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How to Restart DVDFab Blu-ray after disk error/

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    There is only 3 logs after the copy.
    This time the JVC burned ok. Still had the popup and selected 2X.

    Thanks again.

    Logs after firmware update:
    Not sure of why it indicates 1.04, definitely did the 1.06 update.

    DVDFab Internal Log:

    DVDFab (2014/01/01 13:08:51)

    0m 00.22s: Start preload dll...
    0m 00.23s: Load dll successful.
    0m 00.24s: Start load fabplay dll...
    0m 00.29s: Load fabplay dll successful.
    0m 00.29s: Transfer settings successful.
    0m 00.29s: info: fabcheck logpath= C:/Users/John_I7/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/
    0m 00.32s: fab_check_gpu is running ...
    0m 01.04s: fab_check_gpu run successful
    0m 01.04s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 8
    0m 01.04s: GPUAccelerate: 451
    0m 01.04s: GPUAccelerate setting: 0, 0
    0m 01.04s: CUDA cap: 0
    0m 01.04s: Support coreavc decode: 0
    0m 01.04s: Lighting shrink status: 0, 0
    0m 01.04s: Graphics info: AMD Radeon HD 5700 Series : :
    0m 01.05s: Load config successful.
    0m 01.05s: Windows os type is: 13.
    0m 01.30s: Parse string is: 2:8260762964
    0m 01.30s: Parse string is: 20:1439329020
    0m 01.30s: Parse string is: 1:0
    0m 01.30s: Parse string is: 62:0
    0m 01.30s: Parse string is: OV:9119
    0m 01.30s: Parse string is: BV:9118
    0m 01.30s: Parse string is: S:2b30d6bde6c48c7463e2076ae131fb8a
    0m 01.30s: Option check status: Local
    0m 01.30s: HD Decrypter-1-0-215811
    0m 01.30s: DVD to DVD (Gold)-0-0-200011
    0m 01.30s: DVD to DVD-1-1-22311011
    0m 01.30s: DVD to Mobile-0-0-200011
    0m 01.30s: Blu-ray to Blu-ray-1-1-2015812
    0m 01.31s: Blu-ray to Mobile-0-0-200011
    0m 01.31s: File to Mobile-0-0-200011
    0m 01.31s: Blu-ray to DVD-0-0-200011
    0m 01.31s: File to DVD-0-0-200011
    0m 01.31s: File to Blu-ray-0-0-200011
    0m 01.31s: File Mover-1-0-215811
    0m 01.31s: Blu-ray to 3D-0-0-200011
    0m 01.31s: 2D to 3D-0-0-200011
    0m 01.31s: Blu-ray Decrypt-1-0-200011
    0m 01.31s: DVD Decrypt-1-0-200011
    0m 01.31s: Start get sys number.
    0m 01.31s: connect 0 : start.
    0m 01.31s: Serial number is: c0-cb-38-88-01-dd:c0-cb-38-88-01-dd:78-2b-cb-94-67-94
    0m 01.31s: Reg URL link is:
    0m 01.31s: Version is: 9119
    0m 01.31s: Product is: 2
    0m 01.31s: Connect type is: 0
    0m 01.53s: Init GPU settings successful.
    0m 01.53s: CommmandLine:
    0m 01.68s: Begin init preview play engine.
    0m 01.90s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile
    0m 02.24s: Times of connecting error is: 0
    0m 02.24s: Parse string is: 2:8260762964
    0m 02.24s: Parse string is: 20:1439329020
    0m 02.24s: Parse string is: 1:0
    0m 02.24s: Parse string is: 62:0
    0m 02.24s: Parse string is: OV:9119
    0m 02.24s: Parse string is: BV:9118
    0m 02.24s: Parse string is: S:67f4afe5c440b306fd02a8056603593c
    0m 02.24s: Option check status: NewWork
    0m 02.25s: HD Decrypter-1-0-215811
    0m 02.25s: DVD to DVD (Gold)-0-0-200011
    0m 02.25s: DVD to DVD-1-1-22311011
    0m 02.25s: DVD to Mobile-1-0-215811
    0m 02.25s: Blu-ray to Blu-ray-1-1-2015812
    0m 02.25s: Blu-ray to Mobile-1-0-215811
    0m 02.25s: File to Mobile-1-0-215811
    0m 02.25s: Blu-ray to DVD-1-0-215811
    0m 02.25s: File to DVD-1-0-215811
    0m 02.25s: File to Blu-ray-0-0-200011
    0m 02.25s: File Mover-1-0-215811
    0m 02.25s: Blu-ray to 3D-1-0-215811
    0m 02.25s: 2D to 3D-1-0-215811
    0m 02.25s: Blu-ray Decrypt-1-0-200011
    0m 02.25s: DVD Decrypt-1-0-200011
    0m 02.30s: Init internal engine successful.
    0m 02.65s: Burn engine: start init.
    0m 02.69s: connect 0 : 1:1-10:1-11:1-12:1-13:1-14:1-15:1-
    0m 05.59s: Burn engine: type-0.
    0m 05.59s: Burn engine: 0- E:\ [HL-DT-ST DVD+-RW GH50N B104 (Ide)].
    0m 05.59s: Burn engine: 1- F:\ [Optiarc BD RW BD-5300S 1.04 (Ide)].
    0m 05.59s: Burn engine: end init.
    0m 05.92s: Init setting page successful.
    0m 18.66s: Init driveX with I/O mode: 0
    0m 18.67s: Init driveX with I/O mode: 0
    0m 18.67s: Init driveX with I/O mode: 0
    0m 18.67s: opening drive E
    0m 18.67s: opened i/o
    0m 18.67s: got media type 1
    0m 21.57s: got max lba 226005
    0m 23.69s: got disc type 0
    0m 38.77s: opening drive F
    0m 38.78s: opened i/o
    0m 38.78s: got media type 15
    0m 39.28s: got max lba 22404543
    0m 43.69s: got disc type 20
    0m 43.69s: type Blu-ray BDMV
    0m 43.69s: volume label THE_WOLVERINE
    0m 43.70s: opening drive H
    0m 43.70s: opened i/o
    0m 50.73s: got max lba 342015
    0m 50.82s: got disc type 0
    0m 50.82s: opening drive E
    0m 50.82s: opened i/o
    0m 50.83s: got media type 1
    0m 51.15s: got max lba 226005
    0m 53.26s: got disc type 0
    0m 53.27s: opening drive F
    0m 53.27s: opened i/o
    0m 53.27s: got media type 15
    0m 53.67s: got max lba 22404543
    0m 54.75s: got disc type 20
    0m 54.75s: type Blu-ray BDMV
    0m 54.75s: volume label THE_WOLVERINE
    0m 54.80s: opening drive H
    0m 54.80s: opened i/o
    0m 54.81s: got max lba 342015
    0m 54.90s: got disc type 0
    0m 54.91s: Open blu-ray disc expired time: 215811
    0m 54.91s: internal path F:/BDMV/
    0m 56.72s: aacs 1 bd+ 1
    0m 57.08s: got bdmv
    0m 57.31s: movie name: the wolverine||the_wolverine
    0m 57.32s: got agid 0
    0m 57.38s: sent host cert chal
    0m 57.38s: got drive cert chal
    0m 57.38s: BEC 0
    0m 57.38s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0128
    0m 57.45s: got drive key
    0m 57.46s: got host key signature
    0m 57.46s: verified drive signature
    0m 57.46s: verified host signature
    0m 57.53s: sent host signature and key point
    0m 57.53s: got bus key
    0m 59.61s: got volume id
    0m 59.61s: got volume id mac
    0m 59.61s: volume id is correct
    0m 59.61s: got vid
    1m 00.57s: blu-ray FF3C09269535CB4C272E5D63151567757A296BD3
    1m 01.08s: cert BEE=0x80 same
    1m 02.47s: D E387174A
    1m 24.99s: main playlist 00800.mpls
    1m 24.99s: selected region A
    1m 51.62s: got vuk
    1m 51.62s: got fut
    1m 53.51s: got unit key 7
    2m 09.75s: got bdmv
    2m 14.50s: got extended bdinfo
    2m 14.50s: opened blu-ray
    4m 33.71s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start
    4m 33.71s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start
    4m 33.71s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work
    4m 33.72s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1
    4m 33.73s: UILog:Msg Start : run work
    4m 33.73s: UILog:Run current Work.
    4m 34.10s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter.
    4m 41.75s: UILog:start running at thread.
    4m 41.76s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok.
    4m 41.78s: BD MainMovie watermark flag: 0
    4m 41.78s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start
    4m 51.00s: Blu-ray Copy: Main Movie
    4m 51.01s: Source: F:/BDMV/
    4m 51.01s: Playlist: 800
    4m 51.01s: Chapters: 1 -> 37
    4m 51.01s: TotalSize: 36618 MB
    4m 51.01s: SourceSize: 35280 MB
    4m 51.01s: RemoveHDAudio: 0
    4m 51.01s: CompressToAC3: 0
    4m 51.01s: OutputSize: 23000 MB
    4m 51.01s: OutputDisc: BDMV
    4m 51.01s: OutputTarget: BD25
    4m 51.01s: OutputVideo: 1080p/i
    4m 51.01s: info: enable bd copy(mode=0)
    4m 51.01s: info: estimate copied other streams size(6041 MB), estimate output video size(16728 MB)
    4m 51.01s: info: video encode mode(0), bitrate(17756), lr-encode(yes)
    4m 51.01s: info: streams(4113.2)
    4m 51.01s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[00800.m2ts]]])
    4m 51.01s: Lightning-Recoding (accelerate H.264 software decoding and encoding) enabled
    4m 51.01s: info: enable multi-thread software decoder, thread count = 8
    4m 52.05s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(17756) crf(-1)
    4m 56.07s: info: processing source(00800.m2ts)
    42m 41.59s: info: group(elem[atomic[00800.m2ts]]) playtime(7568561 ms) source(36618 MB) request(22770 MB) real(22309 MB) bitrate(17756 kbps)
    42m 41.61s: compress finished: groups request(22770 MB, 22770 MB) real(22309 MB) average_bitrate(17756 kbps)
    42m 47.97s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start
    43m 02.10s: opening drive F
    43m 02.10s: opened i/o
    45m 32.16s: Burn data size is: 23000
    45m 32.16s: Burn disc space is: 23866
    45m 41.88s: burn folder C:/Users/John_I7/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/MainMovie/THE_WOLVERINE/ with DVDFab
    68m 01.96s: UILog:MsgWork:current work finish : 3
    70m 13.54s: opening drive F
    70m 16.95s: opened i/o
    70m 16.96s: got media type 16
    70m 17.87s: got max lba 11423231
    70m 18.60s: got disc type 20
    70m 18.60s: type Blu-ray BDMV
    70m 18.61s: volume label THE_WOLVERINE
    73m 04.58s: opening drive F
    73m 04.58s: opened i/o
    73m 04.59s: got media type 16
    73m 05.04s: got max lba 11422303
    73m 05.81s: got disc type 20
    73m 05.82s: type Blu-ray BDMV
    73m 05.82s: volume label THE_WOLVERINE

    Burn Log:

    13:51:53 Info Open device

    13:51:53 Info Lock device

    13:54:33 Info Input Speed is: 17980, Output Speed: 17980

    13:54:33 Info StartPerf Speed: 17980, EndPerf Speed: 17980

    Burn Folder 2014-01-01 13:54:33 -----------------------------------------------

    13:54:33 Info RootDir: C:/Users/John_I7/Documents/DVDFab9/Temp/MainMovie/THE_WOLVERINE/

    13:54:33 Info VolumeName: THE_WOLVERINE

    13:54:33 Info WriteMode: 4

    13:54:33 Info Lock media

    13:54:33 Info Operation Started!

    13:54:33 Info Source File Size: 22311 MB

    13:55:01 Info Writing LeadIn...

    13:55:01 Info Write started 11423232 sectors to write

    14:16:36 Info Synchronising Cache...

    14:16:36 Info Synchronising Disc 0

    14:16:40 Info Synchronising Disc 65536

    14:16:41 Info Closing Track...

    14:16:41 Info Finalising Disc...

    14:16:52 Info Unlock media

    14:16:55 Info Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:22:18

    14:16:55 Info Unlock device

    14:16:55 Info Close device

    Fab Check Internal Log:

    18:08:51:852 info: main: DVDFab - Fabcheck 1,0,2,2 - Wed Jan 01 13:08:51 2014

    18:08:51:867 info: GetVideoCardInfoEx: - AMD Radeon HD 5700 Series
    18:08:52:484 info: get_ati_filter_type: filter_type 7
    18:08:52:485 info: main: end


      I would rip the ISO first, but I don not have a licence for that product.


        Hi sealion
        If you have a license for Blu-Ray copy then I believe you have it.
        See pic
        Attached Files
        Even if it's a little thing, do something for those who have need of help, something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.

        Setting Up ImgBurn and DVDFab to work together

        Tips for Posting DVDFab Logs in the Forum



          I will give it a try next time.

