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Can't get the software to recognize any BR discs

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    Can't get the software to recognize any BR discs

    I have attempted to make a backup of Harry Potter Deathly Hallows pt 2 and and both just sit there reading the drive. If I try to open the disc with, it reads for a moment and the menu for full disc or movie only comes up. Is there something changed in v9 that I am missing???

    I click on the menu button that says "click on [ ] to open source. I point to drive E and it just reads constantly and does nothing else in v9


    Antivirus is shut off and nothing else should load in the background to interfere. I stated...v8 still works properly...put disc auto loads it and brings up the menus auto recognizes discs and loads them. What has changed???
    Last edited by bobmitch; 04-28-2013, 05:03 AM.

    #2 auto recognized the HP movie and gave me the menu. Analyzed the disc in 2:39. Copying now. Why do the newer versions NOT work like this?


      Hi bobmitch
      Try going into Fab settings, select drives, read, if it is set to Windows File System try changing it to Internal UDF 2.50, if set to Internal try changing to Windows and try again, see pic
      Hope this helps
      Attached Files
      Last edited by CBR929; 04-28-2013, 02:22 PM. Reason: text
      Even if it's a little thing, do something for those who have need of help, something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.

      Setting Up ImgBurn and DVDFab to work together

      Tips for Posting DVDFab Logs in the Forum


        That is exactly what the software setting is on my system and still won't read any discs.


        Asus Sabertooth z77 with i7 3770K
        16 GB of DDR3 1866 Memory
        Samsung 830 Series SSD on SATA 6 controller
        Hitachi 1TB HDD on SATA 3 controller
        Pioneer BDR-207DBK
        Pioneer BDR-2208
        Windows 8 Professional

        I totally disable Kaspersky Internet Security. Insert the disc...with DVDFab open...get the message that DVDFab requires Internet connection and AV disabled for firewall OK and I get the dialog box that the disc is being read....never stops reading at that point. Never brings up the copy dialog or anything...just sits there reading. If I use, I get that is is reading...then the copy dialog pops up and gives me the option of FULL copy or movie only, etc. Something very odd is going on...
        Last edited by bobmitch; 04-28-2013, 03:58 PM.


 log from last night:

          DVDFab (2013/04/29 01:29:19)

          0m 00.09s: Start preload dll...
          0m 00.12s: Load dll successful.
          0m 00.12s: Start load fabplay dll...
          0m 00.16s: Load fabplay dll successful.
          0m 00.17s: Windows os type is: 14.
          0m 00.17s: Transfer settings successful.
          0m 00.23s: GPUAccelerate: 12351
          0m 00.23s: CUDA cap: 1
          0m 00.23s: Support coreavc decode: 0
          0m 00.23s: Graphics info: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670 : 5.50 : 3.0
          0m 00.23s: Load config successful.
          0m 00.23s: Qt Translator file load success
          0m 00.26s: Start get sys number.
          0m 00.27s: Serial number is: c8-60-00-c9-6a-5c
          0m 00.27s: Reg URL link is:
          0m 00.27s: Version is: 9038
          0m 00.27s: Product is: 2
          0m 00.27s: Connect type is: 0
          0m 00.96s: Times of connecting error is: 0
          0m 00.96s: Parse string is: 2:1419226165
          0m 00.96s: Parse string is: 20:1419226165
          0m 00.96s: Parse string is: 60:1419213865
          0m 00.96s: Parse string is: OV:9038
          0m 00.96s: Parse string is: BV:9037
          0m 00.96s: Parse string is: S:3f60eba468b5a228d58755b1a69f7015
          0m 01.28s: option dvd2dvd 1 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 1 bd2mobile 1 bd23d 1 bd2dvd 1 file2dvd 1 file2bluray 1 file2mobile 1
          0m 01.28s: End check info.
          0m 01.35s: Init profile data driver sucessful.
          0m 01.35s: Init GPU settings sucessful.
          0m 04.60s: Begin init preview play engine.
          0m 04.60s: Init DirectShow engine successful.
          0m 04.84s: Init burn engine successful.
          0m 04.99s: opening drive E
          0m 05.00s: opened i/o
          0m 05.00s: got media type 15
          0m 05.46s: got max lba 23293951
          0m 05.69s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile
          0m 06.71s: got disc type 20
          0m 06.71s: type Blu-ray BDMV
          0m 06.71s: volume label TOY_STORY_3_DISC_1
          0m 06.76s: opening drive F
          0m 06.82s: opened i/o
          0m 06.83s: got media type 16
          0m 06.84s: got max lba 0
          0m 06.89s: internal path E:/BDMV/
          0m 08.06s: aacs 1 bd+ 0
          0m 08.33s: got bdmv
          0m 08.35s: Vendor: PIONEER
          0m 08.35s: Product: BD-RW BDR-207D
          0m 08.35s: Revision: 1.30
          0m 08.35s: Vendor specific: 12/09/05 PIONEER
          0m 08.35s: AACS version: 1
          0m 08.35s: Number of concurrent AGIDs: 1
          0m 08.35s: Supports bus encryption: YES
          0m 08.35s: Supports binding nonce generation: YES
          0m 08.35s: Supports Hybrid discs: NO
          0m 08.37s: got agid 0
          0m 08.44s: sent host cert chal
          0m 08.45s: got drive cert chal
          0m 08.45s: BEC 1
          0m 08.45s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0067
          0m 08.50s: got drive key
          0m 08.50s: got host key signature
          0m 08.50s: verified drive signature
          0m 08.50s: verified host signature
          0m 08.55s: sent host signature and key point
          0m 08.55s: got bus key
          0m 08.58s: got agid 0
          0m 08.66s: sent host cert chal
          0m 08.67s: got drive cert chal
          0m 08.67s: BEC 1
          0m 08.67s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0067
          0m 08.72s: got drive key
          0m 08.72s: got host key signature
          0m 08.72s: verified drive signature
          0m 08.72s: verified host signature
          0m 08.77s: sent host signature and key point
          0m 08.77s: got bus key
          0m 08.78s: got volume id
          0m 08.78s: got volume id mac
          0m 08.78s: volume id is correct
          0m 08.78s: got vid
          0m 08.88s: blu-ray 52F8CC37330D0C418FD233FA9AAED166C60E9048
          0m 09.36s: cert BEE=0x00 same
          0m 09.48s: error curl post: Failure when receiving data from the peer
          0m 09.48s: failed to open 302
          0m 11.23s: opening drive F
          0m 11.29s: opened i/o
          0m 11.30s: got max lba 0
          0m 14.20s: CommmandLine in fabopensource is
          0m 31.29s: set folder E:/BDMV/ with type 2
          0m 31.29s: opening folder E:/BDMV/
          0m 36.74s: set folder E:/BDMV/ with type 2
          0m 36.74s: opening folder E:/BDMV/
          0m 40.59s: got bdmv
          0m 40.78s: blu-ray 52F8CC37330D0C418FD233FA9AAED166C60E9048
          0m 40.80s: cert BEE=0x00 same
          0m 40.91s: error curl post: Failure when receiving data from the peer
          11m 14.68s: user cancelled
          11m 14.68s: failed to open 1
          11m 28.38s: set folder E:/BDMV/ with type 2
          11m 28.38s: opening folder E:/BDMV/
          11m 44.82s: set folder E:/BDMV/ with type 2
          11m 44.82s: opening folder E:/BDMV/
          11m 46.53s: set folder E:/BDMV/ with type 2
          11m 46.53s: opening folder E:/BDMV/
          11m 53.32s: got bdmv
          11m 53.59s: blu-ray 52F8CC37330D0C418FD233FA9AAED166C60E9048
          11m 53.64s: cert BEE=0x00 same
          11m 53.75s: error curl post: Failure when receiving data from the peer



            Downloaded Insert a Blu Ray disc...get the message that has to check with internet...nothing happens from there. Go to Blu Ray copy screen and double click the drive with the Blu Ray in it....sits and reads for almost 5 minutes with nothing happening except the drive light flashing constantly. Cancelled and am posting the log. Again...BDR-2208 from Pioneer (two months old) perfectly with or even any version of v8. Any version after fails to read discs and just keeps reading and reading and reading with nothing else happening

            DVDFab (2013/05/12 23:27:25)

            0m 00.09s: Start preload dll...
            0m 00.12s: Load dll successful.
            0m 00.12s: Start load fabplay dll...
            0m 00.16s: Load fabplay dll successful.
            0m 00.16s: Windows os type is: 14.
            0m 00.16s: Transfer settings successful.
            0m 00.27s: GPUAccelerate: 12351
            0m 00.27s: CUDA cap: 1
            0m 00.27s: Support coreavc decode: 0
            0m 00.27s: Graphics info: : :
            0m 00.27s: Load config successful.
            0m 00.27s: Qt Translator file load success
            0m 00.30s: Start get sys number.
            0m 00.30s: Serial number is: c8-60-00-c9-6a-5c
            0m 00.30s: Reg URL link is:
            0m 00.30s: Version is: 9039
            0m 00.30s: Product is: 2
            0m 00.30s: Connect type is: 0
            0m 00.82s: Times of connecting error is: 0
            0m 00.82s: Parse string is: 2:1419226165
            0m 00.82s: Parse string is: 20:1419226165
            0m 00.82s: Parse string is: 60:1419213865
            0m 00.82s: Parse string is: OV:9038
            0m 00.82s: Parse string is: BV:9039
            0m 00.82s: Parse string is: S:f99d2a785d85162844d16b5bf2e70a22
            0m 01.09s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile
            0m 01.31s: option dvd2dvd 1 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 1 bd2mobile 1 bd23d 1 bd2dvd 1 file2dvd 1 file2bluray 1 file2mobile 1
            0m 01.31s: End check info.
            0m 01.37s: Init profile data driver sucessful.
            0m 01.38s: Init GPU settings sucessful.
            0m 04.60s: Begin init preview play engine.
            0m 04.60s: Init DirectShow engine successful.
            0m 04.80s: Init burn engine successful.
            0m 04.98s: opening drive E
            0m 05.04s: opened i/o
            0m 05.04s: got media type 16
            0m 05.05s: got max lba 0
            0m 05.05s: opening drive F
            0m 05.06s: opened i/o
            0m 05.06s: got media type 15
            0m 05.07s: got max lba 13656287
            0m 05.50s: got disc type 20
            0m 05.50s: type Blu-ray BDMV
            0m 05.50s: volume label PS3VOLUME
            0m 05.54s: internal path
            0m 05.54s: failed to open 0
            0m 08.51s: internal path F:/BDMV/
            0m 08.51s: aacs 1 bd+ 0
            0m 09.22s: got bdmv
            0m 09.23s: Vendor: PIONEER
            0m 09.23s: Product: BD-RW BDR-208M
            0m 09.23s: Revision: 1.10
            0m 09.23s: Vendor specific: 12/08/22 PIONEER
            0m 09.23s: AACS version: 1
            0m 09.23s: Number of concurrent AGIDs: 1
            0m 09.23s: Supports bus encryption: YES
            0m 09.23s: Supports binding nonce generation: YES
            0m 09.23s: Supports Hybrid discs: NO
            0m 09.23s: got agid 0
            0m 09.26s: sent host cert chal
            0m 09.27s: got drive cert chal
            0m 09.27s: BEC 1
            0m 09.27s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0067
            0m 09.29s: got drive key
            0m 09.29s: got host key signature
            0m 09.30s: verified drive signature
            0m 09.30s: verified host signature
            0m 09.32s: sent host signature and key point
            0m 09.32s: got bus key
            0m 09.33s: got agid 0
            0m 09.36s: sent host cert chal
            0m 09.36s: got drive cert chal
            0m 09.36s: BEC 1
            0m 09.36s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0067
            0m 09.39s: got drive key
            0m 09.39s: got host key signature
            0m 09.39s: verified drive signature
            0m 09.39s: verified host signature
            0m 09.41s: sent host signature and key point
            0m 09.41s: got bus key
            0m 09.41s: got volume id
            0m 09.41s: got volume id mac
            0m 09.41s: volume id is correct
            0m 09.42s: got vid
            0m 09.60s: blu-ray 8CCD5A580BA74485D900E24200C468255EF106E8
            0m 10.05s: cert BEE=0x00 same
            0m 10.16s: error curl post: Failure when receiving data from the peer
            0m 10.16s: failed to open 302
            0m 15.06s: CommmandLine in fabopensource is
            0m 31.80s: set folder F:/BDMV/ with type 2
            0m 31.80s: opening folder F:/BDMV/
            0m 35.86s: set folder F:/BDMV/ with type 2
            0m 35.86s: opening folder F:/BDMV/
            0m 36.38s: got bdmv
            0m 36.46s: blu-ray 8CCD5A580BA74485D900E24200C468255EF106E8
            0m 36.47s: cert BEE=0x00 same
            0m 36.58s: error curl post: Failure when receiving data from the peer
            4m 39.69s: user cancelled
            4m 39.69s: failed to open 1

