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Crash after every Blu-Ray copy to file

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    Crash after every Blu-Ray copy to file

    Since upgrading to the latest version DVDFab crashes after every single Blu-Ray copy ending with the error reporting screen. Doesn't happen on DVDs but is becoming rather annoying.

    Hi dwerk
    Please post your internal log, you can also try the latest version found here
    Even if it's a little thing, do something for those who have need of help, something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.

    Setting Up ImgBurn and DVDFab to work together

    Tips for Posting DVDFab Logs in the Forum



      I'd prefer not to use a beta release when a final release crashes every time.
      Here's the last couple times it's crashed:

      DVDFab (2013/04/27 10:01:31)

      0m 00.43s: Start preload dll...
      0m 00.53s: Load dll successful.
      0m 00.53s: Start load fabplay dll...
      0m 00.67s: Load fabplay dll successful.
      0m 00.67s: Windows os type is: 13.
      0m 00.67s: Transfer settings successful.
      0m 01.29s: GPUAccelerate: 12351
      0m 01.29s: CUDA cap: 0
      0m 01.29s: Support coreavc decode: 0
      0m 02.01s: Graphics info: NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250M : 4.20 : 1.2
      0m 02.15s: Start get sys number.
      0m 02.15s: Serial number is: 70-1a-04-60-82-58:00-26-9e-96-ab-6d
      0m 02.15s: Reg URL link is:
      0m 02.15s: Version is: 9036
      0m 02.15s: Product is: 2
      0m 02.15s: Connect type is: 0
      0m 03.80s: Times of connecting error is: 0
      0m 03.80s: Parse string is: 2:8260762964
      0m 03.80s: Parse string is: 20:8260762964
      0m 03.80s: Parse string is: 1:27
      0m 03.80s: Parse string is: OV:9036
      0m 03.80s: Parse string is: BV:9037
      0m 03.80s: Parse string is: S:0755291f84a9b94c3fdffa53d626f9b5
      0m 04.21s: option dvd2dvd 1 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 1 bd2mobile 1 bd23d 1 bd2dvd 1 file2dvd 1 file2bluray 1 file2mobile 1
      0m 04.21s: End check info.
      0m 04.22s: Load config successful.
      0m 04.22s: Qt Translator file load success
      0m 04.46s: Init profile data driver sucessful.
      0m 04.46s: Init GPU settings sucessful.
      0m 13.49s: Begin init preview play engine.
      0m 13.50s: Init DirectShow engine successful.
      0m 13.88s: Init burn engine successful.
      0m 15.20s: opening drive E
      0m 15.21s: opened i/o
      0m 15.21s: failed to detect media type: sensekey 00 asc 00 acsq 00
      0m 15.21s: got max lba 0
      0m 15.23s: CommmandLine in fabopensource is
      0m 26.53s: opening drive E
      0m 30.79s: opened i/o
      0m 30.79s: got media type 15
      0m 30.84s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile
      0m 31.54s: got max lba 20509439
      0m 32.68s: got disc type 20
      0m 32.68s: type Blu-ray BDMV
      0m 32.68s: volume label IRON_MAN_2_D1_AC
      0m 32.74s: opening drive E
      0m 32.75s: opened i/o
      0m 33.16s: got max lba 20509439
      0m 34.29s: got disc type 20
      0m 34.29s: internal path E:/BDMV/
      0m 35.21s: aacs 1 bd+ 0
      0m 35.43s: got bdmv
      0m 35.44s: Vendor: MATSHITA
      0m 35.44s: Product: BD-CMB UJ141ES
      0m 35.44s: Revision: 1.00
      0m 35.44s: Vendor specific: 09082800
      0m 35.44s: AACS version: 1
      0m 35.44s: Number of concurrent AGIDs: 1
      0m 35.44s: Supports bus encryption: NO
      0m 35.44s: Supports binding nonce generation: YES
      0m 35.44s: Supports Hybrid discs: NO
      0m 35.44s: got agid 3
      0m 35.51s: sent host cert chal
      0m 35.52s: got drive cert chal
      0m 35.52s: BEC 0
      0m 35.52s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0001
      0m 35.59s: got drive key
      0m 35.59s: got host key signature
      0m 35.59s: verified drive signature
      0m 35.60s: verified host signature
      0m 35.71s: sent host signature and key point
      0m 35.71s: got bus key
      0m 35.71s: got agid 3
      0m 35.79s: sent host cert chal
      0m 35.79s: got drive cert chal
      0m 35.79s: BEC 0
      0m 35.79s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0001
      0m 35.86s: got drive key
      0m 35.87s: got host key signature
      0m 35.87s: verified drive signature
      0m 35.87s: verified host signature
      0m 35.98s: sent host signature and key point
      0m 35.98s: got bus key
      0m 35.98s: got volume id
      0m 35.98s: got volume id mac
      0m 35.98s: volume id is correct
      0m 35.98s: got vid
      0m 36.74s: blu-ray F84721A6A7F9D6C8827C313A59F4E3C2890C068C
      0m 37.46s: cert BEE=0x00 same
      0m 38.93s: D 93248E3C
      0m 38.93s: got vuk
      0m 39.25s: got unit key 7
      2m 28.69s: Java protection is removed by StealthyClone anti-protection.
      2m 28.94s: got discinfo
      2m 29.26s: got bdmv
      3m 30.32s: got extended bdinfo
      3m 30.32s: opened blu-ray
      4m 29.20s: BD MainMovie watermark flag: 0
      4m 29.20s: Blu-ray Copy: Main Movie
      4m 29.20s: Source: E:/BDMV/
      4m 29.21s: Playlist: 847
      4m 29.21s: Chapters: 1 -> 18
      4m 29.21s: TotalSize: 35445 MB
      4m 29.21s: SourceSize: 35445 MB
      4m 29.21s: RemoveHDAudio: 0
      4m 29.21s: CompressToAC3: 0
      4m 29.21s: OutputSize: 43700 MB
      4m 29.21s: OutputDisc: BDMV
      4m 29.21s: OutputTarget: BD50
      4m 29.21s: OutputVideo: 1080p/i
      4m 29.21s: info: enable bd copy(mode=0)
      4m 29.21s: info: streams()
      4m 29.21s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[00800.m2ts],atomic[00801.m2ts],atomic[00803.m2ts],atomic[00804.m2ts],atomic[00806.m2ts],atomic[00807.m2ts],atomic[00809.m2ts],atomic[00810.m2ts],atomic[00812.m2ts],atomic[00813.m2ts],atomic[00815.m2ts],atomic[00816.m2ts],atomic[00818.m2ts],atomic[00819.m2ts],atomic[00821.m2ts],atomic[00822.m2ts],atomic[00824.m2ts],atomic[00825.m2ts],atomic[00827.m2ts],atomic[00828.m2ts],atomic[00830.m2ts],atomic[00831.m2ts],atomic[00833.m2ts],atomic[00834.m2ts],atomic[00836.m2ts],atomic[00837.m2ts],atomic[00839.m2ts],atomic[00840.m2ts],atomic[00842.m2ts],atomic[00843.m2ts],atomic[00845.m2ts]]])
      4m 29.22s: info: processing source(00800.m2ts)
      6m 57.65s: info: processing source(00801.m2ts)
      7m 29.34s: info: processing source(00803.m2ts)
      9m 07.77s: info: processing source(00804.m2ts)
      9m 26.36s: info: processing source(00806.m2ts)
      16m 12.03s: info: processing source(00807.m2ts)
      16m 36.09s: info: processing source(00809.m2ts)
      20m 53.67s: info: processing source(00810.m2ts)
      21m 08.76s: info: processing source(00812.m2ts)
      30m 53.19s: info: processing source(00813.m2ts)
      30m 58.21s: info: processing source(00815.m2ts)
      39m 08.69s: info: processing source(00816.m2ts)
      39m 27.50s: info: processing source(00818.m2ts)
      46m 59.65s: info: processing source(00819.m2ts)
      47m 11.26s: info: processing source(00821.m2ts)
      55m 19.67s: info: processing source(00822.m2ts)
      56m 21.62s: info: processing source(00824.m2ts)
      56m 45.85s: info: processing source(00825.m2ts)
      57m 18.49s: info: processing source(00827.m2ts)
      64m 45.80s: info: processing source(00828.m2ts)
      65m 20.66s: info: processing source(00830.m2ts)
      71m 24.87s: info: processing source(00831.m2ts)
      72m 08.70s: info: processing source(00833.m2ts)
      72m 34.25s: info: processing source(00834.m2ts)
      72m 46.11s: info: processing source(00836.m2ts)
      81m 28.08s: info: processing source(00837.m2ts)
      81m 42.34s: info: processing source(00839.m2ts)
      82m 58.99s: info: processing source(00840.m2ts)
      83m 07.99s: info: processing source(00842.m2ts)
      86m 23.54s: info: processing source(00843.m2ts)
      86m 40.47s: info: processing source(00845.m2ts)
      92m 34.73s: opening drive E
      92m 34.73s: opened i/o
      92m 34.73s: got media type 15
      92m 35.48s: got max lba 22287359
      92m 37.21s: terminate process
      92m 37.39s: got disc type 20
      92m 37.40s: type Blu-ray BDMV
      92m 37.40s: volume label 49123204_BLACK_HAWK_DOWN

      DVDFab (2013/04/27 11:34:40)

      0m 00.42s: Start preload dll...
      0m 00.51s: Load dll successful.
      0m 00.51s: Start load fabplay dll...
      0m 00.63s: Load fabplay dll successful.
      0m 00.65s: Windows os type is: 13.
      0m 00.65s: Transfer settings successful.
      0m 01.26s: GPUAccelerate: 12351
      0m 01.26s: CUDA cap: 0
      0m 01.26s: Support coreavc decode: 0
      0m 01.26s: Graphics info: NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250M : 4.20 : 1.2
      0m 01.43s: Start get sys number.
      0m 01.45s: Serial number is: 70-1a-04-60-82-58:00-26-9e-96-ab-6d
      0m 01.45s: Reg URL link is:
      0m 01.45s: Version is: 9036
      0m 01.45s: Product is: 2
      0m 01.45s: Connect type is: 0
      0m 03.18s: Times of connecting error is: 0
      0m 03.18s: Parse string is: 2:8260762964
      0m 03.18s: Parse string is: 20:8260762964
      0m 03.18s: Parse string is: 1:27
      0m 03.18s: Parse string is: OV:9036
      0m 03.18s: Parse string is: BV:9037
      0m 03.18s: Parse string is: S:949d13a8605c34f75c603d6f2b0560a6
      0m 03.49s: option dvd2dvd 1 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 1 bd2mobile 1 bd23d 1 bd2dvd 1 file2dvd 1 file2bluray 1 file2mobile 1
      0m 03.49s: End check info.
      0m 03.49s: Load config successful.
      0m 03.51s: Qt Translator file load success
      0m 03.77s: Init profile data driver sucessful.
      0m 03.77s: Init GPU settings sucessful.
      0m 13.07s: Begin init preview play engine.
      0m 13.08s: Init DirectShow engine successful.
      0m 13.44s: Init burn engine successful.
      0m 14.04s: opening drive E
      0m 14.04s: opened i/o
      0m 14.04s: got media type 15
      0m 18.58s: got max lba 22287359
      0m 21.10s: got disc type 20
      0m 21.10s: type Blu-ray BDMV
      0m 21.10s: volume label 49123204_BLACK_HAWK_DOWN
      0m 21.10s: opening drive E
      0m 21.10s: opened i/o
      0m 21.11s: got media type 15
      0m 21.84s: got max lba 22287359
      0m 22.73s: got disc type 20
      0m 22.73s: type Blu-ray BDMV
      0m 22.73s: volume label 49123204_BLACK_HAWK_DOWN
      0m 22.81s: internal path E:/BDMV/
      0m 22.82s: aacs 1 bd+ 0
      0m 23.18s: got bdmv
      0m 23.19s: Vendor: MATSHITA
      0m 23.19s: Product: BD-CMB UJ141ES
      0m 23.19s: Revision: 1.00
      0m 23.19s: Vendor specific: 09082800
      0m 23.19s: AACS version: 1
      0m 23.19s: Number of concurrent AGIDs: 1
      0m 23.19s: Supports bus encryption: NO
      0m 23.19s: Supports binding nonce generation: YES
      0m 23.19s: Supports Hybrid discs: NO
      0m 23.19s: got agid 3
      0m 23.26s: sent host cert chal
      0m 23.27s: got drive cert chal
      0m 23.27s: BEC 0
      0m 23.27s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0001
      0m 23.34s: got drive key
      0m 23.34s: got host key signature
      0m 23.35s: verified drive signature
      0m 23.35s: verified host signature
      0m 23.46s: sent host signature and key point
      0m 23.46s: got bus key
      0m 23.46s: got agid 3
      0m 23.54s: sent host cert chal
      0m 23.54s: got drive cert chal
      0m 23.54s: BEC 0
      0m 23.54s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0001
      0m 23.61s: got drive key
      0m 23.61s: got host key signature
      0m 23.61s: verified drive signature
      0m 23.61s: verified host signature
      0m 23.72s: sent host signature and key point
      0m 23.72s: got bus key
      0m 23.73s: got volume id
      0m 23.73s: got volume id mac
      0m 23.73s: volume id is correct
      0m 23.73s: got vid
      0m 24.42s: blu-ray A3584FA4C8823498E51D9DA8380C089146A5E2EF
      0m 25.20s: cert BEE=0x00 same
      0m 26.66s: D 11ED85FA
      0m 26.66s: got vuk
      0m 27.05s: got unit key 1
      0m 30.35s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile
      0m 44.77s: got discinfo
      0m 44.89s: got bdmv
      0m 51.35s: got extended bdinfo
      0m 51.36s: opened blu-ray
      0m 52.09s: CommmandLine in fabopensource is
      2m 16.22s: BD MainMovie watermark flag: 0
      2m 16.22s: Blu-ray Copy: Main Movie
      2m 16.22s: Source: E:/BDMV/
      2m 16.23s: Playlist: 9
      2m 16.23s: Chapters: 1 -> 16
      2m 16.23s: TotalSize: 35508 MB
      2m 16.23s: SourceSize: 35508 MB
      2m 16.23s: RemoveHDAudio: 1
      2m 16.23s: CompressToAC3: 0
      2m 16.23s: OutputSize: 43700 MB
      2m 16.23s: OutputDisc: BDMV
      2m 16.23s: OutputTarget: BD50
      2m 16.23s: OutputVideo: 1080p/i
      2m 16.23s: info: enable bd copy(mode=0)
      2m 16.23s: info: streams()
      2m 16.23s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[00000.m2ts],atomic[00001.m2ts]]])
      2m 16.24s: info: processing source(00000.m2ts)
      35m 32.34s: info: processing source(00001.m2ts)
      89m 17.86s: terminate process


        Appears to be fixed in

