OK, have been using DVD FAB for some months now, and despite a few initial problems caused by my ignorance, I have found it absoluely perfect, no problems at all and easy to use for what I need. Since moving on to Verbatim 16 x DVD-r disks as recommended by helpful people, I am now considering purchasing a Blue Ray writer and moving into that territory! So, once again, pleading ignorance and asking for some basic advice! two things to start with, a/ recommendation of best external burner to buy (in the UK) b/ best disks to use.
What I would ideally like to do is as simple as I now do with standard DVD, i.e. put the disk in, start the program and select main movie only, burn using Image burn, (never failed me to date) and get a good copy out the other end.
If this is too simplistic, any advice appreciated! Thanks in advance.
What I would ideally like to do is as simple as I now do with standard DVD, i.e. put the disk in, start the program and select main movie only, burn using Image burn, (never failed me to date) and get a good copy out the other end.
If this is too simplistic, any advice appreciated! Thanks in advance.
