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failed to open Chronicle

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    failed to open Chronicle

    I tried both with version and but with no luck.

    Here is the log from version
    DVDFab (2012/12/24 19:25:33)

    0m 00.39s: GPUAccelerate: 12351
    0m 00.40s: CUDA cap: 1
    0m 00.41s: Support coreavc decode: 0
    0m 00.41s: Graphics info: NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M : 3.20 : 2.1
    0m 00.42s: Qt Translator file load success
    0m 00.58s: Start get sys number.
    0m 00.58s: Serial number is: f0-bf-97-63-32-3d
    0m 00.58s: Reg URL link is:
    0m 00.58s: Version is: 9016
    0m 00.58s: Product is: 2
    0m 00.59s: Connect type is: 0
    0m 02.29s: Times of connecting error is: 0
    0m 02.30s: Parse string is: 2:1389052290
    0m 02.33s: Parse string is: 20:1392834069
    0m 02.35s: Parse string is: 21:1392834069
    0m 02.36s: Parse string is: 22:1392834069
    0m 02.36s: Parse string is: 60:1392834069
    0m 02.36s: Parse string is: OV:9017
    0m 02.36s: Parse string is: BV:
    0m 02.36s: Parse string is: S:f454474adec191d1e1af1ca17101325e
    0m 02.60s: End check info.
    0m 02.61s: Load config successful.
    0m 03.01s: Init profile data driver sucessful.
    0m 03.12s: Init GPU settings sucessful.
    0m 03.12s: option dvd2dvd 1 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 1 bd2mobile 1 bd23d 1 bd2dvd 1 file2dvd 1 file2bluray 1 file2mobile 1 filemover 1
    0m 03.12s: dvd2dvd:dvd2mobile:blu-ray2blu-ray:blu-ray2mobile:blu-ray23d:blu-ray2dvd:file2mobile:file2dvd:file2bluray:
    0m 12.13s: Init burn engine successful.
    0m 12.28s: opening drive E
    0m 12.29s: opened i/o
    0m 12.30s: got media type 15
    0m 12.74s: got max lba 22532671
    0m 14.05s: got disc type 20
    0m 14.06s: type Blu-ray BDMV
    0m 14.08s: volume label CHRONICLES_OF_NARNIA
    0m 16.29s: aacs 1 bd+ 1
    0m 23.42s: Java protection is removed by StealthyClone anti-protection.
    0m 23.63s: got discinfo
    0m 24.27s: got bdmv
    0m 24.30s: Vendor: PIONEER
    0m 24.31s: Product: BD-RW BDR-TD03
    0m 24.33s: Revision: 1.20
    0m 24.34s: Vendor specific: 11/02/09 PIONEER
    0m 24.35s: AACS version: 1
    0m 24.35s: Number of concurrent AGIDs: 1
    0m 24.35s: Supports bus encryption: YES
    0m 24.36s: Supports binding nonce generation: YES
    0m 24.36s: Supports Hybrid discs: NO
    0m 24.37s: got agid 0
    0m 24.44s: sent host cert chal
    0m 24.46s: got drive cert chal
    0m 24.46s: BEC 1
    0m 24.46s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0067
    0m 24.50s: got drive key
    0m 24.51s: got host key signature
    0m 24.51s: verified drive signature
    0m 24.52s: verified host signature
    0m 24.56s: sent host signature and key point
    0m 24.57s: got bus key
    0m 24.60s: got agid 0
    0m 24.67s: sent host cert chal
    0m 24.68s: got drive cert chal
    0m 24.68s: BEC 1
    0m 24.69s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0067
    0m 24.73s: got drive key
    0m 24.74s: got host key signature
    0m 24.74s: verified drive signature
    0m 24.74s: verified host signature
    0m 24.80s: sent host signature and key point
    0m 24.80s: got bus key
    0m 25.19s: got volume id
    0m 25.20s: got volume id mac
    0m 25.20s: volume id is correct
    0m 25.20s: got vid
    0m 25.38s: blu-ray 0F4917FE2702391C29A1B4F771BD02C8D5F9D846
    0m 25.93s: cert BEE=0x80 same
    0m 27.92s: D A4BDD13C
    0m 33.67s: bt R:8
    0m 33.69s: failed to open 0

    same issue

    Hi too am havig the same troubles with both and for CHRONICLES_OF_NARNIA for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.
    I haven't had any troubles with Prince Caspian or the Witch/Lion/Wardrobe.


      Please try use the latest version.


        Same issue with

        No luck with the newer version

        Here is my log

        DVDFab (2013/01/05 07:41:05)

        0m 01.33s: GPUAccelerate: 28735
        0m 01.33s: CUDA cap: 1
        0m 01.33s: Support coreavc decode: 1
        0m 01.33s: Graphics info: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 : 5.0 : 3.0
        0m 01.33s: Qt Translator file load success
        0m 01.36s: Load config successful.
        0m 01.43s: Init profile data driver sucessful.
        0m 02.98s: Init GPU settings sucessful.
        0m 02.98s: option dvd2dvd 1 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 1 bd2mobile 1 bd23d 1 bd2dvd 1 file2dvd 1 file2bluray 1 file2mobile 1 filemover 1
        0m 02.98s: dvd2dvd:dvd2mobile:blu-ray2blu-ray:blu-ray2mobile:blu-ray23d:blu-ray2dvd:file2mobile:file2dvd:file2bluray:
        0m 03.16s: Config ExBar successful.
        0m 03.16s: dvd2dvd have 8 elements.
        0m 03.26s: dvd2mobile have 31 elements.
        0m 03.86s: blu-ray2blu-ray have 4 elements.
        0m 03.88s: blu-ray2mobile have 20 elements.
        0m 04.26s: blu-ray23d have 7 elements.
        0m 04.38s: blu-ray2dvd have 1 elements.
        0m 04.40s: file2mobile have 30 elements.
        0m 04.99s: file2dvd have 1 elements.
        0m 05.00s: file2bluray have 1 elements.
        0m 05.23s: Config work ui controls successful.
        0m 05.43s: Init burn engine successful.
        0m 05.55s: StartNotify successful.
        0m 38.06s: opening drive E
        0m 38.07s: opened i/o
        0m 38.09s: got media type 15
        0m 38.48s: got max lba 22812511
        0m 39.99s: got disc type 20
        0m 39.99s: type Blu-ray BDMV
        0m 39.99s: volume label CHRONICLES_OF_NARNIA
        0m 40.13s: internal path E:/BDMV/
        0m 42.20s: aacs 1 bd+ 1
        1m 00.34s: Java protection is removed by StealthyClone anti-protection.
        1m 00.48s: got discinfo
        1m 00.74s: got bdmv
        1m 00.76s: Vendor: PIONEER
        1m 00.76s: Product: BD-RW BDR-207D
        1m 00.76s: Revision: 1.10
        1m 00.76s: Vendor specific: 11/11/18 PIONEER
        1m 00.77s: AACS version: 1
        1m 00.77s: Number of concurrent AGIDs: 1
        1m 00.77s: Supports bus encryption: YES
        1m 00.77s: Supports binding nonce generation: YES
        1m 00.77s: Supports Hybrid discs: NO
        1m 00.78s: got agid 0
        1m 00.86s: sent host cert chal
        1m 00.87s: got drive cert chal
        1m 00.87s: BEC 1
        1m 00.87s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0067
        1m 00.92s: got drive key
        1m 01.36s: got host key signature
        1m 01.36s: verified drive signature
        1m 01.36s: verified host signature
        1m 01.41s: sent host signature and key point
        1m 01.41s: got bus key
        1m 01.45s: got agid 0
        1m 01.52s: sent host cert chal
        1m 01.53s: got drive cert chal
        1m 01.53s: BEC 1
        1m 01.53s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0067
        1m 01.58s: got drive key
        1m 01.58s: got host key signature
        1m 01.58s: verified drive signature
        1m 01.58s: verified host signature
        1m 01.64s: sent host signature and key point
        1m 01.64s: got bus key
        1m 01.64s: got volume id
        1m 01.64s: got volume id mac
        1m 01.64s: volume id is correct
        1m 01.64s: got vid
        1m 01.76s: blu-ray B580DC962A4D5F045271C8891193977409000C4B
        1m 02.24s: cert BEE=0x80 same
        1m 04.61s: D DCAFD70B
        1m 10.73s: bt R:8
        1m 10.73s: failed to open 0


          The BD+ on Chronicle is already supported.

          If possible, please try another drive to see the result, also please make sure the disc is clean.
          DVDFab is the all-in-one software package for copying Blu-ray/DVD and converting video file.


            Clandinshadows85:Your blu rays firmware is way out of date your using 1.10 firmware that came with your drive their are 3 updates with the latest version 1.30 dated oct 2012 update to latest version here then try again also check for windows updates and drivers.
            Last edited by glenns; 01-25-2013, 09:35 AM.


              Rona0628:Your bdr207d blu ray drives firmware is out of date theirs newer versions check out this page for firmware and drivers be careful to download the correct versions.
              I didn't see any new firmware on pioneers web sight for your drive so i searched some more and found the above page so download with this in mind.You can always confirm with Pioneer by email or phone to be safe.I also found others having trouble with this drive so you may want to search the web for answers also.Your using version 1.20 firmware now says your posted log file.
              Last edited by glenns; 01-25-2013, 09:55 AM.


                Clandinshadows85 & rona0628:
                (Drivers for free);9 a free auto driver updater can be downloaded free from this will check all your computers drivers for outdated drivers and then lists the outdated drivers and lets you download the new drivers.When you install it theirs some choices of other software so uncheck the other junk software toolbars etc
                Last edited by glenns; 01-25-2013, 10:27 AM.


                  Also download the latest beta it just came out with a lot of fixes in it.


                    Same Issue

                    Another US user with Dawn Treader issue.
                    I can play the disk in the drive but DVD Fab can't read it.
                    Can't find any firmware updates for my drive but I haven't had any issues until I ran into this disk.


                    DVDFab (2013/04/23 20:52:31)

                    0m 00.31s: Start preload dll...
                    0m 00.35s: Load dll successful.
                    0m 00.35s: Start load fabplay dll...
                    0m 00.43s: Load fabplay dll successful.
                    0m 00.43s: Windows os type is: 13.
                    0m 00.43s: Transfer settings successful.
                    0m 00.93s: GPUAccelerate: 12351
                    0m 00.95s: CUDA cap: 0
                    0m 00.95s: Support coreavc decode: 0
                    0m 00.95s: Graphics info: NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250M : 4.20 : 1.2
                    0m 01.43s: Start get sys number.
                    0m 01.43s: Serial number is: 70-1a-04-60-82-58:00-26-9e-96-ab-6d
                    0m 01.43s: Reg URL link is:
                    0m 01.43s: Version is: 9036
                    0m 01.43s: Product is: 2
                    0m 01.43s: Connect type is: 0
                    0m 02.74s: Times of connecting error is: 0
                    0m 02.74s: Parse string is: 2:8260762964
                    0m 02.74s: Parse string is: 20:8260762964
                    0m 02.74s: Parse string is: OV:9036
                    0m 02.74s: Parse string is: BV:9035
                    0m 02.74s: Parse string is: S:69f9d1b8516cdfca1f618fed47046596
                    0m 02.97s: option dvd2dvd 1 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 1 bd2mobile 1 bd23d 1 bd2dvd 1 file2dvd 1 file2bluray 1 file2mobile 1
                    0m 02.97s: End check info.
                    0m 02.97s: Load config successful.
                    0m 02.99s: Qt Translator file load success
                    0m 03.24s: Init profile data driver sucessful.
                    0m 03.26s: Init GPU settings sucessful.
                    0m 10.53s: Begin init preview play engine.
                    0m 10.54s: Init DirectShow engine successful.
                    0m 10.88s: Init burn engine successful.
                    0m 11.16s: opening drive E
                    0m 11.16s: opened i/o
                    0m 11.16s: got media type 15
                    0m 15.42s: got max lba 20336639
                    0m 15.50s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile
                    0m 17.14s: got disc type 20
                    0m 17.14s: type Blu-ray BDMV
                    0m 17.14s: volume label CHRONICLES_OF_NARNIA
                    0m 17.14s: opening drive E
                    0m 17.14s: opened i/o
                    0m 17.15s: got media type 15
                    0m 17.61s: got max lba 20336639
                    0m 19.30s: got disc type 20
                    0m 19.30s: type Blu-ray BDMV
                    0m 19.30s: volume label CHRONICLES_OF_NARNIA
                    0m 19.37s: internal path E:/BDMV/
                    0m 20.49s: aacs 1 bd+ 1
                    0m 20.81s: got bdmv
                    0m 20.81s: Vendor: MATSHITA
                    0m 20.81s: Product: BD-CMB UJ141ES
                    0m 20.82s: Revision: 1.00
                    0m 20.82s: Vendor specific: 09082800
                    0m 20.82s: AACS version: 1
                    0m 20.82s: Number of concurrent AGIDs: 1
                    0m 20.82s: Supports bus encryption: NO
                    0m 20.82s: Supports binding nonce generation: YES
                    0m 20.82s: Supports Hybrid discs: NO
                    0m 20.82s: got agid 3
                    0m 20.89s: sent host cert chal
                    0m 20.90s: got drive cert chal
                    0m 20.90s: BEC 0
                    0m 20.90s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0001
                    0m 20.97s: got drive key
                    0m 20.97s: got host key signature
                    0m 20.98s: verified drive signature
                    0m 20.98s: verified host signature
                    0m 21.09s: sent host signature and key point
                    0m 21.10s: got bus key
                    0m 21.10s: got agid 3
                    0m 21.17s: sent host cert chal
                    0m 21.18s: got drive cert chal
                    0m 21.18s: BEC 0
                    0m 21.18s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0001
                    0m 21.25s: got drive key
                    0m 21.25s: got host key signature
                    0m 21.26s: verified drive signature
                    0m 21.26s: verified host signature
                    0m 21.37s: sent host signature and key point
                    0m 21.37s: got bus key
                    0m 21.37s: got volume id
                    0m 21.37s: got volume id mac
                    0m 21.37s: volume id is correct
                    0m 21.37s: got vid
                    0m 21.49s: blu-ray D46B081275AE13C2954C50D824F07F1A68F9CC97
                    0m 22.14s: cert BEE=0x80 same
                    0m 23.61s: D 4AEEBE27
                    0m 32.46s: bt R:8
                    0m 32.46s: failed to open 0
                    0m 37.30s: CommmandLine in fabopensource is

