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Problems Playing Shrunk Blu-Rays On My Blu-Ray Player

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    Problems Playing Shrunk Blu-Rays On My Blu-Ray Player

    I'm not sure if this post should be in the Blu-Ray Copy forum or the General forum, but since I'm using Blu-Ray Copy, I'll post in this forum. Some of my shrunk Blu-rays work on my Blu-ray player, while others don't. Every BD that I haven't had to shrink works perfectly fine; everything from the movie to the special features are perfect. However, when I have to shrink a BD to fit on a standard BD-R, my Blu-Ray player has issues with it. Most of the time, most of the special features and the menus work fine, but my player can't load the movie. Even if I try to access the movie through the chapter function, I can't get to it. Also, sometimes when I try to play a special feature, I'll get audio but no video (although this has been rare, as the special features almost always are perfect). I've tried this with Back to the Future and Back to the Future Part II and the Back to the Future Bonus disc from the 30th Anniversary set. The movies will not load. I've tried on another Blu-Ray player with those discs, and all the special features worked perfectly, but I still couldn't load the movies.

    However, I've tried 42: The Jackie Robinson Story and Batman v Superman: The Ultimate Edition and they work great on my player. 42 did have a messed up advertisement video, but all the important stuff was fine. 42 was about 33 GB before I shrunk it and BvS: Ultimate was about 43 GB. 42 had five special features and BvS: Ultimate only had a preview, the menu and the movie. So, I wonder if my player has issues when there are a lot of special features like on the Back to the Future discs? Every BD-R that I have made in DVDFab Blu-Ray Copy works perfectly on my computer using Cyberlink PowerDVD 12, however.

    I generally use the slow mode in DVDFab to decrypt, encode and shrink (I use Full Disc mode, but I'm going to try to use Customize mode also), and I use IMGBurn at 2X to burn on my Pioneer BDR-X04 burner using Philips BD-Rs. Is my problem my Blu-Ray player? Or is there something I could be doing in DVDFab and in IMGBurn that could solve my issues? If it is my player, can someone recommend a good Blu-Ray player that will play shrunk BDs perfectly? I'm probably going to replace my player soon anyway, as I've had problems with the tray opening and closing properly.

    Anyway, sorry for the long post, and thanks in advance for any assistance.

    please post the dvdfab internal log files
    also try checking for a firmware update for your Pioneer BDR-X04 burner
    try using good quality BDR media such as verbatim.
    there's a setting in imgburn to try - click tools - settings - write - page 1 - tick " perform OPC before write "
    retry burning your disc again.


      When you say you use the slow mode to compress do you mean your using all software no GPU cuda or other speed up program? if not you can try all software compression for GPU to see if it makes any difference it will take longer.

      Img burn also has it's own burn log please post it also so we can see if their are any burn error's could be your laser lens is dirty or at end of life in your blu ray player,burner or the disks your playing have fingerprints or dirt on them some players are very fussy about this so clean the disks and the player lens with compressed air or a cleaning disk and see if that helps.

      Hopefully your using the latest version of Fab also the logs will tell us this.Your burner drive is a 8.5 oz portable slim drive how old is it ? do you have another drive you can try?


        Okay, so here are some of the basics:

        Neither my Blu-Ray player or my burner have had firmware updates since 2012. I got my player in 2012 and my burner in 2013 and I don't have another BD burner. I'm using DVDFab

        I've tried cleaning my Blu-Ray player multiple times, and it doesn't help.

        When I got my Philips BD-Rs, I checked the reviews, and they were excellent. They are the Philips BR216B25F/27 models and they are dark blue on the burning side.

        My encoding settings are Slow Speed/High Quality (although DVDFab works super fast on my new computer, between 1-1 1/2 hours to encode and shrink). By the way, should my AVCHD settings be with or without the certificate folder?

        When I figure out how to find the logs, I'll post them.

        As I said, all my burnt Blu-Rays work perfectly on my computer using Cyberlink PowerDVD12. What are some reasons for them working perfectly on my computer, but not on my Blu-Ray player?

        Anyway, I'll find and post the logs for some of the ones that don't work right and a couple that work perfectly. Thanks.

        By the way, what are some good, decently priced rewritable BD-Rs that I could try?
        Last edited by MarkV; 08-28-2017, 10:34 PM.


          certificate folder and what are you settings for GPU? If cuda try using all software it takes longer but try it on the trouble disk we don't need log files from good disks only give us the trouble disk internal log files it starts with fab version and date then find the burn log in img burn its a file in the img burn files of the program we need only one of trouble disks.Your burner plays and burned your blu ray, your blu ray players laser could be on the way out and can be a reason it doesn't work on it also the door is damaged you say so a spring or other part may be inside the unit try a newer unit or friends player and see if it works.
          Last edited by 3dman7; 08-29-2017, 06:36 AM.


            Here are my DVDFab and ImgBurn logs for Back to the Future:

            Attached Files


              Ok a few things first you used a older Fab version update to version 10056 theirs java updates between your version used and the newest so always use newest version even if it is a beta version.Now Go update you Pioneer burner it is behind a important firmware update also go to you graphics card web. page update it's firmware if their new updates for it.

              Now in the burn log i see you burned at 6x max disk speed slow it down to 4x in Img burn settings then go to write settings for Img burn put a check mark in OPC before burn this adjusts laser power to disk in drive after these burn a new disk and see if these fix it if not post the new internal log file for Fab and Img burn log.
              Last edited by 3dman7; 09-02-2017, 12:22 AM.


       is the latest version for 64bit, but otherwise do what the above says. You may also wish to try the 32bit version (can be installed alongside the 64bit version) which is, and see if that works.


                  Okay, I updated the firmware in my burner and I checked OPC in ImgBurn. I also am updated to When I burned Back to the Future, I hadn't noticed that I had my burn settings so high. I've burnt everything at 2X since then and everything has come out fine. I'll try to re-burn BttF and let you know how it turns out. Thanks for all the assistance so far!


                    Your welcome note that 1056 is now the current version of Fab so keep it updated.


                      Yesterday, I tried burning Back to the Future again, and it came out exactly the same as before. I couldn't load the movie either from the Play or Chapter section and the exact same special features that wouldn't play right before didn't play right again. I'll try playing it on the Blu-Ray player at my job to see if it works properly on it. Last time I tried that player, all the bonus stuff worked right, but I couldn't load the movie on that player either. This time, though, the Blu-Ray doesn't work properly on my computer.

                      I've shrunk four or five other Blu-Rays and they all played perfectly on my Blu-Ray player. I wonder if it's just the BttF movies or if it's an issue with Universal Blu-Rays? Have people had issues with the BttF Blu-Rays? All the ones that have worked have been from Warner Bros. and Anchor Bay. I have some Paramount and Disney ones that I haven't tried yet. I've got the logs for BttF below.

                      Also, I'll update to the new version. Thanks.
                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by MarkV; 09-03-2017, 08:28 PM.


                        Have people had issues with the BttF Blu-Rays? Not that I have heard of.You can try burning at 4x and the disks your using are not the best you can try a better brand.Doe's the store brought disk play ok On the back to the future disk?


                          The store bought discs are perfect. I have the 25th Anniversary set and the 30th Anniversary set, and they work perfectly. The discs in the 30th set are the same as in the 25th set. It seems the only issues I've had with shrunk Blu-Rays are the BttF ones. I've tried BttF twice, BttF Part II, and the Bonus disc from the 30th set, and those are the only ones that I haven't been able to play properly. They've played properly on my computer, but not on my Blu-Ray player. I've shrunk about six or seven other Blu-Rays and they've worked great. Could the problem be the menu structure? The BttF discs have the most complex menu structure of all the Blu-Rays I've tried (although the Bonus disc has a pretty basic menu structure).

                          I'm starting to run low on BD-Rs, so I'll try the Digistor discs. By the way, what should be my ideal settings in DVDFab to have the best chance of success in copying a Blu-Ray? Also in ImgBurn?


                            Originally posted by MarkV View Post
                            The store bought discs are perfect. I have the 25th Anniversary set and the 30th Anniversary set, and they work perfectly. The discs in the 30th set are the same as in the 25th set. It seems the only issues I've had with shrunk Blu-Rays are the BttF ones. I've tried BttF twice, BttF Part II, and the Bonus disc from the 30th set, and those are the only ones that I haven't been able to play properly. They've played properly on my computer, but not on my Blu-Ray player. I've shrunk about six or seven other Blu-Rays and they've worked great. Could the problem be the menu structure? The BttF discs have the most complex menu structure of all the Blu-Rays I've tried (although the Bonus disc has a pretty basic menu structure).

                            I'm starting to run low on BD-Rs, so I'll try the Digistor discs. By the way, what should be my ideal settings in DVDFab to have the best chance of success in copying a Blu-Ray? Also in ImgBurn?
                            Check the manual for your bluray player to see what types of recordable
                            media that it accepts & plays. Do you know about how old the Blu-Ray player is ?? The other thing that I can think of would be that the Lazer
                            may be getting weak.


                              In IMG burn use 1/2 disk rated speed to start if using a good brand of disks 6x is ok I wouldn't burn faster to get the best burns.

