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Copy sometimes missing episodes?

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    Copy sometimes missing episodes?

    I recently had a instance where I made a backup copy of Justified Season 3 and when I was watching the copy it seemed to me that an episode was missing. It took me some work to figure it out and I had to take a look at the DVD version to verify but this is what I found:

    Justified Season 3 is three disks and disk 1 contains episodes 1 through 5 which are playlist files 801 - 805 in the playlist directory and the copy of this disk played fine.

    Disk 2 is the one that apparently has a problem, playlist files 802, 807 and 811 are episode 7; 803, 808 and 812 are episode 8; 801, 804, 806, 809, 810 and 813 are episode 9. So as far as I can tell the copy does not have a playlist file for episode 6 which appears to be missing.

    At first I thought this was just some fluke, I went down to Blockbuster and rented the DVD version of disc 2 and watched the missing episode. But now it appears that I've run into this again on a different series where there's a disk with a missing episode.

    In Game Of Thrones Season 2, disc 1 contains playlists 800 and 801 for episodes 1 and 2; disc 2 should contain playlist files 802, 803 and 804 for episodes 3, 4 and 5 however there is no 804 playlist file and as far as I can tell episode 5 is missing from the copy. Disc 3 seems to continue with the playlist naming convention with episodes starting at playlist 805 i.e. episode 6.

    I have to say that I'm not 100% certain about Game Of Thrones, like Justified the episodes do not display an episode title after the opening sequence and credits and the only way for me to be certain is to compare the episode to the DVD version and I don't have access to the DVD version of GOT season 2.

    What I'm really trying to find out is if anyone else has encountered this problem?

    - Norm

    Hi Norm@Home,
    What option did you use? Full disc or main movie or Clone? You can try Clone which does 1:1 ratio without any loss.


      Originally posted by terry5 View Post
      Hi Norm@Home,
      What option did you use? Full disc or main movie or Clone? You can try Clone which does 1:1 ratio without any loss.
      I always use Full Disc copy but in under the main "Copy" option there's only Full Disc, Main Movie, Customize and Burn. When you said "Clone" I vaguely remembered that and looked and that's an option in version 8.x.

      When I have a chance I'll try using and the clone option to see if that makes any difference.

      - Norm


        Norm:In version 9 to make a clone iso just use burn confusing as it is when set to burn it will make the clone iso.


          Originally posted by glenns View Post
          Norm:In version 9 to make a clone iso just use burn confusing as it is when set to burn it will make the clone iso.
          Glen: Thanks for explaining that

          - Norm


            Just really strange?

            I really don't understand how this can be but this is what I found when I tried making a new copy of Justified S3 D2:

            On the new copy, playlist file 806 is actually the episode that it should be i.e. episode 6; the episode that was missing from the first copy.

            I went back and played the 806 playlist file from the first copy and it plays episode 9, a completely different episode than what the new copy plays.

            The only thing I can say here is that the original copy was made with an older version of DVDFab 9.0.x and the new copy with the latest non-beta release.

            However, as I mentioned in my first message I seem to have this same or a similar problem with Game Of Thrones season 2 disc 2 where an episode that should be on the disc and have a playlist file is missing from the copy and in this case I used to make the copy.

            Does anyone have any insight into this?

            - Norm


              Did you use burn option? It does 1:1 ratio without any loss.
              If it loses an episode too, please check your physical disc whether contains the episode.


                Originally posted by terry5 View Post
                Did you use burn option? It does 1:1 ratio without any loss.
                If it loses an episode too, please check your physical disc whether contains the episode.
                No, actually in the case of Justified I used the exact same option I always use which is Full Disc Copy. So I don't know how or why in the first copy playlist 806 plays episode 9 (which is wrong) and in the second copy playlist 806 is episode 6 which is correct and as it should be. I checked every single playlist file on the original copy and none of them play episode 6.

                When I have a chance I'll have to take another look at Game Of Thrones.

                - Norm


                  Maybe an update in server,which changes the logic of opening the disc.
                  So please check the Game Of Thrones and feed back. If it reproduces missing episodes, please tell us and we'll check it and fix it asap. Thanks.


                    V9.0.2.8 Copy sometimes missing episodes?

                    Hi Terry:

                    The problem with Game Of Thrones (and I don't even want to call it a problem) appears to be different from the issue that I had with Justified. Clearly the 806 playlist file in Justified played a different episode in the first copy versus the second.

                    First off in regards to GOT, my initial post was in error when I said that disc 2 should contain playlist files 802, 803 and 804 for episodes 3, 4 and 5; disc 2 only has two episodes represented by playlist files 802 and 803; disc 3 has episodes 5, 6 and 7 which are playlist files 804, 805 and 806.

                    The initial copy appeared to be missing playlist file 804 so the BDMV\Playlist folder had no 804 file; when I tried the copy process again using the same Full Disc Copy the second time around there was an 804 file.

                    So I'm a little perplexed and I can't explain either the problem with Justified or with GOT but as far as I can tell if there was a problem it's been resolved possibly as you say by some change or update on the server side.

                    I'll keep my eyes open to see if I have any similar problems in the future but for now I'd have to say it's all good

                    - Norm

