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    Hi all,
    am having a losing battle trying to back up my copy of Apocalypto using version 8073.The disc plays perfectly in my computers and 2 standalones ,but when I open it with fab it scans to 5% then a horrible scratching noise starts ( reminiscent of a hi fi player needle stuck in a run out groove of an LP record), so loud you cannot hear the soundtrack.
    Pathplayer is enabled when needed, the only change to settings I've made is to the disc size from 50 to 25. Using Verbatim BDR 4X blanks. Cant post a log as I cancell the process as soon as the noise occurs. Any help is greatfully accepted.

    Open Fab Click the Green top right > Protection > Path Player click Always Enable Path Player click OK restart Fab and try again, you may even try it with Path Player disabled, just remember to set it back to Always Enabled and not Enable when necessary.

    Even if it's a little thing, do something for those who have need of help, something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.

    Setting Up ImgBurn and DVDFab to work together

    Tips for Posting DVDFab Logs in the Forum


      Thanks for the suggestion,but it's still the same, must be a bad disc?


        I had this happen on a Plextor drive and a DVD disc (not bluray) then I tried the disc in another drive and it opened with no problem. The Plextor sounded like a garbage disposal crunching and grinding away but only during the read process but not during a burn.
        Try another drive if possible and/or disc. If same results I would see if the drive is still under warranty and rma if possible.


          Finally managed to back it up .The problem seems to have been that the prog
          had automatically selected the wrong audio track.It had selected the directors commentary instead of the usual audio track.Will always check this in future

