Hi ! Attempting to copy Finding Nemo (main movie) on my hard drive, I get a read error. Disc looks fine (no scracthes...)
here is the log :
DVDFab (2013/02/13 21:30:25)
0m 00.01s: Start preload dll...
0m 00.06s: Load dll successful.
0m 00.06s: Start load fabplay dll...
0m 00.13s: Load fabplay dll successful.
0m 00.13s: Windows os type is: 14.
0m 00.13s: Transfer settings successful.
0m 00.32s: GPUAccelerate: 12351
0m 00.33s: CUDA cap: 1
0m 00.33s: Support coreavc decode: 0
0m 00.33s: Graphics info: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 : 5.0 : 2.1
0m 00.33s: Qt Translator file load success
0m 00.37s: Start get sys number.
0m 00.37s: Serial number is: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
0m 00.37s: Reg URL link is:
0m 00.37s: Version is: 9026
0m 00.38s: Product is: 2
0m 00.38s: Connect type is: 0
0m 00.77s: Times of connecting error is: 0
0m 00.77s: Parse string is: 2:8263532095
0m 00.77s: Parse string is: 20:8263532095
0m 00.77s: Parse string is: 21:8260762964
0m 00.78s: Parse string is: OV:9026
0m 00.78s: Parse string is: BV:9024
0m 00.78s: Parse string is: S:c53ec57c174e6341594ff1d55854480e
0m 00.87s: End check info.
0m 00.87s: Load config successful.
0m 01.06s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile
0m 01.06s: Init profile data driver sucessful.
0m 01.07s: Init GPU settings sucessful.
0m 01.07s: option dvd2dvd 1 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 1 bd2mobile 1 bd23d 1 bd2dvd 1 file2dvd 1 file2bluray 1 file2mobile 1 filemover 1
0m 01.07s: dvd2dvd:dvd2mobile:blu-ray2blu-ray:blu-ray2mobile:blu-ray23d:blu-ray2dvd:file2mobile:file2dvd:file2bluray:
0m 02.63s: Begin init preview play engine.
0m 02.64s: Init DirectShow engine successful.
0m 02.92s: Init burn engine successful.
0m 03.26s: opening drive G
0m 03.27s: opened i/o
0m 03.28s: got media type 15
0m 09.04s: got max lba 20662719
0m 10.18s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile
0m 26.15s: got disc type 20
0m 26.15s: type Blu-ray BDMV
0m 26.15s: volume label FINDINGNEMO
0m 26.15s: opening drive F
0m 26.15s: opened i/o
0m 26.16s: failed to detect media type: sensekey 00 asc 00 acsq 00
0m 26.17s: got max lba 0
0m 26.19s: opening drive G
0m 26.61s: opened i/o
0m 26.62s: got media type 15
0m 31.52s: got max lba 20662719
0m 49.11s: got disc type 20
0m 49.11s: type Blu-ray BDMV
0m 49.12s: volume label FINDINGNEMO
0m 49.59s: opening drive I
0m 49.59s: opened i/o
0m 49.60s: failed to detect media type: sensekey 00 asc 00 acsq 00
0m 49.60s: got max lba 0
1m 47.83s: Java protection is removed by StealthyClone anti-protection.
1m 47.94s: got discinfo
1m 48.16s: got bdmv
1m 58.55s: got extended bdinfo
1m 58.55s: opened blu-ray
3m 05.82s: Blu-ray Copy: Main Movie
3m 05.82s: Source: G:/BDMV/
3m 05.83s: Playlist: 800
3m 05.83s: Chapters: 1 -> 33
3m 05.83s: TotalSize: 27759 MB
3m 05.83s: SourceSize: 27759 MB
3m 05.83s: RemoveHDAudio: 0
3m 05.83s: CompressToAC3: 0
3m 05.83s: OutputSize: 46100 MB
3m 05.84s: OutputDisc: BDMV
3m 05.84s: OutputTarget: BD50
3m 05.84s: OutputVideo: 1080p/i
3m 05.84s: info: enable bd copy(mode=0)
3m 05.84s: info: streams()
3m 05.84s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[00801.m2ts],atomic[00872.m2ts],atomic[00873.m2ts],atomic[00876.m2ts],atomic[00877.m2ts]]])
3m 05.85s: info: processing source(00801.m2ts)
4m 41.89s: info: processing source(00872.m2ts)
4m 56.16s: info: processing source(00873.m2ts)
19m 05.41s: read error: 11 1089472 10396287 9819967 873
20m 13.61s: read error: 11 1089472 10396287 9819967 873
any ideas ? Thanks !
here is the log :
DVDFab (2013/02/13 21:30:25)
0m 00.01s: Start preload dll...
0m 00.06s: Load dll successful.
0m 00.06s: Start load fabplay dll...
0m 00.13s: Load fabplay dll successful.
0m 00.13s: Windows os type is: 14.
0m 00.13s: Transfer settings successful.
0m 00.32s: GPUAccelerate: 12351
0m 00.33s: CUDA cap: 1
0m 00.33s: Support coreavc decode: 0
0m 00.33s: Graphics info: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 : 5.0 : 2.1
0m 00.33s: Qt Translator file load success
0m 00.37s: Start get sys number.
0m 00.37s: Serial number is: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
0m 00.37s: Reg URL link is:
0m 00.37s: Version is: 9026
0m 00.38s: Product is: 2
0m 00.38s: Connect type is: 0
0m 00.77s: Times of connecting error is: 0
0m 00.77s: Parse string is: 2:8263532095
0m 00.77s: Parse string is: 20:8263532095
0m 00.77s: Parse string is: 21:8260762964
0m 00.78s: Parse string is: OV:9026
0m 00.78s: Parse string is: BV:9024
0m 00.78s: Parse string is: S:c53ec57c174e6341594ff1d55854480e
0m 00.87s: End check info.
0m 00.87s: Load config successful.
0m 01.06s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile
0m 01.06s: Init profile data driver sucessful.
0m 01.07s: Init GPU settings sucessful.
0m 01.07s: option dvd2dvd 1 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 1 bd2mobile 1 bd23d 1 bd2dvd 1 file2dvd 1 file2bluray 1 file2mobile 1 filemover 1
0m 01.07s: dvd2dvd:dvd2mobile:blu-ray2blu-ray:blu-ray2mobile:blu-ray23d:blu-ray2dvd:file2mobile:file2dvd:file2bluray:
0m 02.63s: Begin init preview play engine.
0m 02.64s: Init DirectShow engine successful.
0m 02.92s: Init burn engine successful.
0m 03.26s: opening drive G
0m 03.27s: opened i/o
0m 03.28s: got media type 15
0m 09.04s: got max lba 20662719
0m 10.18s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile
0m 26.15s: got disc type 20
0m 26.15s: type Blu-ray BDMV
0m 26.15s: volume label FINDINGNEMO
0m 26.15s: opening drive F
0m 26.15s: opened i/o
0m 26.16s: failed to detect media type: sensekey 00 asc 00 acsq 00
0m 26.17s: got max lba 0
0m 26.19s: opening drive G
0m 26.61s: opened i/o
0m 26.62s: got media type 15
0m 31.52s: got max lba 20662719
0m 49.11s: got disc type 20
0m 49.11s: type Blu-ray BDMV
0m 49.12s: volume label FINDINGNEMO
0m 49.59s: opening drive I
0m 49.59s: opened i/o
0m 49.60s: failed to detect media type: sensekey 00 asc 00 acsq 00
0m 49.60s: got max lba 0
1m 47.83s: Java protection is removed by StealthyClone anti-protection.
1m 47.94s: got discinfo
1m 48.16s: got bdmv
1m 58.55s: got extended bdinfo
1m 58.55s: opened blu-ray
3m 05.82s: Blu-ray Copy: Main Movie
3m 05.82s: Source: G:/BDMV/
3m 05.83s: Playlist: 800
3m 05.83s: Chapters: 1 -> 33
3m 05.83s: TotalSize: 27759 MB
3m 05.83s: SourceSize: 27759 MB
3m 05.83s: RemoveHDAudio: 0
3m 05.83s: CompressToAC3: 0
3m 05.83s: OutputSize: 46100 MB
3m 05.84s: OutputDisc: BDMV
3m 05.84s: OutputTarget: BD50
3m 05.84s: OutputVideo: 1080p/i
3m 05.84s: info: enable bd copy(mode=0)
3m 05.84s: info: streams()
3m 05.84s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[00801.m2ts],atomic[00872.m2ts],atomic[00873.m2ts],atomic[00876.m2ts],atomic[00877.m2ts]]])
3m 05.85s: info: processing source(00801.m2ts)
4m 41.89s: info: processing source(00872.m2ts)
4m 56.16s: info: processing source(00873.m2ts)
19m 05.41s: read error: 11 1089472 10396287 9819967 873
20m 13.61s: read error: 11 1089472 10396287 9819967 873
any ideas ? Thanks !