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Conan 3d?

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    Conan 3d?

    I can't seem to make a back up of Conan in 3d. FAB will do like 2 percent then time out. has anybody had any success?

    Dear mattrixmaxximus,

    Would you please post your log here for us to check.

    Best regards,
    Yours Knighter
    UniFab forum has been migrated and the new forum is located at:


      DVDFab (2011/12/08 21:14:52)

      0m 00.67s: Qt Translator file load success
      0m 01.46s: option dvd2dvd 0 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 1 bd2mobile 0 bd23d 1 bd2dvd 0 file2mobile 1 filemover 0
      1m 23.96s: detected blu-ray
      1m 23.96s: drive D
      1m 23.98s: blu-ray type 1
      1m 23.98s: volume label CONAN
      1m 26.48s: aacs 1 bd+ 0
      1m 26.95s: got discinfo
      1m 27.04s: got bdmv
      1m 27.06s: Vendor: ATAPI
      1m 27.06s: Product: iHBS112 2
      1m 27.06s: Revision: PL01
      1m 27.06s: Vendor specific: 2011/05/13 14:43
      1m 27.06s: AACS version: 1
      1m 27.06s: Number of concurrent AGIDs: 2
      1m 27.06s: Supports bus encryption: YES
      1m 27.06s: Supports binding nonce generation: NO
      1m 27.06s: Supports Hybrid discs: NO
      1m 27.06s: got agid 0
      1m 27.12s: sent host cert chal
      1m 27.12s: got drive cert chal
      1m 27.14s: BEC 1
      1m 27.14s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0080
      1m 27.20s: got drive key
      1m 27.32s: got host key signature
      1m 27.32s: verified drive signature
      1m 27.32s: verified host signature
      1m 27.40s: sent host signature and key point
      1m 27.40s: got bus key
      1m 27.43s: got agid 0
      1m 27.50s: sent host cert chal
      1m 27.50s: got drive cert chal
      1m 27.50s: BEC 1
      1m 27.50s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0080
      1m 27.57s: got drive key
      1m 27.57s: got host key signature
      1m 27.57s: verified drive signature
      1m 27.57s: verified host signature
      1m 27.65s: sent host signature and key point
      1m 27.67s: got bus key
      1m 29.79s: got volume id
      1m 29.79s: got volume id mac
      1m 29.79s: volume id is correct
      1m 29.79s: got vid
      1m 29.96s: blu-ray 4124AE9C197D95804FE014EE8AF8E01846F06CB8
      1m 30.53s: cert BEE=0x00 same
      1m 30.62s: D D2B54782
      1m 30.64s: got vuk
      1m 30.64s: got agid 0
      1m 30.70s: sent host cert chal
      1m 30.70s: got drive cert chal
      1m 30.70s: BEC 1
      1m 30.70s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0080
      1m 30.78s: got drive key
      1m 30.79s: got host key signature
      1m 30.79s: verified drive signature
      1m 30.79s: verified host signature
      1m 30.87s: sent host signature and key point
      1m 30.87s: got bus key
      1m 30.87s: got data key
      1m 31.17s: got unit key 1
      1m 38.29s: got extended bdinfo
      1m 38.29s: opened blu-ray
      6m 59.01s: Blu-ray Copy: Main Movie
      6m 59.01s: Source: D:\BDMV\
      6m 59.01s: Playlist: 2
      6m 59.01s: Chapters: 1 -> 22
      6m 59.01s: TotalSize: 23336 MB
      6m 59.01s: SourceSize: 30926 MB
      6m 59.01s: RemoveHDAudio: 1
      6m 59.01s: CompressToAC3: 0
      6m 59.01s: OutputDisc: BDMV
      6m 59.01s: OutputTarget: BD25
      6m 59.01s: OutputVideo: 1080p/i
      6m 59.01s: info: enable bd copy(mode=1)
      6m 59.03s: info: video encode mode(0), bitrate(15388), lr-encode(no)
      6m 59.03s: info: streams(4113.2,4352.4,4353.1,4354.1,4608.1,4609.1)
      6m 59.03s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[00002.ssif]]])
      7m 00.12s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(15388)
      7m 04.14s: info: processing source(00002.ssif)


        Hope this is the right way to attach dvdfab_internal.log

