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The Sorcerer and the White Snake

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    The Sorcerer and the White Snake

    I tried to make a copy of the main movie to fir on a 25 GB disc.
    Full disc was at 30% but main movie was 97% so I elected to just copy rhe main movie. After four hours of copy I was at around 76% when the copy process stopped. When I checked I had 1hr 09m of a 1he 36m movie. Something is still going wrong with the compression process.

    DVDFab (2013/04/29 15:16:49)

    0m 00.10s: Start preload dll...
    0m 00.15s: Load dll successful.
    0m 00.15s: Start load fabplay dll...
    0m 00.21s: Load fabplay dll successful.
    0m 00.21s: Windows os type is: 13.
    0m 00.21s: Transfer settings successful.
    0m 00.29s: GPUAccelerate: 851973
    0m 00.29s: CUDA cap: 0
    0m 00.29s: Support coreavc decode: 0
    0m 00.29s: Graphics info: Intel(R) HD Graphics : :
    0m 00.31s: Load config successful.
    0m 00.31s: Qt Translator file load success
    0m 00.34s: Start get sys number.
    0m 00.34s: Serial number is: e4-d5-3d-8a-fa-6c:d0-67-e5-0d-78-b5
    0m 00.34s: Reg URL link is:
    0m 00.34s: Version is: 9038
    0m 00.34s: Product is: 2
    0m 00.34s: Connect type is: 0
    0m 01.34s: Times of connecting error is: 0
    0m 01.35s: Parse string is: 2:8260762964
    0m 01.35s: Parse string is: 20:8260762964
    0m 01.35s: Parse string is: 1:24
    0m 01.35s: Parse string is: OV:9038
    0m 01.35s: Parse string is: BV:9037
    0m 01.35s: Parse string is: S:516d4820e742f88c29f79f63a17ea9b9
    0m 01.37s: option dvd2dvd 1 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 1 bd2mobile 1 bd23d 1 bd2dvd 1 file2dvd 1 file2bluray 1 file2mobile 1
    0m 01.37s: End check info.
    0m 01.46s: Init profile data driver sucessful.
    0m 01.46s: Init GPU settings sucessful.
    0m 08.17s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile
    0m 10.45s: Begin init preview play engine.
    0m 10.45s: Init DirectShow engine successful.
    0m 10.65s: Init burn engine successful.
    0m 13.07s: opening drive E
    0m 13.07s: opened i/o
    0m 13.07s: got media type 16
    0m 13.55s: got max lba 15956415
    0m 14.34s: got disc type 20
    0m 14.34s: type Blu-ray BDMV
    0m 14.34s: volume label SORCERER_AND_THE_WHITE_SNAKE
    0m 14.37s: opening drive D
    0m 14.38s: opened i/o
    0m 14.38s: failed to detect media type: sensekey 00 asc 00 acsq 00
    0m 14.38s: got max lba 0
    0m 14.66s: opening drive G
    0m 14.67s: opened i/o
    0m 14.67s: failed to detect media type: sensekey 00 asc 00 acsq 00
    0m 14.68s: got max lba 0
    0m 14.75s: internal path E:/BDMV/
    0m 15.05s: aacs 0 bd+ 0
    0m 15.38s: got bdmv
    0m 18.12s: Java protection is removed by StealthyClone anti-protection.
    0m 18.25s: got discinfo
    0m 18.40s: got bdmv
    0m 23.60s: got extended bdinfo
    0m 23.60s: opened blu-ray
    0m 23.97s: CommmandLine in fabopensource is
    0m 50.66s: BD MainMovie watermark flag: 0
    2m 23.26s: Blu-ray Copy: Main Movie
    2m 23.26s: Source: E:/BDMV/
    2m 23.26s: Playlist: 0
    2m 23.26s: Chapters: 1 -> 13
    2m 23.26s: TotalSize: 27184 MB
    2m 23.26s: SourceSize: 24238 MB
    2m 23.26s: RemoveHDAudio: 0
    2m 23.26s: CompressToAC3: 0
    2m 23.26s: OutputSize: 23866 MB
    2m 23.26s: OutputDisc: BDMV
    2m 23.26s: OutputTarget: BD25
    2m 23.26s: OutputVideo: 1080p/i
    2m 23.27s: info: enable bd copy(mode=0)
    2m 23.27s: info: video encode mode(0), bitrate(31026), lr-encode(no)
    2m 23.27s: info: streams(4113.2)
    2m 23.27s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[00524.m2ts]]])
    2m 23.27s: info: enable multi-thread software decoder
    2m 24.29s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(31026)
    2m 28.31s: info: processing source(00524.m2ts)
    269m 34.23s: info: group(elem[atomic[00524.m2ts]]) playtime(5632668 ms) source(27184 MB) request(23627 MB) real(17348 MB) bitrate(31026 kbps)
    269m 34.25s: compress finished: groups request(23627 MB, 23627 MB) real(17348 MB) average_bitrate(31026 kbps)


    Wow! In less than a quarter of the time to get an incomplete movie from the newest version 9, 8050 from 2011 gets me the whole main movie in just over one hour.
    DVDFab (2013/04/29 19:49:04)

    0m 01.15s: option dvd2dvd 1 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 1 bd2mobile 1 bd23d 1 bd2dvd 1 file2mobile 1 filemover 1
    0m 09.82s: detected blu-ray
    0m 09.82s: drive E
    0m 09.82s: blu-ray type 1
    0m 09.82s: volume label SORCERER_AND_THE_WHITE_SNAKE
    0m 14.02s: aacs 0 bd+ 0
    0m 14.86s: got discinfo
    0m 14.96s: got bdmv
    0m 20.17s: got extended bdinfo
    0m 20.17s: opened blu-ray
    18m 31.03s: Blu-ray Copy: Main Movie
    18m 31.03s: Source: E:\BDMV\
    18m 31.03s: Playlist: 0
    18m 31.03s: Chapters: 1 -> 13
    18m 31.03s: TotalSize: 27184 MB
    18m 31.03s: SourceSize: 24312 MB
    18m 31.03s: RemoveHDAudio: 0
    18m 31.03s: ProtectedDisc: 0
    18m 31.03s: OutputTarget: BD25
    18m 31.03s: OutputVideo: 1080p/i
    18m 31.10s: Video reencode bitrate (31057 kbps)
    18m 31.10s: compress begin: Blu-ray groups clips(00524.m2ts), playtime(5632668 ms), size(27184 MB)
    18m 31.11s: processing source(00524.m2ts)
    18m 31.11s: Lightning-Recoding (accelerate H.264 software decoding and encoding) enabled
    18m 32.44s: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(31057)
    74m 22.97s: group(00524.m2ts ) playtime(5632668 ms) source(27184 MB) request(23627 MB) real(22638 MB) bitrate(31057 kbps)
    74m 23.01s: compress finished: groups request(23627 MB, 23627 MB) real(22638 MB) average_bitrate(31057 kbps)
    75m 42.01s: got bdmv
    75m 42.03s: got extended bdinfo


      I think I see why it ran faster, I had Lightning Encode enabled on 8085.


        You can try but I think the compression from BD50 to BD25 is broken in, I did the complete BD of The Hobbit to the HDD in about 30 minutes but when I tried to compress it to BD25 it fell flat. Like 14 hours or something. Main Movie to BD25 hums right along, must be trying to compress the menus that throw it a curve.
        How to post the internal log

        Things should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.
        Albert Einstein

