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SBS reversed problems

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    SBS reversed problems

    ok so i have copied quite a few 3d movies. I have noticed that Tangled, Despicable Me and Alice In Wonderland all have the 3D effect reversed, so to watch them correctly i have to wear my glasses upside down, because my
    3DTV unfortunately does not have the option to switch it. I know that Rio had this problem and was supposedly fixed with an update. Will there be an update to fix these other movies? i am using build

    Also on another note, i have a few movies that are one disc only, with the 2D and the 3D version on the same disc. (Piranha, my bloody valentine, cloudy with a chance of meatballs.) I cannot get them to work in 3D, i set the settings to convert 2D to SBS 3D, but it just copies the disc straight over with the menus and it's in 2D, no 3D at all, even when i select 3D, is there a way around that or am i doing something wrong? i have tried to do main movie and it quits reading half way through the process.

    Do not support converting the menu to 3D. You can check the resouce's menu, it's in 2D too. Thanks.

