Converting Transformers Age of Extinction 3D to smaller size (25GB). Putting it on NAS to stream with DUNE HD player. If I convert to ISO, works fine. TV recognizes it's 3D and tells you to put on your glasses. But I find it's just a hair out of sync with audio. Then I tried to folder. Audio sync is perfect, but it only plays 2D. So I would like to do it to folder structure, but how to get it do it to 3D? Using latest version
Any help appreciated
Converting Transformers Age of Extinction 3D to smaller size (25GB). Putting it on NAS to stream with DUNE HD player. If I convert to ISO, works fine. TV recognizes it's 3D and tells you to put on your glasses. But I find it's just a hair out of sync with audio. Then I tried to folder. Audio sync is perfect, but it only plays 2D. So I would like to do it to folder structure, but how to get it do it to 3D? Using latest version
Any help appreciated