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Any 3D movies less then 25GB in size?

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    3D Copy Any 3D movies less then 25GB in size?

    Does anyone know of any 3D movies that will fit on a 25GB disc without having to compress it?

    Yes all the Imax 3d movies are about 45 mins. and will fit uncompressed theirs 20 or so short movies in Imax 3d.If i remember right others are Nitro circus,Sea rex,A haunting in Salem,coral reef fish tank,deep ocean experience,Goldberg variations concert,Jillian's travels Africa,Best of little rascals,ocean wonderland,Safari Africa with Hunter Ellis, (Three stooges shorts not the movie),Universe parts 1-2-3,Venice Italy,Rhodes Greece,Florence 2011 Italy,Cane toads,Aquarium, and a few others also fit uncompressed.Sometimes if you take the hd audio out this makes the file smaller and a few more may fit this way.If you do reduce to 25 gigs full 3d you keep full 1080p resolution in each eye and although compressed i can't tell the difference on my 60 inch plasma tv.I may have missed a few in my list but that's most of them.Almost all the regular big movies must be compressed even if you only use main movie but like i said the compressed to 25 gig full 3d really looks great and preserves hd sound.Also try the side by side 3d its really good also even on a 60 inch screen you can put these on regular 2 layer disks and play them on a regular bluray player even if its not a 3d one but the tv must do side by side 3d and most 3d tvs do so.


      Thanks Glenns, for the great and detailed information you provided. I never knew that so much 3D content existed.


        Your welcome their are 190 or more 3d movies in general release and more get released every week.

