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Life of Pi won't play

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    Life of Pi won't play

    I copied Life of Pi to my hard drive and tried to burn it (full disc) to a BD-50. All seemed to go well. When I tried to play it on my stand alone player, I got the initial Twentieth Century logo and then a blank screen. That's it. From what I read here, this situation has cropped up with a number of new titles. Is there a solution?

    Here's the internal log:

    DVDFab (2013/04/10 16:12:29)

    0m 01.06s: Start preload dll...
    0m 01.15s: Load dll successful.
    0m 01.15s: Start load fabplay dll...
    0m 01.29s: Load fabplay dll successful.
    0m 01.29s: Windows os type is: 13.
    0m 01.29s: Transfer settings successful.
    0m 01.82s: GPUAccelerate: 851973
    0m 01.82s: CUDA cap: 0
    0m 01.82s: Support coreavc decode: 0
    0m 01.82s: Graphics info: Intel(R) HD Graphics Family : :
    0m 01.89s: Qt Translator file load success
    0m 02.70s: Start get sys number.
    0m 02.70s: Serial number is: c0-18-85-51-dc-c1:04-7d-7b-76-24-62
    0m 02.70s: Reg URL link is:
    0m 02.70s: Version is: 9032
    0m 02.70s: Product is: 2
    0m 02.70s: Connect type is: 0
    0m 04.59s: Times of connecting error is: 0
    0m 04.59s: Parse string is: 20:1424878502
    0m 04.59s: Parse string is: 1:0
    0m 04.59s: Parse string is: 2:0
    0m 04.59s: Parse string is: OV:9028
    0m 04.59s: Parse string is: BV:9032
    0m 04.59s: Parse string is: S:b50702b56ea6aa18237a8e72ff04a673
    0m 04.76s: option - 0 : 1 - 2 : 0 - 2 : 0 - 11 : 1 - 20 : 1 - 21 : 1 - 50 : 1 - 60 : 1 - 61 : 1 - 62 : 1 - 80 : 1 - 22 : 1 - 70 : 1 - 71 : 1 - 72 : 1
    0m 04.76s: End check info.
    0m 04.77s: Load config successful.
    0m 05.90s: Init profile data driver sucessful.
    0m 05.90s: Init GPU settings sucessful.
    0m 15.10s: Begin init preview play engine.
    0m 15.12s: Init DirectShow engine successful.
    0m 17.89s: Init burn engine successful.
    0m 18.38s: opening drive D
    0m 18.39s: opened i/o
    0m 18.41s: got media type 4
    0m 20.53s: got max lba 127551
    0m 23.17s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile
    0m 23.82s: got disc type 0
    0m 23.83s: opening drive E
    0m 23.83s: opened i/o
    0m 23.84s: got media type 15
    0m 27.68s: got max lba 24275999
    0m 46.81s: got disc type 20
    0m 46.81s: type Blu-ray BDMV
    0m 46.81s: volume label Life of Pi
    0m 46.82s: opening drive D
    0m 46.82s: opened i/o
    0m 46.82s: got media type 4
    0m 49.19s: got max lba 127551
    0m 49.67s: got disc type 0
    0m 49.68s: opening drive E
    0m 49.68s: opened i/o
    0m 49.68s: got media type 15
    0m 50.14s: got max lba 24275999
    0m 54.81s: got disc type 20
    0m 54.82s: type Blu-ray BDMV
    0m 54.82s: volume label Life of Pi
    0m 56.23s: opening drive E
    0m 56.23s: opened i/o
    0m 56.70s: got max lba 24275999
    1m 01.39s: got disc type 20
    1m 01.39s: internal path E:/BDMV/
    1m 06.33s: aacs 1 bd+ 1
    1m 06.94s: got bdmv
    1m 06.94s: Vendor: TSSTcorp
    1m 06.94s: Product: BDDVDW SE-506BB
    1m 06.95s: Revision: TS00
    1m 06.95s: Vendor specific: 1113
    1m 06.95s: AACS version: 1
    1m 06.95s: Number of concurrent AGIDs: 2
    1m 06.95s: Supports bus encryption: YES
    1m 06.95s: Supports binding nonce generation: YES
    1m 06.95s: Supports Hybrid discs: NO
    1m 06.95s: got agid 0
    1m 07.01s: sent host cert chal
    1m 07.01s: got drive cert chal
    1m 07.01s: BEC 1
    1m 07.02s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0182
    1m 07.10s: got drive key
    1m 07.10s: got host key signature
    1m 07.10s: verified drive signature
    1m 07.11s: verified host signature
    1m 07.19s: sent host signature and key point
    1m 07.20s: got bus key
    1m 07.20s: got agid 0
    1m 07.27s: sent host cert chal
    1m 07.27s: got drive cert chal
    1m 07.27s: BEC 1
    1m 07.27s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0182
    1m 07.35s: got drive key
    1m 07.35s: got host key signature
    1m 07.36s: verified drive signature
    1m 07.36s: verified host signature
    1m 07.44s: sent host signature and key point
    1m 07.45s: got bus key
    1m 07.65s: got volume id
    1m 07.65s: got volume id mac
    1m 07.65s: volume id is correct
    1m 07.66s: got vid
    1m 07.87s: blu-ray 1B3774126C505B6824E9DC1C18078AFE26431DD5
    1m 08.44s: cert BEE=0x00 same
    1m 09.65s: D 2ACF65F4
    1m 59.74s: bt R:8
    1m 59.74s: got vuk
    1m 59.74s: got fut
    2m 00.60s: got agid 0
    2m 00.66s: sent host cert chal
    2m 00.66s: got drive cert chal
    2m 00.66s: BEC 1
    2m 00.66s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0182
    2m 00.74s: got drive key
    2m 00.75s: got host key signature
    2m 00.75s: verified drive signature
    2m 00.75s: verified host signature
    2m 00.83s: sent host signature and key point
    2m 00.83s: got bus key
    2m 00.84s: got data key
    2m 00.94s: got unit key 7
    4m 42.06s: Java protection is removed by StealthyClone anti-protection.
    4m 42.50s: got discinfo
    4m 42.79s: got bdmv
    5m 48.56s: got extended bdinfo
    5m 48.56s: opened blu-ray
    5m 51.85s: CommmandLine in fabopensource is
    6m 51.54s: Blu-ray Copy: Full Disc
    6m 51.54s: Source: E:/BDMV/
    6m 51.54s: SourceSize: 47145 MB
    6m 51.54s: RemoveHDAudio: 0
    6m 51.54s: OutputSize: 46100 MB
    6m 51.54s: OutputDisc: BDMV
    6m 51.54s: OutputTarget: BD50
    6m 51.54s: OutputVideo: 1080p/i

    DVDFab (2013/04/10 17:51:08)

    0m 00.23s: Start preload dll...
    0m 00.32s: Load dll successful.
    0m 00.32s: Start load fabplay dll...
    0m 00.43s: Load fabplay dll successful.
    0m 00.43s: Windows os type is: 13.
    0m 00.43s: Transfer settings successful.
    0m 00.88s: GPUAccelerate: 851973
    0m 00.88s: CUDA cap: 0
    0m 00.88s: Support coreavc decode: 0
    0m 00.88s: Graphics info: Intel(R) HD Graphics Family : :
    0m 00.98s: Qt Translator file load success
    0m 01.79s: Start get sys number.
    0m 01.80s: Serial number is: c0-18-85-51-dc-c1:04-7d-7b-76-24-62
    0m 01.80s: Reg URL link is:
    0m 01.80s: Version is: 9032
    0m 01.80s: Product is: 2
    0m 01.80s: Connect type is: 0
    0m 02.58s: Times of connecting error is: 0
    0m 02.58s: Parse string is: 20:1424878502
    0m 02.58s: Parse string is: 1:0
    0m 02.58s: Parse string is: 2:0
    0m 02.58s: Parse string is: OV:9028
    0m 02.58s: Parse string is: BV:9032
    0m 02.58s: Parse string is: S:db613a13e81caa8c19a4401c3b9fe7cb
    0m 02.85s: option - 0 : 1 - 2 : 0 - 2 : 0 - 11 : 1 - 20 : 1 - 21 : 1 - 50 : 1 - 60 : 1 - 61 : 1 - 62 : 1 - 80 : 1 - 22 : 1 - 70 : 1 - 71 : 1 - 72 : 1
    0m 02.85s: End check info.
    0m 02.85s: Load config successful.
    0m 03.77s: Init profile data driver sucessful.
    0m 03.77s: Init GPU settings sucessful.
    0m 12.55s: Begin init preview play engine.
    0m 12.57s: Init DirectShow engine successful.
    0m 16.13s: Init burn engine successful.
    0m 16.72s: opening drive D
    0m 16.75s: opened i/o
    0m 16.78s: got media type 4
    0m 19.02s: got max lba 127551
    0m 22.29s: got disc type 0
    0m 22.32s: opening drive E
    0m 22.35s: opened i/o
    0m 22.35s: got media type 16
    0m 22.37s: got max lba 0
    0m 22.37s: opening drive D
    0m 22.37s: opened i/o
    0m 22.37s: got media type 4
    0m 22.51s: got max lba 127551
    0m 22.98s: got disc type 0
    0m 23.23s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile
    0m 27.18s: opening drive E
    0m 27.23s: opened i/o
    0m 27.25s: got max lba 0
    0m 29.38s: CommmandLine in fabopensource is
    0m 59.49s: set folder C:/Users/HAL9000a/Desktop/pi/FullDisc/Life of Pi/BDMV/ with type 2
    0m 59.49s: opening folder C:/Users/HAL9000a/Desktop/pi/FullDisc/Life of Pi/BDMV/
    1m 09.20s: set folder C:/Users/HAL9000a/Desktop/pi/FullDisc/Life of Pi/BDMV/ with type 2
    1m 09.20s: opening folder C:/Users/HAL9000a/Desktop/pi/FullDisc/Life of Pi/BDMV/
    1m 13.41s: got bdmv
    1m 23.18s: got extended bdinfo
    2m 20.67s: Burn data size is: 46100
    2m 20.67s: Burn disc space is: 47732
    2m 22.32s: Blu-ray Copy: Full Disc
    2m 22.32s: Source: C:/Users/HAL9000a/Desktop/pi/FullDisc/Life of Pi/BDMV/
    2m 22.32s: SourceSize: 47135 MB
    2m 22.32s: RemoveHDAudio: 0
    2m 22.32s: OutputSize: 46100 MB
    2m 22.32s: OutputDisc: BDMV
    2m 22.32s: OutputTarget: BD50
    2m 22.32s: OutputVideo: 1080p/i
    46m 28.66s: burn folder C:/Users/HAL9000a/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/Life of Pi/ with DVDFab

    DVDFab (2013/04/10 19:50:18)

    0m 00.20s: Start preload dll...
    0m 00.29s: Load dll successful.
    0m 00.29s: Start load fabplay dll...
    0m 00.40s: Load fabplay dll successful.
    0m 00.40s: Windows os type is: 13.
    0m 00.42s: Transfer settings successful.
    0m 00.78s: GPUAccelerate: 851973
    0m 00.78s: CUDA cap: 0
    0m 00.78s: Support coreavc decode: 0
    0m 00.78s: Graphics info: Intel(R) HD Graphics Family : :
    0m 00.82s: Qt Translator file load success
    0m 01.42s: Start get sys number.
    0m 01.43s: Serial number is: c0-18-85-51-dc-c1:04-7d-7b-76-24-62
    0m 01.43s: Reg URL link is:
    0m 01.43s: Version is: 9032
    0m 01.43s: Product is: 2
    0m 01.43s: Connect type is: 0
    0m 02.26s: Times of connecting error is: 0
    0m 02.26s: Parse string is: 20:1424878502
    0m 02.26s: Parse string is: 1:0
    0m 02.27s: Parse string is: 2:0
    0m 02.27s: Parse string is: OV:9028
    0m 02.27s: Parse string is: BV:9032
    0m 02.27s: Parse string is: S:fdce9e4a684022ca7417f1cda745807c
    0m 02.45s: option - 0 : 1 - 2 : 0 - 2 : 0 - 11 : 1 - 20 : 1 - 21 : 1 - 50 : 1 - 60 : 1 - 61 : 1 - 62 : 1 - 80 : 1 - 22 : 1 - 70 : 1 - 71 : 1 - 72 : 1
    0m 02.45s: End check info.
    0m 02.45s: Load config successful.
    0m 02.79s: Init profile data driver sucessful.
    0m 02.79s: Init GPU settings sucessful.
    0m 11.17s: Begin init preview play engine.
    0m 11.18s: Init DirectShow engine successful.
    0m 11.70s: Init burn engine successful.
    0m 12.32s: opening drive D
    0m 12.37s: opened i/o
    0m 12.37s: got media type 4
    0m 14.35s: got max lba 127551
    0m 17.62s: got disc type 0
    0m 17.64s: opening drive D
    0m 17.64s: opened i/o
    0m 17.64s: got media type 4
    0m 17.78s: got max lba 127551
    0m 18.25s: got disc type 0
    0m 18.26s: opening drive E
    0m 18.27s: opened i/o
    0m 18.27s: failed to detect media type: sensekey 00 asc 00 acsq 00
    0m 18.28s: got max lba 0
    0m 18.30s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile
    0m 19.52s: CommmandLine in fabopensource is
    0m 57.65s: set folder C:/Users/HAL9000a/Desktop/pi/FullDisc/Life of Pi/BDMV/ with type 2
    0m 57.65s: opening folder C:/Users/HAL9000a/Desktop/pi/FullDisc/Life of Pi/BDMV/
    1m 01.29s: set folder C:/Users/HAL9000a/Desktop/pi/FullDisc/Life of Pi/BDMV/ with type 2
    1m 01.29s: opening folder C:/Users/HAL9000a/Desktop/pi/FullDisc/Life of Pi/BDMV/
    1m 03.32s: got bdmv
    1m 11.95s: got extended bdinfo

    Post your burn log it's in the same place as the internal log.Is the disk a region 1 disk and does the disk play on the computer with a software player? I have the 3d version and didn't have any trouble with it.This is a Fox release so it has Cinavia and can only play on non effected players,media players and with some software players on the computer.
    Last edited by glenns; 04-11-2013, 03:05 AM.


      Here's the burn log:

      18:37:36 Info Input Speed is: 26976, Output Speed: 26976

      18:37:36 Info StartPerf Speed: 8992, EndPerf Speed: 8992

      Burn Folder 2013-04-10 18:37:36 -----------------------------------------------

      18:37:36 Info RootDir: C:/Users/HAL9000a/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/FullDisc/Life of Pi/

      18:37:36 Info VolumeName: Life of Pi

      18:37:36 Info WriteMode: 4

      18:37:38 Info Operation Started!

      18:37:38 Info Source File Size: 47148 MB

      18:38:36 Info Writing LeadIn...

      18:38:36 Info Write started 24140000 sectors to write

      19:29:43 Info Synchronising Cache...

      19:29:43 Info Synchronising Disc 0

      19:29:56 Info Synchronising Disc 65536

      19:29:57 Info Closing Track...

      19:29:57 Info Finalising Disc...

      19:31:12 Info Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:53:29

      21:32:21 Info Input Speed is: 26976, Output Speed: 26976

      21:32:21 Info StartPerf Speed: 8992, EndPerf Speed: 8992

      Burn Folder 2013-04-10 21:32:21 -----------------------------------------------

      21:32:21 Info RootDir: C:/Users/HAL9000a/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/MainMovie/Life of Pi/

      21:32:21 Info VolumeName: Life of Pi

      21:32:21 Info WriteMode: 4

      21:32:21 Info Operation Started!

      21:32:21 Info Source File Size: 29038 MB

      21:33:28 Info Writing LeadIn...

      21:33:28 Info Write started 14867712 sectors to write

      22:04:34 Info Synchronising Cache...

      22:04:34 Info Synchronising Disc 0

      22:04:47 Info Synchronising Disc 65536

      22:04:48 Info Closing Track...

      22:04:48 Info Finalising Disc...

      22:06:03 Info Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:33:37

      As to your other questions...

      It is a region 1 disc.
      It seems to play ok on my computer
      Also, when I burn 'main movie only', it plays fine on my standalone.


        If you can play Fox movies past 20 mins. on the stand alone without the sound muting then your player is not effected with Cinavia. Can you play the main movie copy past 20 mins? Without the sound muting?

        On the full disk copy will it play on another outboard player maybe a friends player just to see if it's your player as you say the disk will play on a computer.
        Are you using a Uk or Europe model outboard player as they still have a problem that's unsolved for months now.


          You sure this is Cinavia glenns? I see no mention in the logs and it doesn't seem insidious enough for Cinavia, it allows you to get interested in the movie before cutting the sound and OP never gets to the movie at all.
          How to post the internal log

          Things should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.
          Albert Einstein


            It would only play on the stand-alone when burned as 'main movie only'. I watched the whole thing. It played perfectly.


              90312:This is a new Fox release it's my understanding that all new Fox movies will have Cinavia on them and yes what you say is true for the U.S. but this is not only a U.S. forum.This problem has been reported in UK and Germany blu ray disks with certain makes and models of players and has never been fixed.

              Sometimes the movie played till the menu then stopped or gave black screen all of the movies were Fox movies.They also reported that earlier Fox movies worked with main movie but not full disk but now main movie doesn't work.

              Everything seems the same.Another user reported it happened with a US disk in a UK player so that's why I asked if the user was using a UK or Player made for the Europe market as it seems to be the same problem.Because the user didn't answer this question we won't know.


                My stand alone is an LG bought at Best Buy. Thanks for your attention, but for a non-techy, this is all a bit confusing. I had exactly the same issue with "...Marigold Hotel". I would get the blank screen in the beginning, but it played through fine when burned as 'movie only'. I would say that's a rather ineffective copy protection.


                  Did you buy your player in the U.S. or the U.K.? Remember this is a international forum and players and disks for different country's may have different copy protections or the player built differently and could effect playback due to the specs. for the players being a little different.


                    Sorry most of Sony's new movies have the Cinavia not Fox's movies i was thinking that because 1 fox movie Dylan day had Cinavia my mistake.


                      Originally posted by dick6133 View Post
                      My stand alone is an LG bought at Best Buy. Thanks for your attention, but for a non-techy, this is all a bit confusing. I had exactly the same issue with "...Marigold Hotel". I would get the blank screen in the beginning, but it played through fine when burned as 'movie only'. I would say that's a rather ineffective copy protection.
                      Add this to the list of fox 3ds that dvdfab cannot sort out when played back on some standalones.

                      Good luck with this but I have been asking this issue to be sorted since november 2012 when it appeared on discs like avatar,i robot,iceage 4,prometheus all fox titles in 3d.
                      I gave links to the exact lg model and the discs i bought.
                      Developers promised me they would buy the said items and test it out but nobody has confirmed they did this despite my asking several times in several threads.

                      There was a fix for some players it seems but theres still a lot of players that have this issue.

                      On the PC they play perfect but on standalone you get the 3d warning then it either runs into menu but on playing it goes blackscreen and the counter does not move.
                      Or in some cases it runs directly into blackscreen.

                      For me even just movie does not work but then i am using 25gb discs.

                      Marigold hotel is also if you had trouble with that then its not just a fox3d issue but a fox issue in general.


                        Can you try this version of Fab from Nov 20 12 it really works well over 50,000 downloaded this version a all time high from what I can see.

                        Try to make both full disk and main movie.I am having a lot of luck with it.Because it's a older program it may not take out the copy guard if so use current version to take out the copy guard then use this to make the disk from hard drive then see if it plays.I know you want a solution if this works it will help get this solved.

                        Last edited by glenns; 04-16-2013, 11:33 PM.


                          Originally posted by glenns View Post
                          Can you try this version of Fab from Nov 20 12 it really works well over 50,000 downloaded this version a all time high from what I can see.

                          Try to make both full disk and main movie.I am having a lot of luck with it.Because it's a older program it may not take out the copy guard if so use current version to take out the copy guard then use this to make the disk from hard drive then see if it plays.I know you want a solution if this works it will help get this solved.
                          I already tried this version a while back.
                          For my 3d fox issues this done no better than any other version.
                          It didnt seem to be a copy protection issue,in fact it seems like theres no issue wth the protection on these discs.
                          It seems more related to the dvdfab software at issue on certain players.

                          This version that came out almost a month after
                          DVDFab Qt (December 14, 2012)

                          What's New:
                          New: Added support for a new Java protection as found on "The Expendables 2" UK version.

                          Blu-ray Copy:
                          Fix: A black screen problem when playback the copied Blu-ray 3D discs on standalone player in certain cases.
                          Fix: A black screen problem when playback the copied Blu-ray 3D discs on TMT and PowerDVD players in certain cases. Note: This issue only reproduces in Full Disc mode and using the Blu-ray ISO files as source.
                          Fix: A 1000 error problem when copying Blu-ray discs to Blu-ray SBS 3D in certain cases.
                          Fix: A freeze problem when copying vc1 Blu-ray discs in certain cases.

                          claims black screen is fixed but as it certain cases only.

                          So during december the issue still had not been rectified.
                          Since then theres been no mention about fixs for other standalones and what once was considered needing immediate attention now seems not to be a priority anymore.

                          I have tried every version available,several differing methods and lost close to half the £40 tub of discs.

                          When the developers state they have finally sorted out the issue for all standalones I will give it a go.

                          Glenns it may certainly be worth dick6133 having a go how you sugest for life of seems theres a lot of variables on this black screen issue but im 100% sure it wouldnt work for the older problematic titles i mentioned as i have tried them on every available version.

                          I think its an issue of files dvdfab puts on the disc that are rejected by some standalones..only speaking for the uk I have to say I have tried quite a few players and the black screen is on all of them...yet plays perfect on the PC.

                          Dick6133 I would be very interested to hear if Glenns sugestion works for you,fingers crossed it does...if you try it can you post in this thread how you
                          got on,I cannot get in here much but i will keep checking.
                          As always glenns thanks for any contributions.


                            Dick6133 try making a 50 gig full disk iso with fab then burn it with img burn and see if it will play on your LG player.

