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Unable to copy BluyRay 3D

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    Unable to copy BluyRay 3D

    I have been unsuccessful in copying any BluRay 3D title except Finding Nemo.

    No success with Jurassic Park 3d, Rio 3d or the Hobbit 3d. I have had good luck copying BluRay but not 3d. I am using Taiyo 25gb discs and have a Sony BDPS5100 Player.

    The discs play the first introduction screen and then fail to continue.

    I am using ImgBurn for the burning and get no error messages.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    If your using img burn you must make a Fab iso not burn a full disk folder.If you use a full disk folder you must use fab burner to do the burn.To make a Fab iso use clone/burn to copy the disk then burn with img. burn the resulting iso.If you reduce in size to 25 gig make sure full 3d is checked when you make the 25 gig disk and use Fab burner if the output is not a iso.Only a 3d iso can be burned with img burn.If your doing this and still have trouble post the internal and the burn log here in a post.
    Last edited by glenns; 07-14-2013, 10:55 PM.


      Skip ImgBurn and use dvdFab burning engine.See what happens.I had a few failures with ImgBurn but never had, even just one with dvdFab burning engine.


        One more thing.For 3D movies I use 50gb discs and clone them.Much quicker too.Give it a go.


          Thanks, I will try that. The 50gb discs are too pricey for a retired senior

