Cannot back up Green Hornet and Social Network, main movie, 25gb bd-r, 4X, LG bh10ls30 When played on sonny standalone, I just get black screen. 

DVDFab (2011/05/10 18:09:54)
0m 00.98s: option dvd2dvd 1 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 1 bd2mobile 1 bd23d 1 bd2dvd 1 file2mobile 1 filemover 1
0m 00.98s: 2
0m 00.98s: C:\PROGRA~2\DVDFAB~1\QLanguage\DVDFabQt_.qm 0m 00.98s:
0m 00.98s: Qt Translator file load failed, the *.qm path is C:\PROGRA~2\DVDFAB~1\QLanguage\DVDFabQt_.qm
1m 37.08s: detected blu-ray
1m 37.09s: drive E
1m 37.09s: blu-ray type 1
1m 37.09s: volume label GREEN_HORNET
1m 53.07s: aacs 1 bd+ 0
1m 54.94s: got discinfo
1m 55.28s: got bdmv
1m 55.36s: got agid 0
1m 55.69s: sent host cert chal
1m 55.87s: got drive cert chal
1m 55.87s: BEC 0
1m 55.89s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0074
1m 56.29s: got drive key
1m 56.82s: got host key signature
1m 56.82s: verified drive signature
1m 56.82s: verified host signature
1m 57.34s: sent host signature and key point
1m 57.34s: got bus key
1m 57.40s: got volume id
1m 57.40s: got volume id mac
1m 57.40s: volume id is correct
1m 57.40s: got vid
1m 57.48s: blu-ray 0B9681A399C79DF9D9D08C293F3327B57256BCD2
1m 58.46s: D 66E6F18E
1m 58.48s: detected cinavia
1m 58.48s: got vuk
1m 58.93s: got unit key 4
3m 48.97s: got extended bdinfo
3m 48.97s: opened blu-ray
4m 27.55s: detected blu-ray
4m 27.55s: drive F
4m 27.57s: blu-ray type 0
4m 27.57s: volume label
12m 28.66s: Blu-ray Copy: Main Movie
12m 28.66s: Source: E:\BDMV\
12m 28.66s: Playlist: 1
12m 28.66s: Chapters: 1 -> 16
12m 28.66s: TotalSize: 27641 MB
12m 28.66s: SourceSize: 21071 MB
12m 28.66s: RemoveHDAudio: 1
12m 28.68s: OutputDisc: BDMV-REC
12m 28.68s: OutputTarget: BD25
12m 28.68s: OutputVideo: 1080p/i
12m 28.68s: compress begin: Blu-ray groups clips(00011.m2ts), playtime(7133126 ms), size(27641 MB)
12m 28.69s: processing source(00011.m2ts)
56m 51.35s: detected blu-ray
56m 51.36s: drive F
56m 51.36s: blu-ray type 0
56m 51.36s: volume label
56m 55.08s: detected blu-ray
56m 55.08s: iso C:\Users\BRIAN\AppData\Local\Temp\34e4b4\min.iso
56m 55.08s: blu-ray type 2
56m 55.08s: volume label BD_VOLUME
56m 55.08s: Writer drive: F
56m 55.09s: Vendor: HL-DT-ST
56m 55.09s: Product: BD-RE BH10LS30
56m 55.09s: Revision: 1.00
56m 55.09s: Vendor specific:
56m 55.09s: AACS version: 1
56m 55.09s: Number of concurrent AGIDs: 1
56m 55.09s: Supports bus encryption: NO
56m 55.09s: Supports binding nonce generation: YES
56m 55.11s: got agid 0
56m 55.12s: sent host cert chal
56m 55.14s: got drive cert chal
56m 55.14s: BEC 0
56m 55.14s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0116
56m 55.17s: got drive key
56m 55.17s: got host key signature
56m 55.19s: verified drive signature
56m 55.19s: verified host signature
56m 55.22s: sent host signature and key point
56m 55.22s: got bus key
56m 55.23s: Disc is BD-R, man=0x012
56m 55.23s: got agid 0
56m 55.26s: sent host cert chal
56m 55.26s: got drive cert chal
56m 55.26s: BEC 0
56m 55.26s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0116
56m 55.31s: got drive key
56m 55.31s: got host key signature
56m 55.31s: verified drive signature
56m 55.31s: verified host signature
56m 55.34s: sent host signature and key point
56m 55.34s: got bus key
56m 59.19s: BN 1439
56m 59.19s: got agid 0
56m 59.21s: sent host cert chal
56m 59.23s: got drive cert chal
56m 59.23s: BEC 0
56m 59.23s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0116
56m 59.26s: got drive key
56m 59.26s: got host key signature
56m 59.26s: verified drive signature
56m 59.27s: verified host signature
56m 59.30s: sent host signature and key point
56m 59.30s: got bus key
56m 59.30s: BN 9C396801535D42B84B67504A821203DC
56m 59.37s: blu-ray 0B9681A399C79DF9D9D08C293F3327B57256BCD2
56m 59.55s: D 01AE5802
86m 18.32s: detected blu-ray
86m 18.34s: drive E
86m 18.34s: blu-ray type 1
86m 18.34s: volume label THE_SOCIAL_NETWORK
86m 21.37s: aacs 1 bd+ 0
86m 22.97s: got discinfo
86m 23.07s: got bdmv
86m 23.13s: got agid 0
86m 23.41s: sent host cert chal
86m 23.72s: got drive cert chal
86m 23.72s: BEC 0
86m 23.72s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0074
86m 24.47s: got drive key
86m 24.49s: got host key signature
86m 24.49s: verified drive signature
86m 24.49s: verified host signature
86m 25.22s: sent host signature and key point
86m 25.23s: got bus key
86m 25.28s: got volume id
86m 25.28s: got volume id mac
86m 25.28s: volume id is correct
86m 25.30s: got vid
86m 25.36s: blu-ray 48FCB60B2F91980B24ACD88FD175785394F084AA
86m 26.26s: D 9DE1F066
86m 26.28s: detected cinavia
86m 26.28s: got vuk
86m 26.78s: got unit key 4
86m 40.84s: got extended bdinfo
86m 40.84s: opened blu-ray
88m 47.63s: detected blu-ray
88m 47.70s: drive F
88m 47.71s: blu-ray type 0
88m 47.74s: volume label
101m 18.47s: Blu-ray Copy: Main Movie
101m 18.48s: Source: E:\BDMV\
101m 18.48s: Playlist: 1
101m 18.48s: Chapters: 1 -> 16
101m 18.48s: TotalSize: 29217 MB
101m 18.48s: SourceSize: 24824 MB
101m 18.48s: RemoveHDAudio: 1
101m 18.48s: OutputDisc: BDMV-REC
101m 18.48s: OutputTarget: BD25
101m 18.48s: OutputVideo: 1080p/i
101m 18.48s: Video reencode bitrate (24567 kbps)
101m 18.50s: compress begin: Blu-ray groups clips(00011.m2ts), playtime(7227220 ms), size(29217 MB)
101m 18.50s: processing source(00011.m2ts)
101m 18.50s: info: using software decoder(h264 multi-thread)
101m 19.54s: CUDA GPU acceleration for video encoding enabled
101m 19.54s: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(24567)
152m 52.18s: group(00011.m2ts ) playtime(7227220 ms) source(27872 MB) request(23627 MB) real(23658 MB) bitrate(24567 kbps)
152m 52.21s: compress finished: groups request(23627 MB, 23627 MB) real(23658 MB) average_bitrate(24567 kbps)
157m 22.27s: detected blu-ray
157m 22.41s: drive F
157m 22.41s: blu-ray type 0
157m 22.42s: volume label
157m 32.61s: detected blu-ray
157m 32.61s: iso C:\Users\BRIAN\AppData\Local\Temp\90ebf6\min.iso
157m 32.61s: blu-ray type 2
157m 32.61s: volume label BD_VOLUME
157m 32.61s: Writer drive: F
157m 32.63s: Vendor: HL-DT-ST
157m 32.63s: Product: BD-RE BH10LS30
157m 32.63s: Revision: 1.00
157m 32.63s: Vendor specific:
157m 32.63s: AACS version: 1
157m 32.63s: Number of concurrent AGIDs: 1
157m 32.63s: Supports bus encryption: NO
157m 32.63s: Supports binding nonce generation: YES
157m 32.63s: got agid 0
157m 32.64s: sent host cert chal
157m 32.64s: got drive cert chal
157m 32.64s: BEC 0
157m 32.64s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0116
157m 32.67s: got drive key
157m 32.69s: got host key signature
157m 32.69s: verified drive signature
157m 32.69s: verified host signature
157m 32.72s: sent host signature and key point
157m 32.72s: got bus key
157m 32.72s: Disc is BD-R, man=0x012
157m 32.74s: got agid 0
157m 32.75s: sent host cert chal
157m 32.75s: got drive cert chal
157m 32.75s: BEC 0
157m 32.75s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0116
157m 32.78s: got drive key
157m 32.78s: got host key signature
157m 32.78s: verified drive signature
157m 32.78s: verified host signature
157m 32.81s: sent host signature and key point
157m 32.83s: got bus key
157m 34.62s: BN 1419
157m 34.64s: got agid 0
157m 34.65s: sent host cert chal
157m 34.67s: got drive cert chal
157m 34.67s: BEC 0
157m 34.67s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0116
157m 34.70s: got drive key
157m 34.70s: got host key signature
157m 34.70s: verified drive signature
157m 34.72s: verified host signature
157m 34.75s: sent host signature and key point
157m 34.75s: got bus key
157m 34.75s: BN EF3AE0A960222B769DD26A03C705F879
157m 34.87s: blu-ray 48FCB60B2F91980B24ACD88FD175785394F084AA
157m 35.04s: D 331751F0

DVDFab (2011/05/10 18:09:54)
0m 00.98s: option dvd2dvd 1 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 1 bd2mobile 1 bd23d 1 bd2dvd 1 file2mobile 1 filemover 1
0m 00.98s: 2
0m 00.98s: C:\PROGRA~2\DVDFAB~1\QLanguage\DVDFabQt_.qm 0m 00.98s:
0m 00.98s: Qt Translator file load failed, the *.qm path is C:\PROGRA~2\DVDFAB~1\QLanguage\DVDFabQt_.qm
1m 37.08s: detected blu-ray
1m 37.09s: drive E
1m 37.09s: blu-ray type 1
1m 37.09s: volume label GREEN_HORNET
1m 53.07s: aacs 1 bd+ 0
1m 54.94s: got discinfo
1m 55.28s: got bdmv
1m 55.36s: got agid 0
1m 55.69s: sent host cert chal
1m 55.87s: got drive cert chal
1m 55.87s: BEC 0
1m 55.89s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0074
1m 56.29s: got drive key
1m 56.82s: got host key signature
1m 56.82s: verified drive signature
1m 56.82s: verified host signature
1m 57.34s: sent host signature and key point
1m 57.34s: got bus key
1m 57.40s: got volume id
1m 57.40s: got volume id mac
1m 57.40s: volume id is correct
1m 57.40s: got vid
1m 57.48s: blu-ray 0B9681A399C79DF9D9D08C293F3327B57256BCD2
1m 58.46s: D 66E6F18E
1m 58.48s: detected cinavia
1m 58.48s: got vuk
1m 58.93s: got unit key 4
3m 48.97s: got extended bdinfo
3m 48.97s: opened blu-ray
4m 27.55s: detected blu-ray
4m 27.55s: drive F
4m 27.57s: blu-ray type 0
4m 27.57s: volume label
12m 28.66s: Blu-ray Copy: Main Movie
12m 28.66s: Source: E:\BDMV\
12m 28.66s: Playlist: 1
12m 28.66s: Chapters: 1 -> 16
12m 28.66s: TotalSize: 27641 MB
12m 28.66s: SourceSize: 21071 MB
12m 28.66s: RemoveHDAudio: 1
12m 28.68s: OutputDisc: BDMV-REC
12m 28.68s: OutputTarget: BD25
12m 28.68s: OutputVideo: 1080p/i
12m 28.68s: compress begin: Blu-ray groups clips(00011.m2ts), playtime(7133126 ms), size(27641 MB)
12m 28.69s: processing source(00011.m2ts)
56m 51.35s: detected blu-ray
56m 51.36s: drive F
56m 51.36s: blu-ray type 0
56m 51.36s: volume label
56m 55.08s: detected blu-ray
56m 55.08s: iso C:\Users\BRIAN\AppData\Local\Temp\34e4b4\min.iso
56m 55.08s: blu-ray type 2
56m 55.08s: volume label BD_VOLUME
56m 55.08s: Writer drive: F
56m 55.09s: Vendor: HL-DT-ST
56m 55.09s: Product: BD-RE BH10LS30
56m 55.09s: Revision: 1.00
56m 55.09s: Vendor specific:
56m 55.09s: AACS version: 1
56m 55.09s: Number of concurrent AGIDs: 1
56m 55.09s: Supports bus encryption: NO
56m 55.09s: Supports binding nonce generation: YES
56m 55.11s: got agid 0
56m 55.12s: sent host cert chal
56m 55.14s: got drive cert chal
56m 55.14s: BEC 0
56m 55.14s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0116
56m 55.17s: got drive key
56m 55.17s: got host key signature
56m 55.19s: verified drive signature
56m 55.19s: verified host signature
56m 55.22s: sent host signature and key point
56m 55.22s: got bus key
56m 55.23s: Disc is BD-R, man=0x012
56m 55.23s: got agid 0
56m 55.26s: sent host cert chal
56m 55.26s: got drive cert chal
56m 55.26s: BEC 0
56m 55.26s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0116
56m 55.31s: got drive key
56m 55.31s: got host key signature
56m 55.31s: verified drive signature
56m 55.31s: verified host signature
56m 55.34s: sent host signature and key point
56m 55.34s: got bus key
56m 59.19s: BN 1439
56m 59.19s: got agid 0
56m 59.21s: sent host cert chal
56m 59.23s: got drive cert chal
56m 59.23s: BEC 0
56m 59.23s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0116
56m 59.26s: got drive key
56m 59.26s: got host key signature
56m 59.26s: verified drive signature
56m 59.27s: verified host signature
56m 59.30s: sent host signature and key point
56m 59.30s: got bus key
56m 59.30s: BN 9C396801535D42B84B67504A821203DC
56m 59.37s: blu-ray 0B9681A399C79DF9D9D08C293F3327B57256BCD2
56m 59.55s: D 01AE5802
86m 18.32s: detected blu-ray
86m 18.34s: drive E
86m 18.34s: blu-ray type 1
86m 18.34s: volume label THE_SOCIAL_NETWORK
86m 21.37s: aacs 1 bd+ 0
86m 22.97s: got discinfo
86m 23.07s: got bdmv
86m 23.13s: got agid 0
86m 23.41s: sent host cert chal
86m 23.72s: got drive cert chal
86m 23.72s: BEC 0
86m 23.72s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0074
86m 24.47s: got drive key
86m 24.49s: got host key signature
86m 24.49s: verified drive signature
86m 24.49s: verified host signature
86m 25.22s: sent host signature and key point
86m 25.23s: got bus key
86m 25.28s: got volume id
86m 25.28s: got volume id mac
86m 25.28s: volume id is correct
86m 25.30s: got vid
86m 25.36s: blu-ray 48FCB60B2F91980B24ACD88FD175785394F084AA
86m 26.26s: D 9DE1F066
86m 26.28s: detected cinavia
86m 26.28s: got vuk
86m 26.78s: got unit key 4
86m 40.84s: got extended bdinfo
86m 40.84s: opened blu-ray
88m 47.63s: detected blu-ray
88m 47.70s: drive F
88m 47.71s: blu-ray type 0
88m 47.74s: volume label
101m 18.47s: Blu-ray Copy: Main Movie
101m 18.48s: Source: E:\BDMV\
101m 18.48s: Playlist: 1
101m 18.48s: Chapters: 1 -> 16
101m 18.48s: TotalSize: 29217 MB
101m 18.48s: SourceSize: 24824 MB
101m 18.48s: RemoveHDAudio: 1
101m 18.48s: OutputDisc: BDMV-REC
101m 18.48s: OutputTarget: BD25
101m 18.48s: OutputVideo: 1080p/i
101m 18.48s: Video reencode bitrate (24567 kbps)
101m 18.50s: compress begin: Blu-ray groups clips(00011.m2ts), playtime(7227220 ms), size(29217 MB)
101m 18.50s: processing source(00011.m2ts)
101m 18.50s: info: using software decoder(h264 multi-thread)
101m 19.54s: CUDA GPU acceleration for video encoding enabled
101m 19.54s: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(24567)
152m 52.18s: group(00011.m2ts ) playtime(7227220 ms) source(27872 MB) request(23627 MB) real(23658 MB) bitrate(24567 kbps)
152m 52.21s: compress finished: groups request(23627 MB, 23627 MB) real(23658 MB) average_bitrate(24567 kbps)
157m 22.27s: detected blu-ray
157m 22.41s: drive F
157m 22.41s: blu-ray type 0
157m 22.42s: volume label
157m 32.61s: detected blu-ray
157m 32.61s: iso C:\Users\BRIAN\AppData\Local\Temp\90ebf6\min.iso
157m 32.61s: blu-ray type 2
157m 32.61s: volume label BD_VOLUME
157m 32.61s: Writer drive: F
157m 32.63s: Vendor: HL-DT-ST
157m 32.63s: Product: BD-RE BH10LS30
157m 32.63s: Revision: 1.00
157m 32.63s: Vendor specific:
157m 32.63s: AACS version: 1
157m 32.63s: Number of concurrent AGIDs: 1
157m 32.63s: Supports bus encryption: NO
157m 32.63s: Supports binding nonce generation: YES
157m 32.63s: got agid 0
157m 32.64s: sent host cert chal
157m 32.64s: got drive cert chal
157m 32.64s: BEC 0
157m 32.64s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0116
157m 32.67s: got drive key
157m 32.69s: got host key signature
157m 32.69s: verified drive signature
157m 32.69s: verified host signature
157m 32.72s: sent host signature and key point
157m 32.72s: got bus key
157m 32.72s: Disc is BD-R, man=0x012
157m 32.74s: got agid 0
157m 32.75s: sent host cert chal
157m 32.75s: got drive cert chal
157m 32.75s: BEC 0
157m 32.75s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0116
157m 32.78s: got drive key
157m 32.78s: got host key signature
157m 32.78s: verified drive signature
157m 32.78s: verified host signature
157m 32.81s: sent host signature and key point
157m 32.83s: got bus key
157m 34.62s: BN 1419
157m 34.64s: got agid 0
157m 34.65s: sent host cert chal
157m 34.67s: got drive cert chal
157m 34.67s: BEC 0
157m 34.67s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0116
157m 34.70s: got drive key
157m 34.70s: got host key signature
157m 34.70s: verified drive signature
157m 34.72s: verified host signature
157m 34.75s: sent host signature and key point
157m 34.75s: got bus key
157m 34.75s: BN EF3AE0A960222B769DD26A03C705F879
157m 34.87s: blu-ray 48FCB60B2F91980B24ACD88FD175785394F084AA
157m 35.04s: D 331751F0