting a full sisk now to a 25 gig BDRE Verbatim. Looks like abot 9 hours with lightning recode. Will post results when known.
Last edited by Snowbird; 01-22-2011, 08:45 PM.
Reason: added region 1