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Burn Failure 50 Gb Tin Tin

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    Burn Failure 50 Gb Tin Tin

    Keep getting burn failure error on full copy of Adventures of TinTin on 50 Gb Optical Quantium discs. Have CUDA turned off and write speed set at 1X. Have attached internal log, burn log and error message. Could it be that the disc are bad? Any ideas? Thanks.
    Attached Files

    This normally means your disks don't like your drive try different disks.You can try to burn the disk with IMG burn a free dvd/blu ray burner you can get on the internet.Set burn speed to auto or 1/2 disk rated speed.


      Don't set the burn speed for 1x, set the burn speed for whatever speed the disk's are rated at. The OQ's are probably either 2x or 4x.


        I have tried burning from imageburn which also fails. Also have tried 2x and 4x speeds. This happens on two different brand burners. I'm thinking that it's a bad batch of discs. Very expensive coasters...


          Try img burn again with the following change.
          Open img burn go to tools-settings-write their on page 1 is a box that's unchecked i want you to check preform opc before write.

          Performing Optimum Power Calibration (OPC ) is a special technique used in newer CD/DVD recordable drives to perform a test write and read in an area inside of the lead-in, in order to determine the best laser power for recording and to adjust to each recordable disc, which may vary slightly from different manufacturers, or for other reasons.This only takes a few seconds.Keeping img burn set this way is a good thing and should be the default.

          This sometimes helps by increasing laser power on cheap disks so as to burn them when normal burning fails.Sometimes img burn will tell you to burn at lower speeds when you look at what speeds are available for the disk your burning so adjust burning speed to auto or half disk speed to start.

          This doesn't always make the disk burnable as if it's a real cheap disk it just won't burn on some burners other burners will burn cheap disks.A lot depends on the drives firmware that gets updated from time to time so make sure your drives updated with the latest firmware.

          To do it in in img burn open img burn,select write files,tools,drive,check for firmware updates.Make sure your using the drives latest firmware.This is your burner drive that you are burning the disks with.

          Img burn will tell you what firmware your using now before it sends you onto the internet to a firmware update page.Their you check and see if updates are available and to download and flash your drive with new firmware if their are updates.

          Their are many people that don't know to check this every now and then to see if updates are available and they wonder why some disks don't work or other improvements are made to make the drive work better.


            Thanks Glenns... Will give your suggestions a try and let you know if they work. I know that I have never had any problems at all with the 25 Gb OQ discs.

