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Star Trek: Into Darkness 3D

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    Star Trek: Into Darkness 3D

    Hello all I am having problems with Start Trek: Into the Darkness. I have tried backing up this movie with the latest DVDFab both in Clone and Full movie mode on a 50Gb but with no luck. The splash screen comes up followed by the menu buttons but the screen is black. I can play the movie and can here the sound in the background . Attempted to also back it up on my Hard Drive just to try and rule out the blank media but still same problem Black screen. Can anyone help?


    Go into Fab log files and cut and paste the internal log file into a post.The last disk tried will be at the bottom of the list just post the log for the disk in question also post the burn log last burned disk will be at the top of this log.Also tell us make and model of your blu ray player and name of software player you tried it on.


      star trek into the darkness

      I had made a bluray back up (BD-25), I then went to bed, came back next day went to make another BD-25 back up, stuck my back up in it copied it, it then wanted me to put in blank bluray and then it just sat there with the percentage just staying at zero and the little in process circle spinning like it was doing something but never showed progress, just stayed at zero. I want to get my original back off my kids and try making it off original aain to see if that matters? but yes, I too am having same type issues. And yes my first back up seems to play just fine, I just wanted a second back up to keep in the family room library but no luck so far?


        Dont know if you guys are doing it, but make sure to COPY/CLONE the disk to an .iso file on your HDD first.

        Then take the disk out when its done and mount the .iso using DVDFabVirtual Drive. The .iso then shows up as another drive letter like if you had the disk in a drive.

        DVDFab then recognizes that .iso as your disk.

        I did a MOVIE only, including HD Audio compression to 25GB (once again, writing to an .iso file... not a disc - yet)

        Then when that job completes, use somethign like IMGBURN to burn your iso file to your BluRay Media.

        I backup a lot of my discs, and some end up with black screens and stuff on the TOP MENU screen... I got sick of doing that and wasting discs, so I basically just do a MOVIE only backup at that point. Those seem to just about always work.

        You lose the menus and stuff, but hey.. its just a backup of the original, incase something tragic happens to it, so its not the end of the world to lose that stuff.


          Originally posted by dgrams View Post
          Dont know if you guys are doing it, but make sure to COPY/CLONE the disk to an .iso file on your HDD first.

          Then take the disk out when its done and mount the .iso using DVDFabVirtual Drive. The .iso then shows up as another drive letter like if you had the disk in a drive.

          DVDFab then recognizes that .iso as your disk.

          I did a MOVIE only, including HD Audio compression to 25GB (once again, writing to an .iso file... not a disc - yet)

          Then when that job completes, use somethign like IMGBURN to burn your iso file to your BluRay Media.

          I backup a lot of my discs, and some end up with black screens and stuff on the TOP MENU screen... I got sick of doing that and wasting discs, so I basically just do a MOVIE only backup at that point. Those seem to just about always work.

          You lose the menus and stuff, but hey.. its just a backup of the original, incase something tragic happens to it, so its not the end of the world to lose that stuff.
          I tried the "Main Movie" option, only problem is it only picks up a part of Star Trek. Claims to be 2 hours 6 minutes. but in actual fact is probably closer to 30 minutes.


            Huh. that is odd.
            I am no DVDFab tech, but what part of the movie was missing if you play the .iso back on your computer...? Beginning, middle, end?

            I guess I would make sure if doing the Movie Only copy mode, that you have all the chapters selected. And if you know which certains ones weren't making the final cut, do a test rip of just those chapters into an .iso and see how that turns out...

