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Avatar 3D Clone 1:1 Problem

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    Avatar 3D Clone 1:1 Problem

    So this hasnt been JUST on this movie, but a couple of other 3D blurays as well. So for Ive had problems with Avatar 3D, Kung Fu Panda 3D, Harold and Kumar Christmas 3D, and Tron 3D. I have yet to run into this problem with normal blurays.

    With Avatar I do the 1:1 clone, and everytime it gets to 10% and slows down. At first I thought it could have just been dvdfab, so I tried 3 other bluray rippers. Every single one of them stopped at 10% as well. The programs wouldnt freeze up, just the ripping would slow to a crawl then stop all together. With dvdfab I would get error=102.

    The disc is clean, and void of any scratches. All of the other movies were too. They all stopped at different %'s and would not continue to rip. I made sure I updated my firmware on my LG-wh14ns40 drive but Im wondering if the drive itself could be the problem?

    I've been able to rip and burn about 6 other movies so far that were 3D without any problems. It has only been these 4 so far. Anyone have any clues what the problem may be? Any way to fix it? Or am I just stuck up sh*ts creek? I love this program and so far that seems to be the only problem Im having with it. But it might end up being more on my end then it is on the programs. Any help would be appreciated

    1st read this when you have a Fab problem:

    You can go into Fab settings under codecs click on use all software (use this way for trouble disks) if this don't work post your internal log file cut and paste or attach file to a post only send the file your having trouble with newest movie is on the bottom of the list.
    Last edited by glenns; 07-14-2014, 09:18 AM.


      The reason I didnt post the log is because I'm pretty sure its not a problem with dvdfab itself.

      When using dvdfab I'd get task 1 failed error=102 which is pretty much "saying" the disc could be dirty or unreadable. But with the disc perfectly clear or scratches or smudges I'm wondering what it could be. Especially when other software gets held up at the same exact spot each time.

      Under settings I've had it on "use all software" Im wondering if this might be a 3d blu ray problem, or a drive problem. I've seen a lot of people ask questions on here about problems only to be told to post the logs and update. That is not a solution or even a really helpful suggestion. Its more of kicking the can down the road for someone else to deal with. There has been a couple of posts on here about his subject but no real answers. And I know some people have been able to clone this movie, but Im wondering what drives they are using in the process.

      Thanks again for any help or ideas you guys might come up with


        Manufacturing defects on a disc are measured in nanometers, you aren't going to see them.
        How to post the internal log

        Things should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.
        Albert Einstein


          Let the staff be the judge post your log files =102 HWS_MISSINGIFOORBUP 2 // IFO / BUP are miss this could be the reason.
          Last edited by glenns; 10-21-2013, 06:18 PM.


            Is your blu rays firmware up to date? Do you use bit defender for security program?

            I have all these 3d movies and have no trouble making 50 gig iso's and made side by sides with them also.

            Post your log files because it will tell us whats wrong most times.Sometimes people make simple mistakes that can be fixed easy but if you don't post your logs we can't tell.

            You should always use the latest fab version theirs new fixes in every issue and things not listed fixed also.Their are things listed as improved and sometimes the installer needs fixing and they post a different issue of the same version of Fab so always download the newest version and send the logs from it not a older version that still has bugs in it.
            Last edited by glenns; 10-21-2013, 06:59 PM.


              Here is the log from the latest try:

              DVDFab (2013/10/21 11:30:31)

              0m 00.12s: Start preload dll...
              0m 00.15s: Load dll successful.
              0m 00.15s: Start load fabplay dll...
              0m 00.21s: Load fabplay dll successful.
              0m 00.21s: Windows os type is: 13.
              0m 00.21s: Transfer settings successful.
              0m 00.56s: GPUAccelerate: 12351
              0m 00.56s: CUDA cap: 1
              0m 00.56s: Support coreavc decode: 0
              0m 00.56s: Graphics info: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 : 6.0 : 3.0
              0m 00.56s: Load config successful.
              0m 00.68s: Option check status: Failed
              0m 00.70s: option dvd2dvd 1 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 1 bd2mobile 1 bd23d 1 bd2dvd 1 file2dvd 1 file2bluray 1 file2mobile 1
              0m 00.70s: Start get sys number.
              0m 00.70s: Serial number is: 30-85-a9-98-4c-fb
              0m 00.70s: Reg URL link is:
              0m 00.70s: Version is: 9060
              0m 00.70s: Product is: 2
              0m 00.70s: Connect type is: 1
              0m 00.70s: Init GPU settings sucessful.
              0m 00.70s: CommmandLine:
              0m 01.03s: Begin init preview play engine.
              0m 01.03s: Init DirectShow engine successful.
              0m 01.45s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile
              0m 01.57s: Times of connecting error is: 0
              0m 01.57s: Parse string is: OV:9072
              0m 01.57s: Parse string is: BV:9060
              0m 01.57s: Option check status: NewWork
              0m 01.57s: option dvd2dvd 1 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 1 bd2mobile 1 bd23d 1 bd2dvd 1 file2dvd 1 file2bluray 1 file2mobile 1
              0m 04.04s: Init burn engine successful.
              0m 05.91s: Get update info start
              0m 05.92s: Product type is: 2
              0m 05.92s: Version is: 9072
              0m 05.92s: URL link is:
              0m 05.92s: Language type is: ENU
              0m 06.02s: opening drive D
              0m 06.09s: opened i/o
              0m 06.12s: opening drive F
              0m 06.12s: opened i/o
              0m 06.25s: Update version: 1.0
              0m 06.25s: Status is: 1
              0m 06.26s: Download url:
              0m 06.26s: Version Data:
              1m 58.86s: opening drive D
              2m 05.53s: opened i/o
              2m 05.53s: got media type 15
              2m 05.88s: got max lba 24438783
              2m 07.27s: got disc type 20
              2m 07.27s: type Blu-ray BDMV
              2m 07.29s: volume label RED_BIRD_3D_WW
              2m 07.32s: opening drive D
              2m 07.32s: opened i/o
              2m 07.68s: got max lba 24438783
              2m 08.80s: got disc type 20
              2m 08.82s: internal path D:/BDMV/
              2m 09.52s: aacs 1 bd+ 1
              2m 09.66s: got bdmv
              2m 09.74s: movie name: avatar||red_bird_3d_ww
              2m 09.74s: got agid 0
              2m 09.77s: sent host cert chal
              2m 09.77s: got drive cert chal
              2m 09.77s: BEC 1
              2m 09.78s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0074
              2m 09.83s: got drive key
              2m 09.83s: got host key signature
              2m 09.83s: verified drive signature
              2m 09.83s: verified host signature
              2m 09.89s: sent host signature and key point
              2m 09.89s: got bus key
              2m 10.03s: got volume id
              2m 10.03s: got volume id mac
              2m 10.03s: volume id is correct
              2m 10.03s: got vid
              2m 10.32s: blu-ray 9B4532177ECF4DCCDA1B72F1FEF5D55C82D99761
              2m 11.02s: cert BEE=0x00 same
              2m 12.70s: D A22BFEF9
              2m 27.72s: got vuk
              2m 27.74s: got fut
              2m 28.04s: got unit key 7
              3m 26.86s: got bdmv
              3m 28.58s: got extended bdinfo
              3m 28.58s: opened blu-ray
              8m 40.87s: read error: 11 2495044 2502627 2495998 1
              11m 29.24s: read error: 11 2495044 2502627 2496031 1
              11m 49.10s: read error: 11 2495044 2502627 2495812 1

              I updated the firmware to the latest version I know about

              ver. 1.01A1

              And I know DVDfab isnt the newest version, which normally I would say could be the problem. But when I have over 5 different bluray ripping programs all have the same problem at the same exact spot, its hard to think its just dvdfab and not something else.


                "Excellent! I cried. "Elementary," said he.This is a simple read error there's normally a deep scratch and none of the programs can read the disk past the scratch.Try a different copy of the same disk and the problem should go away.Your only hope for this problem is to buff the disk scratch out.You know it's not your drive or Fab as you made others fine.Also could be dirt on your laser lens clean with a cleaning disk but if other disks work it's not this.The read error's are 8-12 mins. into the disk look for small scratch near the hub of disk into movie just a tad.Movie starts from the hub towards the outside of disk bend the angle of the disk to see if a scratch appears you only need one and some are hard to see.I would update to 9072 anyway their were many fixes for other things between your version and the newest version of Fab.

                I will ask the worlds most famous detective also to be sure.
                What do you say Holmes about this problem?
                Holmes replies you know my methods Watson
                when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?
                Last edited by glenns; 10-21-2013, 08:06 PM.


                  I figured it was either the disc or drive. Its weird because visually there is no problem with the discs that have given me problems. Im wondering it it could be a warping/heat issue more then a scratch issue?

                  I actually tried a couple different attempts to clean the disc, even the banana peel trick. Looks super shinny and very clean now but still stops at 10%. So it HAS to be the disc. I wish I could grab another one and give it a try, but Im stuck with the single one I have. Not to many people have 3d blurays to begin with.

                  Well hmm unless someone knows a really cool way to fix a disc I may be SOL.


                    Never put a heat damaged disk in your drive if that's the case the drive will spin up to very high speeds and destroy your drive. A warped disk is easy to spot it won't lay flat.Yes this will cause read error's also.A worn out laser will do so also. Try another drive maybe a plug in drive their real cheap these days.Could also be a defective disk sometimes this happens but you said 3 or more were doing so chances are low that many can be defective.

                    What side of the banana peel did you use this is a new trick for me to learn?

                    Another user here used furniture polish but others say it can destroy your disk so with that in mind if you got to throw it out then i would try it also.

                    Their is a paste you can buy in wall-mart to polish your disks comes in a tube for about $5 is messy to use and didn't work for me.

                    Others have brought their scratched disks to places that have a disk buffer and had some luck getting a hi speed buffer to work on taken out a scratch.Some rental places have these.


                      I've had pretty good luck with acrylic polishers such as Novus Aquarium Acrylic Fine Scratch Remover. They come in 3 grades. 1 is used for very fine scratches. 2 is used for fine to medium scratches and 3 works on big deep scratches. You can buy them at Aquarium stores or order them from

                      Hope this helps.


                        I've always heard of the banana thing but never tried it till recently. Not sure how much it might actually work. Haven't tried it on a scratched up disc. Here's the video that will give you a good idea on what exactly happens.


                        It probably is my drive, but it could be the actually drive itself. I know blu ray drives are temperamental sometimes. Especially with 3d blu rays. And with the discs being from a rental service you can expect them to have been handled a lot. I should probably get an external drive just do I don't have 1 drive doing my ripping AND my burning.

                        And suggestions on a good drive?

