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DVDFab hangs-up during copy

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    DVDFab hangs-up during copy

    I have never ever succeeded with Bluray copy with the last one year's versions including DVDFab v9.0.4.0 and also by trying almost all suggestions mentioned in the user forums. The system hangs-up before the copy process begins. I tried from Bluray to bluray; from folder to Bluray; From Bluray to folder. Did not change at all.

    Hi Nozg,

    Do you have the same problem as in the video i posted here on this thread?




      Well post your logs if you want any assistance.
      "Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." - Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790


        Originally posted by GregiBoy View Post
        Well post your logs if you want any assistance.

        Well, if you follow the link to the forum, you have the only log i get and the video from the problem.

        Will be very nice that we become a tip or a answer please as check the ram or maybe you have a conflict with another program, several problems exist when you have to compress the main movie to put on a 25 BR.




          Log File

          Dear Forum Users,
          Thank so much for your kind support. I really appreciate. There are several logs.
          One is:

          DVDFab (2013/05/15 19:57:18)

          0m 00.05s: Start preload dll...
          0m 00.08s: Load dll successful.
          0m 00.08s: Start load fabplay dll...
          0m 00.12s: Load fabplay dll successful.
          0m 00.13s: Windows os type is: 14.
          0m 00.13s: Transfer settings successful.
          0m 00.29s: GPUAccelerate: 3
          0m 00.29s: CUDA cap: 0
          0m 00.29s: Support coreavc decode: 0
          0m 00.29s: Graphics info: ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series (Microsoft Corporation - WDDM v1.1) : :
          0m 00.29s: Load config successful.
          0m 00.30s: Qt Translator file load success
          0m 00.32s: Start get sys number.
          0m 00.33s: Serial number is: 00-26-83-37-73-95:54-04-a6-3e-44-1a
          0m 00.33s: Reg URL link is:
          0m 00.33s: Version is: 9040
          0m 00.33s: Product is: 2
          0m 00.33s: Connect type is: 1
          0m 01.04s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile
          0m 01.34s: Times of connecting error is: 0
          0m 01.34s: Parse string is: OV:9040
          0m 01.34s: Parse string is: BV:9039
          0m 01.83s: option dvd2dvd 1 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 1 bd2mobile 1 bd23d 1 bd2dvd 1 file2dvd 1 file2bluray 1 file2mobile 1
          0m 01.83s: End check info.
          0m 01.97s: Init profile data driver sucessful.
          0m 01.97s: Init GPU settings sucessful.
          0m 05.23s: Begin init preview play engine.
          0m 05.41s: Init internal engine successful.
          0m 05.59s: Init burn engine successful.
          0m 33.83s: Start get sys number.
          0m 33.84s: Serial number is: 00-26-83-37-73-95:54-04-a6-3e-44-1a
          0m 33.84s: Reg URL link is:
          0m 33.84s: Version is: 9040
          0m 33.84s: Product is: 2
          0m 33.84s: Connect type is: 0
          0m 34.83s: Times of connecting error is: 0
          0m 34.83s: Parse string is: 20:1476933767
          0m 34.83s: Parse string is: 60:1476935686
          0m 34.83s: Parse string is: OV:9040
          0m 34.83s: Parse string is: BV:9039
          0m 34.83s: Parse string is: S:a0bf49f5b5f390ad2de89765730f7fd6
          0m 35.34s: option dvd2dvd 1 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 1 bd2mobile 1 bd23d 1 bd2dvd 1 file2dvd 1 file2bluray 1 file2mobile 1
          0m 37.15s: opening drive H
          0m 37.15s: opened i/o
          0m 37.15s: got media type 15
          0m 40.29s: got max lba 18578911
          0m 41.14s: got disc type 20
          0m 41.14s: type Blu-ray BDMV
          0m 41.14s: volume label ROCK_AND_ROLL_25TH_D1
          0m 41.17s: opening drive I
          0m 41.19s: opened i/o
          0m 41.19s: got media type 16
          0m 41.20s: got max lba 0
          0m 41.20s: opening drive H
          0m 41.21s: opened i/o
          0m 41.21s: got media type 15
          0m 43.59s: got max lba 18578911
          0m 44.43s: got disc type 20
          0m 44.43s: type Blu-ray BDMV
          0m 44.43s: volume label ROCK_AND_ROLL_25TH_D1
          0m 44.65s: internal path H:/BDMV/
          0m 44.65s: aacs 1 bd+ 0
          0m 45.30s: got bdmv
          0m 45.31s: Vendor: HL-DT-ST
          0m 45.31s: Product: BDDVDRW GGC-H20L
          0m 45.31s: Revision: 1.03
          0m 45.31s: Vendor specific: 4
          0m 45.31s: AACS version: 1
          0m 45.31s: Number of concurrent AGIDs: 1
          0m 45.32s: Supports bus encryption: NO
          0m 45.32s: Supports binding nonce generation: YES
          0m 45.32s: Supports Hybrid discs: NO
          0m 45.37s: got agid 0
          0m 45.66s: sent host cert chal
          0m 45.86s: got drive cert chal
          0m 45.86s: BEC 0
          0m 45.86s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0074
          0m 46.50s: got drive key
          0m 46.50s: got host key signature
          0m 46.50s: verified drive signature
          0m 46.51s: verified host signature
          0m 47.03s: sent host signature and key point
          0m 47.03s: got bus key
          0m 47.12s: got agid 0
          0m 47.40s: sent host cert chal
          0m 47.48s: got drive cert chal
          0m 47.48s: BEC 0
          0m 47.48s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0074
          0m 47.90s: got drive key
          0m 47.90s: got host key signature
          0m 47.90s: verified drive signature
          0m 47.90s: verified host signature
          0m 48.43s: sent host signature and key point
          0m 48.43s: got bus key
          0m 48.52s: got volume id
          0m 48.53s: got volume id mac
          0m 48.53s: volume id is correct
          0m 48.53s: got vid
          0m 48.76s: blu-ray 4584FA36C03E33750A9DE29F8097B99CF6A618C9
          0m 49.45s: cert BEE=0x00 same
          0m 51.31s: D E070500B
          0m 51.32s: got vuk
          0m 51.71s: got unit key 1
          0m 57.18s: got discinfo
          0m 57.41s: got bdmv
          0m 59.97s: got extended bdinfo
          0m 59.97s: opened blu-ray
          1m 00.01s: opening drive I
          1m 00.03s: opened i/o
          1m 00.04s: got max lba 0
          1m 04.29s: CommmandLine in fabopensource is
          1m 46.06s: set folder H:/BDMV/ with type 2
          1m 46.06s: opening folder H:/BDMV/
          1m 50.47s: set folder H:/BDMV/ with type 2
          1m 50.47s: opening folder H:/BDMV/
          1m 50.74s: got bdmv
          1m 51.17s: blu-ray 4584FA36C03E33750A9DE29F8097B99CF6A618C9
          1m 52.16s: cert BEE=0x00 same
          1m 54.28s: D E070500B
          1m 54.29s: E 72216B29
          3m 21.07s: user cancelled
          3m 21.07s: failed to open 1
          4m 16.18s: Burn data size is: 23000
          4m 16.19s: Burn disc space is: 23866
          4m 16.71s: BD MainMovie watermark flag: 0
          7m 48.66s: Blu-ray Copy: Main Movie
          7m 48.66s: Source: H:/BDMV/
          7m 48.66s: Playlist: 4
          7m 48.66s: Chapters: 1 -> 27
          7m 48.66s: TotalSize: 29472 MB
          7m 48.67s: SourceSize: 29472 MB
          7m 48.67s: RemoveHDAudio: 0
          7m 48.67s: CompressToAC3: 0
          7m 48.67s: OutputSize: 23000 MB
          7m 48.67s: OutputDisc: BDMV
          7m 48.67s: OutputTarget: BD25
          7m 48.67s: OutputVideo: 1080p/i
          7m 48.67s: info: enable bd copy(mode=0)
          7m 48.67s: info: estimate copied other streams size(4832 MB), estimate output video size(17937 MB)
          7m 48.67s: info: video encode mode(0), bitrate(21811), lr-encode(no)
          7m 48.67s: info: streams(4113.2)
          7m 48.68s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[00004.m2ts],atomic[00005.m2ts]]])
          7m 48.68s: try to use gpu acceleration(2) for video decoding
          7m 49.71s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(21811)
          7m 53.76s: info: processing source(00004.m2ts)


            Another log document

            DVDFab (2013/05/15 20:05:54)

            0m 00.08s: Start preload dll...
            0m 00.11s: Load dll successful.
            0m 00.11s: Start load fabplay dll...
            0m 00.15s: Load fabplay dll successful.
            0m 00.15s: Windows os type is: 14.
            0m 00.15s: Transfer settings successful.
            0m 00.25s: GPUAccelerate: 3
            0m 00.25s: CUDA cap: 0
            0m 00.25s: Support coreavc decode: 0
            0m 00.25s: Graphics info: ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series (Microsoft Corporation - WDDM v1.1) : :
            0m 00.25s: Load config successful.
            0m 00.26s: Qt Translator file load success
            0m 00.28s: Start get sys number.
            0m 00.29s: Serial number is: 00-26-83-37-73-95:54-04-a6-3e-44-1a
            0m 00.29s: Reg URL link is:
            0m 00.29s: Version is: 9040
            0m 00.29s: Product is: 2
            0m 00.29s: Connect type is: 1
            0m 01.06s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile
            0m 01.30s: Times of connecting error is: 0
            0m 01.30s: Parse string is: OV:9040
            0m 01.31s: Parse string is: BV:9039
            0m 01.79s: option dvd2dvd 1 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 1 bd2mobile 1 bd23d 1 bd2dvd 1 file2dvd 1 file2bluray 1 file2mobile 1
            0m 01.79s: End check info.
            0m 01.92s: Init profile data driver sucessful.
            0m 01.92s: Init GPU settings sucessful.
            0m 02.82s: Begin init preview play engine.
            0m 02.95s: Init internal engine successful.
            0m 03.10s: Init burn engine successful.
            0m 11.09s: opening drive H
            0m 11.10s: opened i/o
            0m 11.10s: got media type 15
            0m 11.69s: got max lba 18578911
            0m 12.54s: got disc type 20
            0m 12.54s: type Blu-ray BDMV
            0m 12.54s: volume label ROCK_AND_ROLL_25TH_D1
            0m 12.56s: opening drive I
            0m 12.58s: opened i/o
            0m 12.58s: got media type 16
            0m 12.59s: got max lba 0
            0m 12.68s: internal path H:/BDMV/
            0m 12.68s: aacs 1 bd+ 0
            0m 13.37s: got bdmv
            0m 13.38s: Vendor: HL-DT-ST
            0m 13.38s: Product: BDDVDRW GGC-H20L
            0m 13.38s: Revision: 1.03
            0m 13.39s: Vendor specific: 4
            0m 13.39s: AACS version: 1
            0m 13.39s: Number of concurrent AGIDs: 1
            0m 13.39s: Supports bus encryption: NO
            0m 13.40s: Supports binding nonce generation: YES
            0m 13.40s: Supports Hybrid discs: NO
            0m 13.46s: got agid 0
            0m 13.74s: sent host cert chal
            0m 13.82s: got drive cert chal
            0m 13.83s: BEC 0
            0m 13.83s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0074
            0m 14.25s: got drive key
            0m 14.25s: got host key signature
            0m 14.26s: verified drive signature
            0m 14.26s: verified host signature
            0m 14.91s: sent host signature and key point
            0m 14.91s: got bus key
            0m 15.00s: got agid 0
            0m 15.29s: sent host cert chal
            0m 15.37s: got drive cert chal
            0m 15.37s: BEC 0
            0m 15.37s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0074
            0m 15.79s: got drive key
            0m 15.79s: got host key signature
            0m 15.79s: verified drive signature
            0m 15.79s: verified host signature
            0m 16.31s: sent host signature and key point
            0m 16.32s: got bus key
            0m 16.37s: got volume id
            0m 16.37s: got volume id mac
            0m 16.37s: volume id is correct
            0m 16.37s: got vid
            0m 16.51s: user cancelled
            0m 16.51s: blu-ray DA39A3EE5E6B4B0D3255BFEF95601890AFD80709
            0m 16.52s: failed to open 308
            0m 16.83s: opening drive I
            0m 16.85s: opened i/o
            0m 16.86s: got max lba 0
            0m 18.12s: CommmandLine in fabopensource is


              Another Log (I think this is enough)

              DVDFab (2013/05/15 20:06:32)

              0m 00.08s: Start preload dll...
              0m 00.11s: Load dll successful.
              0m 00.11s: Start load fabplay dll...
              0m 00.15s: Load fabplay dll successful.
              0m 00.15s: Windows os type is: 14.
              0m 00.15s: Transfer settings successful.
              0m 00.25s: GPUAccelerate: 3
              0m 00.25s: CUDA cap: 0
              0m 00.25s: Support coreavc decode: 0
              0m 00.26s: Graphics info: ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series (Microsoft Corporation - WDDM v1.1) : :
              0m 00.26s: Load config successful.
              0m 00.26s: Qt Translator file load success
              0m 00.29s: Start get sys number.
              0m 00.29s: Serial number is: 00-26-83-37-73-95:54-04-a6-3e-44-1a
              0m 00.29s: Reg URL link is:
              0m 00.29s: Version is: 9040
              0m 00.29s: Product is: 2
              0m 00.29s: Connect type is: 1
              0m 01.06s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile
              0m 01.59s: Times of connecting error is: 0
              0m 01.60s: Parse string is: OV:9040
              0m 01.60s: Parse string is: BV:9039
              0m 01.79s: option dvd2dvd 1 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 1 bd2mobile 1 bd23d 1 bd2dvd 1 file2dvd 1 file2bluray 1 file2mobile 1
              0m 01.79s: End check info.
              0m 01.92s: Init profile data driver sucessful.
              0m 01.92s: Init GPU settings sucessful.
              0m 05.14s: Begin init preview play engine.
              0m 05.27s: Init internal engine successful.
              0m 05.42s: Init burn engine successful.
              0m 32.14s: Start get sys number.
              0m 32.14s: Serial number is: 00-26-83-37-73-95:54-04-a6-3e-44-1a
              0m 32.14s: Reg URL link is:
              0m 32.14s: Version is: 9040
              0m 32.14s: Product is: 2
              0m 32.14s: Connect type is: 0
              0m 33.10s: Times of connecting error is: 0
              0m 33.11s: Parse string is: 20:1476933767
              0m 33.11s: Parse string is: 60:1476935686
              0m 33.11s: Parse string is: OV:9040
              0m 33.12s: Parse string is: BV:9039
              0m 33.12s: Parse string is: S:d2f39ce98f3ebd1f8c1a13f3e1ee739a
              0m 33.13s: option dvd2dvd 1 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 1 bd2mobile 1 bd23d 1 bd2dvd 1 file2dvd 1 file2bluray 1 file2mobile 1
              0m 37.49s: opening drive H
              0m 37.50s: opened i/o
              0m 37.50s: got media type 15
              0m 38.12s: got max lba 18578911
              0m 38.95s: got disc type 20
              0m 38.95s: type Blu-ray BDMV
              0m 38.95s: volume label ROCK_AND_ROLL_25TH_D1
              0m 38.97s: opening drive I
              0m 38.99s: opened i/o
              0m 39.00s: got media type 16
              0m 39.00s: got max lba 0
              0m 39.11s: internal path H:/BDMV/
              0m 39.11s: aacs 1 bd+ 0
              0m 39.78s: got bdmv
              0m 39.79s: Vendor: HL-DT-ST
              0m 39.79s: Product: BDDVDRW GGC-H20L
              0m 39.80s: Revision: 1.03
              0m 39.80s: Vendor specific: 4
              0m 39.80s: AACS version: 1
              0m 39.80s: Number of concurrent AGIDs: 1
              0m 39.81s: Supports bus encryption: NO
              0m 39.81s: Supports binding nonce generation: YES
              0m 39.81s: Supports Hybrid discs: NO
              0m 39.87s: got agid 0
              0m 40.16s: sent host cert chal
              0m 40.24s: got drive cert chal
              0m 40.24s: BEC 0
              0m 40.24s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0074
              0m 40.67s: got drive key
              0m 40.67s: got host key signature
              0m 40.68s: verified drive signature
              0m 40.68s: verified host signature
              0m 41.21s: sent host signature and key point
              0m 41.21s: got bus key
              0m 41.30s: got agid 0
              0m 41.59s: sent host cert chal
              0m 41.67s: got drive cert chal
              0m 41.68s: BEC 0
              0m 41.68s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0074
              0m 42.10s: got drive key
              0m 42.11s: got host key signature
              0m 42.11s: verified drive signature
              0m 42.11s: verified host signature
              0m 42.64s: sent host signature and key point
              0m 42.64s: got bus key
              0m 42.69s: got volume id
              0m 42.70s: got volume id mac
              0m 42.70s: volume id is correct
              0m 42.70s: got vid
              0m 42.93s: blu-ray 4584FA36C03E33750A9DE29F8097B99CF6A618C9
              0m 43.61s: cert BEE=0x00 same
              0m 45.45s: D E070500B
              0m 45.47s: got vuk
              0m 45.86s: got unit key 1
              0m 51.38s: got discinfo
              0m 51.62s: got bdmv
              0m 54.31s: got extended bdinfo
              0m 54.31s: opened blu-ray
              0m 54.50s: opening drive I
              0m 54.52s: opened i/o
              0m 54.53s: got max lba 0
              0m 59.92s: CommmandLine in fabopensource is
              1m 32.86s: BD FullDisc watermark flag: 0
              6m 25.73s: Blu-ray Copy: Full Disc
              6m 25.74s: Source: H:/BDMV/
              6m 25.74s: SourceSize: 36273 MB
              6m 25.75s: RemoveHDAudio: 0
              6m 25.75s: OutputSize: 23000 MB
              6m 25.75s: OtherSize (CLPI, JAR, etc.): 4 MB
              6m 25.75s: OutputDisc: BDMV
              6m 25.76s: OutputTarget: BD25
              6m 25.76s: OutputVideo: 1080p/i
              6m 26.74s: Output group estimatedblock size
              6m 26.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 10482, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 9300
              6m 26.74s: EstimatedBlocks: 238035, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 208724
              6m 26.75s: EstimatedBlocks: 3231111, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 2730704
              6m 26.75s: EstimatedBlocks: 15090150, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 12615781
              6m 26.75s: to estimate the size of the group, index:0
              6m 26.75s: RealOutputBlocks: 0, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3005269
              6m 28.62s: to estimate the size of the group, index:1
              6m 28.63s: RealOutputBlocks: 10482, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 3004087
              6m 28.63s: info: enable bd copy(mode=0)
              6m 28.63s: info: estimate copied other streams size(57 MB), estimate output video size(225 MB)
              6m 28.64s: info: video encode mode(0), bitrate(15583), lr-encode(no)
              6m 28.64s: info: streams(4113.2)
              6m 28.64s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[00003.m2ts]]],unit[elem[atomic[00002.m2ts]]])
              6m 28.65s: try to use gpu acceleration(2) for video decoding
              6m 29.67s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(15707)
              6m 33.69s: info: processing source(00003.m2ts)
              7m 07.44s: info: filter(505.04), reach the mux end, something not out(1031 - 0), drop it

              Please note that this last line repeats itself more than hundred times


                Hi nozg
                Try turning off all Cuda see pic and try again.
                Also make sure that your not using any PCM audio track.
                Attached Files
                Even if it's a little thing, do something for those who have need of help, something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.

                Setting Up ImgBurn and DVDFab to work together

                Tips for Posting DVDFab Logs in the Forum


                  Yeah mate,

                  As it looks like a MusicVid (ROCK_AND_ROLL_25TH_D1), I wouldn't mind betting that it's PCM.

                  Well spotted.

                  Or it could be Interlaced VC1 which is another common problem on MusicVids!!!

                  Originally posted by CBR929 View Post
                  Hi nozg
                  Try turning off all Cuda see pic and try again.
                  Also make sure that your not using any PCM audio track.
                  Last edited by GregiBoy; 05-16-2013, 10:14 PM.
                  "Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." - Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790

