Ingrid Goes West only needs 2% compression to fit onto a BD25 disc for backup but it fails at 9% every time. As soon as the compression begins the speed starts to slow down and continues to slow until it finally reaches 0MB/s around 9% and that's where it fails. Sometimes it just says Process Failed sometimes it generates an error report which I send in. I have tried with and without CUDA and it made no difference.
0m 00.33s:
DVDFab (2017/10/31 15:16:47)
0m 00.34s: Init Public log: enabled.
0m 00.34s: Init Private log: finish.
0m 00.34s: App info: 2017-10-25
0m 00.34s: App info: 10064 Official
0m 00.35s: Init CrashReportSettings: enabled.
0m 00.36s: Init DVDInfo_Log: enabled.
0m 00.36s: app info: compiled time Oct 23 2017 13:28:36
0m 00.36s: app args: count 1,arg 0
:\Program Files (x86)\DVDFab 1040\DVDFab.exe,
0m 00.37s: Init Qt_Log: disabled.
0m 00.43s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile
0m 00.43s: Qt Translator file load success
0m 00.43s: App info: client type 22.
0m 00.46s: MobilePlay load: preload successful.
0m 00.51s: MobilePlay load: Load successful.
0m 00.52s: set code page: .0
0m 00.52s: Init process: Transfer settings successful.
0m 00.52s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Documents/DVDFab10/Log/
0m 00.53s: info: _check_gpu is running ...
0m 00.69s: info: check_gpu run successful
0m 00.69s: info: recommand= 56, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8
0m 00.70s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0X3F
0m 00.70s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0X38, 0X38
0m 00.71s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X1
0m 00.72s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0
0m 00.72s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0
0m 00.73s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 : : 2.1
0m 00.73s: Init process: Load config successful.
0m 00.74s: MobilePlay load: preload successful.
0m 00.75s: MobilePlay load: Load successful.
0m 00.75s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 7.
0m 00.76s: Init process: appUuidForLastRun=e1401579-ba54-489f-877e-9f440f86e2fc, appUuidForThisRun=058091ed-f483-44d5-a24d-5a701324595b
0m 00.76s: Init process: command line in is
0m 00.82s: ShowStartupDialog: true
0m 00.83s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 20:8260762964 )( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 50:8260762964 )( 21:8260762964 )( 22:8260762964 )( 55:8260762964 )( 60:8260762964 )( 70:8260762964 )( 61:8260762964 )( 62:8260762964 )( 95:8260762964 )( 96:8260762964 )( 97:8260762964 )( 1:26 )( OV:10064 )( BV:10063 )( S:90eaafd78f39aaa1fd9d05806d864584 )
0m 00.84s: Reg check: Option check status-Local
0m 00.84s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:1 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:1 )-( File to DVD:1:1 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:1 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:1 )-( 2D to 3D:1:1 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:1 )-( DVD Cinavia Removal:1:1 )-( Blu-ray Cinavia Removal:1:1 )-( DRM Removal:1:0 )-( iOS Recorder:1:0 )-( Hi-Fi Audio Converter:1:0 )-
0m 00.85s: App info: language type ENU.
0m 00.85s: App info: Install path D:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 1040/
0m 00.85s: Init process: Set account info to DriveX.
0m 00.86s: Export Blu-ray source information report: enabled
0m 00.86s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful.
0m 00.87s: connect plugin info: start.
0m 00.88s: SUCCEED: IServerService WebServer Init succeed.
0m 01.00s: SUCCEED: IServerService MediaLibrary Init succeed.
0m 01.15s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile
0m 02.87s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0
0m 02.89s: Reg check: Start get sys number.
0m 02.96s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-ff-dc-5c-83-0a:24-0a-64-1d-13-27:24-0a-64-1c-b2-fc
0m 02.97s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0
0m 03.64s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0
0m 03.64s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:ddda53bd1718d14fdc63942cba1dfd14
0m 03.65s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork
0m 04.03s: connect plugin info: 1:1
0m 05.84s: Burn engine: start init.
0m 05.84s: Burn engine: set log folder.
0m 05.85s: DVD: init read settings.
0m 05.85s: DVD: init write settings.
0m 06.04s: BD: init read settings.
0m 06.05s: BD: init write settings.
0m 06.05s: bd set region A
0m 06.05s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin.
0m 06.06s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end.
0m 06.06s: Burn engine: writer count 3.
0m 06.06s: Burn engine: 0- I:\ [TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-222AB SB01 (Scsi)].
0m 06.06s: Burn engine: 1- M:\ [HL-DT-ST BD-RE WH16NS40 1.00 (Scsi)].
0m 06.07s: Burn engine: 2- R:\ [PIONEER BD-RW BDR-209D 1.31 (Scsi)].
0m 06.07s: Burn engine: end init.
0m 06.88s: Init process: Init setting page successful.
0m 06.89s: ShowStartupDialog: false
0m 06.89s: QtLog Mode = false
0m 07.25s: Start show MainUI.
0m 07.26s: dpi scale: x scale 1.000000
0m 07.26s: dpi scale: y scale 1.000000
0m 07.27s: Init process: init main ui successful.
0m 07.32s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode.
0m 07.33s: Init process: show main ui successful.
0m 07.34s: Cinavia Version :
0m 07.34s: DriveX msg: Init driveX I with I/O mode: 0
0m 07.34s: DriveX msg: Init driveX M with I/O mode: 0
0m 07.35s: DriveX msg: Init driveX R with I/O mode: 0
0m 07.36s: scene data: delete file C:/Users/AppData/Roaming/DVDFab10/SceneData/e6e2b407-b291-4e09-8d99-e671e19d5221.SceneData.xml result=0
0m 07.37s: scene data: delete dir C:/Users/AppData/Roaming/DVDFab10/SceneData/e6e2b407-b291-4e09-8d99-e671e19d5221 result=0
0m 07.37s: scene data: delete file C:/Users/AppData/Roaming/DVDFab10/SceneData/5a28e3ac-a519-4cbe-bb10-3e37fa871430.SceneData.xml result=1
0m 07.37s: scene data: delete dir C:/Users/AppData/Roaming/DVDFab10/SceneData/5a28e3ac-a519-4cbe-bb10-3e37fa871430 result=0
0m 07.38s: before exec()
0m 07.41s: opening drive M
0m 07.42s: opened i/o
0m 07.42s: got media type 16
0m 11.52s: got max lba 12138975
0m 12.19s: got disc type 0
0m 12.19s: DriveX msg: media open(false) sucess in driveX M.
0m 12.20s: DriveX msg: exclude driveX M.
0m 12.20s: DriveX msg: add media failed in driveX M.
0m 12.21s: opening drive R
0m 12.21s: opened i/o
0m 12.22s: got media type 16
0m 13.95s: got max lba 12120287
0m 14.87s: got disc type 0
0m 14.88s: DriveX msg: media open(false) sucess in driveX R.
0m 14.89s: DriveX msg: exclude driveX R.
0m 14.90s: DriveX msg: add media failed in driveX R.
0m 14.90s: opening drive I
0m 14.96s: opened i/o
0m 14.97s: Source manager: open source flag:1,0,1,1,1
0m 14.97s: opening drive M
0m 14.98s: opened i/o
0m 14.98s: got media type 16
0m 15.54s: got max lba 12138975
0m 16.20s: got disc type 0
0m 16.20s: Source manager: open source flag:1,0,1,1,1
0m 16.21s: opening drive R
0m 16.21s: opened i/o
0m 16.22s: got media type 16
0m 16.93s: got max lba 12120287
0m 17.88s: got disc type 0
0m 17.89s: Source manager: open source flag:1,0,1,1,1
0m 17.90s: Source manager: open source flag:1,0,1,1,1
0m 31.83s: set folder J:/Ingrid Goes West/BDMV/ with type 2
0m 31.84s: opening folder J:/Ingrid Goes West
0m 31.84s: set folder J:/Ingrid Goes West type 2
0m 31.85s: opening folder J:/Ingrid Goes West
0m 31.86s: Source manager: add source id 0.
0m 31.87s: bd set region ?
0m 31.88s: Source open status
VD Yes, 2231-10-11
0m 31.88s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2231-10-11
0m 31.88s: bd set region A
0m 31.90s: got bdmv
0m 32.06s: got extended bdinfo
0m 32.06s: TitleInfo : BD Parse Clone Title WARRING. title ID = 0
0m 32.06s: TitleInfo : BD Parse Clone Title WARRING. title ID = 1
0m 32.07s: TitleInfo : BD Parse Clone Title WARRING. title ID = 2
0m 32.07s: TitleInfo : BD Parse Clone Title WARRING. title ID = 3
0m 32.07s: TitleInfo : BD Parse Clone Title WARRING. title ID = 4
0m 32.08s: TitleInfo : BD Parse Clone Title WARRING. title ID = 5
0m 32.08s: TitleInfo : BD Parse Clone Title WARRING. title ID = 6
0m 32.08s: TitleInfo : BD Parse Clone Title WARRING. title ID = 7
0m 32.09s: TitleInfo : BD Parse Clone Title WARRING. title ID = 8
0m 32.09s: TitleInfo : BD Parse Clone Title WARRING. title ID = 9
0m 32.10s: TitleInfo : BD Parse Clone Title WARRING. title ID = 10
0m 32.10s: TitleInfo : BD Parse Clone Title WARRING. title ID = 11
0m 32.10s: TitleInfo : BD Parse Clone Title WARRING. title ID = 12
0m 34.83s: MoviePoster Log: Volume(Ingrid Goes West), DiscID(), Result(E:/DVDFab Temp/Temp/MediaServer/enwPgakYeduofhVxvS2KGR0nIpm.jpg)
0m 34.84s: Warning: IsTrackWatermarked Volume( Ingrid Goes West ) playlist( 1 ) audioID( 0 )
0m 34.84s: Warning: IsTrackWatermarked Volume( Ingrid Goes West ) playlist( 1 ) audioID( 1 )
0m 34.84s: Warning: IsTrackWatermarked Volume( Ingrid Goes West ) playlist( 1 ) audioID( 0 )
0m 34.85s: Warning: IsTrackWatermarked Volume( Ingrid Goes West ) playlist( 1 ) audioID( 1 )
0m 34.85s: Warning: IsTrackWatermarked Volume( Ingrid Goes West ) playlist( 1 ) audioID( 0 )
0m 34.85s: Warning: IsTrackWatermarked Volume( Ingrid Goes West ) playlist( 1 ) audioID( 1 )
0m 34.86s: Warning: IsTrackWatermarked Volume( Ingrid Goes West ) playlist( 1 ) audioID( 0 )
0m 34.86s: Warning: IsTrackWatermarked Volume( Ingrid Goes West ) playlist( 1 ) audioID( 0 )
0m 34.86s: Warning: IsTrackWatermarked Volume( Ingrid Goes West ) playlist( 1 ) audioID( 0 )
0m 34.86s: Warning: IsTrackWatermarked Volume( Ingrid Goes West ) playlist( 1 ) audioID( 0 )
0m 34.87s: Cinavia: no cinavia repair data.
0m 34.87s: Source manager: open successful.
0m 34.89s: Meta: Load meta info data failed from server.
0m 35.55s: Work manager: create BD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0.
0m 35.75s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
0m 35.76s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
0m 35.94s: Source manager: select video files for open.
0m 35.95s: Source manager: this source is exist, source id 0.
0m 36.24s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
0m 36.24s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
0m 36.26s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
0m 36.67s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
0m 36.67s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
0m 36.77s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
0m 36.87s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
0m 36.88s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
0m 37.20s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
0m 37.21s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
0m 37.27s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
0m 37.55s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
0m 37.56s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
0m 37.77s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
0m 37.92s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
0m 37.93s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
0m 37.93s: Source manager: open source flag:1,0,1,1,1
0m 38.28s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
2m 31.86s: UILog: OnMsgToolbar_Start
2m 31.86s: UILog: Msg Start: ready start
2m 31.88s: UILog: Msg Start: start test run work
2m 31.88s: UILog: Msg Start: run work
2m 31.89s: UILog: Run current Work.
2m 32.29s: UILog: Begin Work Copy Fulldisc
2m 32.30s: Init BurnLog : file(C:/Users/Documents/DVDFab10/Log/burn_internal.log)
2m 32.32s: UILog: start running at thread.
2m 32.33s: UILog: return flag at start running at thread ok.
2m 32.34s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
2m 32.36s: BD FullDisc watermark flag: 0
2m 32.36s: bd-fulldisk: RunTask 0 audios
2m 32.36s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start
------ process working ------
0m 00.06s: bd set region ?
0m 00.07s: set folder J:/Ingrid Goes West/ with type 2
0m 00.07s: opening folder J:/Ingrid Goes West
0m 00.07s: bd set region A
0m 00.09s: got bdmv
0m 00.11s: got extended bdinfo
0m 02.99s: Blu-ray Copy: Full Disc
0m 02.99s: Source: J:/Ingrid Goes West
0m 03.01s: SourceSize: 23429 MB
0m 03.01s: RemoveHDAudio: 0
0m 03.02s: OutputSize: 23000 MB
0m 03.02s: OtherSize (CLPI, JAR, etc.): 105 MB
0m 03.02s: OutputDisc: BDMV
0m 03.03s: OutputTarget: BD25
0m 03.03s: OutputVideo: 1080p/i
0m 03.36s: Output group estimatedblock size
0m 03.36s: EstimatedBlocks: 4437, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 4409
0m 03.37s: EstimatedBlocks: 4524, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 4440
0m 03.37s: EstimatedBlocks: 56745, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 56505
0m 03.37s: EstimatedBlocks: 296349, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 266479
0m 03.38s: EstimatedBlocks: 533070, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 482814
0m 03.38s: EstimatedBlocks: 549747, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 537836
0m 03.39s: EstimatedBlocks: 737763, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 623188
0m 03.39s: EstimatedBlocks: 9758835, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 7848981
0m 03.39s: to estimate the size of the group, index:0
0m 03.39s: RealOutputBlocks: 0, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 2116818
0m 03.67s: to estimate the size of the group, index:1
0m 03.67s: RealOutputBlocks: 4437, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 2116790
0m 04.10s: to estimate the size of the group, index:2
0m 04.10s: RealOutputBlocks: 8961, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 2116706
0m 04.11s: info: create bdcopy config
0m 04.11s: info: recommand= 56, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8
0m 04.11s: info: vdecode hevc= 0, h264= 0, vc1= 0, mpeg2= 0, vencode h264= 0, hevc= 0 , plat = 5
0m 04.12s: info: create bdcopy manager
0m 04.12s: info: enable bd copy(mode=0)
0m 04.12s: info: estimate copied other streams size(0 MB), estimate output video size(106 MB)
0m 04.13s: info: video encode mode(0), bitrate(14225), lr-encode(no)
0m 04.13s: info: video codec(28)
0m 04.14s: info: streams(4113.2)
0m 04.14s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[00009.m2ts]]])
0m 04.14s: info: enable multi-thread software decoder, thread count = 8
0m 04.16s: info: ex process path= D:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 1040/fabcore.exe
0m 05.19s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(14225) crf(-1) interlace(0)
0m 05.20s: info: processing source(00009.m2ts)
0m 12.86s: info: bluray read data end
0m 15.77s: info: group(elem[atomic[00009.m2ts]]) playtime(60060 ms) source(110 MB) request(107 MB) real(3 MB) bitrate(14225 kbps)
0m 15.78s: compress finished: groups request(107 MB, 107 MB) real(3 MB) average_bitrate(14225 kbps)
0m 16.77s: to estimate the size of the group, index:3
0m 16.78s: RealOutputBlocks: 10524, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 2116466
0m 16.78s: info: create bdcopy config
0m 16.79s: info: vdecode hevc= 0, h264= 0, vc1= 0, mpeg2= 0, vencode h264= 0, hevc= 0 , plat = 5
0m 16.79s: info: create bdcopy manager
0m 16.80s: info: enable bd copy(mode=0)
0m 16.80s: info: estimate copied other streams size(58 MB), estimate output video size(504 MB)
0m 16.80s: info: video encode mode(0), bitrate(17496), lr-encode(no)
0m 16.81s: info: video codec(28)
0m 16.81s: info: streams(4113.2)
0m 16.82s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[00015.m2ts],atomic[00014.m2ts]]])
0m 16.82s: info: enable multi-thread software decoder, thread count = 8
0m 16.83s: info: ex process path= D:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 1040/fabcore.exe
0m 17.85s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(17496) crf(-1) interlace(0)
0m 17.86s: info: processing source(00015.m2ts)
1m 14.23s: info: bluray read data end
1m 14.24s: info: processing source(00014.m2ts)
2m 27.32s: info: bluray read data end
2m 32.73s: info: group(elem[atomic[00015.m2ts],atomic[00014.m2ts]]) playtime(231605 ms) source(578 MB) request(563 MB) real(571 MB) bitrate(17496 kbps)
2m 32.74s: compress finished: groups request(563 MB, 563 MB) real(571 MB) average_bitrate(17496 kbps)
2m 33.73s: to estimate the size of the group, index:4
2m 33.74s: RealOutputBlocks: 303141, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 2086596
2m 33.74s: info: create bdcopy config
2m 33.74s: info: vdecode hevc= 0, h264= 0, vc1= 0, mpeg2= 0, vencode h264= 0, hevc= 0 , plat = 5
2m 33.75s: info: create bdcopy manager
2m 33.75s: info: enable bd copy(mode=0)
2m 33.76s: info: estimate copied other streams size(98 MB), estimate output video size(914 MB)
2m 33.76s: info: video encode mode(0), bitrate(17474), lr-encode(no)
2m 33.77s: info: video codec(28)
2m 33.77s: info: streams(4113.2)
2m 33.77s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[00001.m2ts],atomic[00005.m2ts],atomic[00006.m2ts],atomic[00000.m2ts]]])
2m 33.78s: info: enable multi-thread software decoder, thread count = 8
2m 33.78s: info: ex process path= D:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 1040/fabcore.exe
2m 34.81s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(17474) crf(-1) interlace(0)
2m 34.83s: info: processing source(00001.m2ts)
3m 11.10s: info: bluray read data end
3m 11.23s: info: processing source(00005.m2ts)
3m 48.41s: info: bluray read data end
3m 48.44s: info: processing source(00006.m2ts)
5m 06.06s: info: bluray read data end
5m 06.07s: info: processing source(00000.m2ts)
6m 09.71s: info: bluray read data end
6m 14.40s: info: group(elem[atomic[00001.m2ts],atomic[00005.m2ts],atomic[00006.m2ts],atomic[00000.m2ts]]) playtime(420335 ms) source(1041 MB) request(1013 MB) real(1006 MB) bitrate(17474 kbps)
6m 14.41s: compress finished: groups request(1013 MB, 1013 MB) real(1006 MB) average_bitrate(17474 kbps)
6m 15.40s: to estimate the size of the group, index:5
6m 15.41s: RealOutputBlocks: 818313, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 2036340
6m 15.41s: info: create bdcopy config
6m 15.41s: info: vdecode hevc= 0, h264= 0, vc1= 0, mpeg2= 0, vencode h264= 0, hevc= 0 , plat = 5
6m 15.42s: info: create bdcopy manager
6m 15.42s: info: enable bd copy(mode=0)
6m 15.42s: info: estimate copied other streams size(23 MB), estimate output video size(1019 MB)
6m 15.43s: info: video encode mode(0), bitrate(35000), lr-encode(no)
6m 15.43s: info: video codec(28)
6m 15.44s: info: streams(4113.2)
6m 15.44s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[00019.m2ts]]])
6m 15.44s: info: enable multi-thread software decoder, thread count = 8
6m 15.45s: info: ex process path= D:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 1040/fabcore.exe
6m 16.48s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(212787) crf(-1) interlace(0)
6m 16.49s: info: processing source(00019.m2ts)
41m 04.00s: UILog: MsgWork:current work finish: 2
41m 04.00s: UILog: Run Work to end.
57m 14.09s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
57m 14.09s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
57m 14.09s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
57m 14.16s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
57m 14.17s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
57m 14.25s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
57m 14.25s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
57m 14.34s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
57m 14.35s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
57m 14.35s: Source manager: open source flag:1,0,1,1,1
57m 14.61s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
57m 33.15s: Exit process: processBeforeClose.
57m 33.15s: Exit process: clear temp folder.
57m 33.62s: Exit process: stop quality task.
57m 33.62s: Exit process: stop thumbnail thread.
57m 33.63s: Exit process: save config file.
57m 35.75s: Exit process: create jump list.
57m 35.75s: Exit process: save meta info to local file.
57m 35.76s: Exit process: stop running.
57m 35.82s: Exit process: finish MainUI.
57m 35.86s: Exit process: finish FreePref.
57m 35.86s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release.
0m 00.33s:
DVDFab (2017/10/31 15:16:47)
0m 00.34s: Init Public log: enabled.
0m 00.34s: Init Private log: finish.
0m 00.34s: App info: 2017-10-25
0m 00.34s: App info: 10064 Official
0m 00.35s: Init CrashReportSettings: enabled.
0m 00.36s: Init DVDInfo_Log: enabled.
0m 00.36s: app info: compiled time Oct 23 2017 13:28:36
0m 00.36s: app args: count 1,arg 0

0m 00.37s: Init Qt_Log: disabled.
0m 00.43s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile
0m 00.43s: Qt Translator file load success
0m 00.43s: App info: client type 22.
0m 00.46s: MobilePlay load: preload successful.
0m 00.51s: MobilePlay load: Load successful.
0m 00.52s: set code page: .0
0m 00.52s: Init process: Transfer settings successful.
0m 00.52s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/Documents/DVDFab10/Log/
0m 00.53s: info: _check_gpu is running ...
0m 00.69s: info: check_gpu run successful
0m 00.69s: info: recommand= 56, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8
0m 00.70s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-0X3F
0m 00.70s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-0X38, 0X38
0m 00.71s: GPU check: CUDA cap-0X1
0m 00.72s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0
0m 00.72s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-0, 0
0m 00.73s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 : : 2.1
0m 00.73s: Init process: Load config successful.
0m 00.74s: MobilePlay load: preload successful.
0m 00.75s: MobilePlay load: Load successful.
0m 00.75s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 7.
0m 00.76s: Init process: appUuidForLastRun=e1401579-ba54-489f-877e-9f440f86e2fc, appUuidForThisRun=058091ed-f483-44d5-a24d-5a701324595b
0m 00.76s: Init process: command line in is
0m 00.82s: ShowStartupDialog: true
0m 00.83s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 20:8260762964 )( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 50:8260762964 )( 21:8260762964 )( 22:8260762964 )( 55:8260762964 )( 60:8260762964 )( 70:8260762964 )( 61:8260762964 )( 62:8260762964 )( 95:8260762964 )( 96:8260762964 )( 97:8260762964 )( 1:26 )( OV:10064 )( BV:10063 )( S:90eaafd78f39aaa1fd9d05806d864584 )
0m 00.84s: Reg check: Option check status-Local
0m 00.84s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:1 )-( File to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:1 )-( File to DVD:1:1 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:1 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:1 )-( 2D to 3D:1:1 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-( CinaviaRemoval HD:1:1 )-( DVD Cinavia Removal:1:1 )-( Blu-ray Cinavia Removal:1:1 )-( DRM Removal:1:0 )-( iOS Recorder:1:0 )-( Hi-Fi Audio Converter:1:0 )-
0m 00.85s: App info: language type ENU.
0m 00.85s: App info: Install path D:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 1040/
0m 00.85s: Init process: Set account info to DriveX.
0m 00.86s: Export Blu-ray source information report: enabled
0m 00.86s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful.
0m 00.87s: connect plugin info: start.
0m 00.88s: SUCCEED: IServerService WebServer Init succeed.
0m 01.00s: SUCCEED: IServerService MediaLibrary Init succeed.
0m 01.15s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile
0m 02.87s: Reg check: Times of cinavia connecting error is: 0
0m 02.89s: Reg check: Start get sys number.
0m 02.96s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-ff-dc-5c-83-0a:24-0a-64-1d-13-27:24-0a-64-1c-b2-fc
0m 02.97s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0
0m 03.64s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0
0m 03.64s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:ddda53bd1718d14fdc63942cba1dfd14
0m 03.65s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork
0m 04.03s: connect plugin info: 1:1
0m 05.84s: Burn engine: start init.
0m 05.84s: Burn engine: set log folder.
0m 05.85s: DVD: init read settings.
0m 05.85s: DVD: init write settings.
0m 06.04s: BD: init read settings.
0m 06.05s: BD: init write settings.
0m 06.05s: bd set region A
0m 06.05s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 begin.
0m 06.06s: Burn engine: config engine type-0 end.
0m 06.06s: Burn engine: writer count 3.
0m 06.06s: Burn engine: 0- I:\ [TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-222AB SB01 (Scsi)].
0m 06.06s: Burn engine: 1- M:\ [HL-DT-ST BD-RE WH16NS40 1.00 (Scsi)].
0m 06.07s: Burn engine: 2- R:\ [PIONEER BD-RW BDR-209D 1.31 (Scsi)].
0m 06.07s: Burn engine: end init.
0m 06.88s: Init process: Init setting page successful.
0m 06.89s: ShowStartupDialog: false
0m 06.89s: QtLog Mode = false
0m 07.25s: Start show MainUI.
0m 07.26s: dpi scale: x scale 1.000000
0m 07.26s: dpi scale: y scale 1.000000
0m 07.27s: Init process: init main ui successful.
0m 07.32s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode.
0m 07.33s: Init process: show main ui successful.
0m 07.34s: Cinavia Version :
0m 07.34s: DriveX msg: Init driveX I with I/O mode: 0
0m 07.34s: DriveX msg: Init driveX M with I/O mode: 0
0m 07.35s: DriveX msg: Init driveX R with I/O mode: 0
0m 07.36s: scene data: delete file C:/Users/AppData/Roaming/DVDFab10/SceneData/e6e2b407-b291-4e09-8d99-e671e19d5221.SceneData.xml result=0
0m 07.37s: scene data: delete dir C:/Users/AppData/Roaming/DVDFab10/SceneData/e6e2b407-b291-4e09-8d99-e671e19d5221 result=0
0m 07.37s: scene data: delete file C:/Users/AppData/Roaming/DVDFab10/SceneData/5a28e3ac-a519-4cbe-bb10-3e37fa871430.SceneData.xml result=1
0m 07.37s: scene data: delete dir C:/Users/AppData/Roaming/DVDFab10/SceneData/5a28e3ac-a519-4cbe-bb10-3e37fa871430 result=0
0m 07.38s: before exec()
0m 07.41s: opening drive M
0m 07.42s: opened i/o
0m 07.42s: got media type 16
0m 11.52s: got max lba 12138975
0m 12.19s: got disc type 0
0m 12.19s: DriveX msg: media open(false) sucess in driveX M.
0m 12.20s: DriveX msg: exclude driveX M.
0m 12.20s: DriveX msg: add media failed in driveX M.
0m 12.21s: opening drive R
0m 12.21s: opened i/o
0m 12.22s: got media type 16
0m 13.95s: got max lba 12120287
0m 14.87s: got disc type 0
0m 14.88s: DriveX msg: media open(false) sucess in driveX R.
0m 14.89s: DriveX msg: exclude driveX R.
0m 14.90s: DriveX msg: add media failed in driveX R.
0m 14.90s: opening drive I
0m 14.96s: opened i/o
0m 14.97s: Source manager: open source flag:1,0,1,1,1
0m 14.97s: opening drive M
0m 14.98s: opened i/o
0m 14.98s: got media type 16
0m 15.54s: got max lba 12138975
0m 16.20s: got disc type 0
0m 16.20s: Source manager: open source flag:1,0,1,1,1
0m 16.21s: opening drive R
0m 16.21s: opened i/o
0m 16.22s: got media type 16
0m 16.93s: got max lba 12120287
0m 17.88s: got disc type 0
0m 17.89s: Source manager: open source flag:1,0,1,1,1
0m 17.90s: Source manager: open source flag:1,0,1,1,1
0m 31.83s: set folder J:/Ingrid Goes West/BDMV/ with type 2
0m 31.84s: opening folder J:/Ingrid Goes West
0m 31.84s: set folder J:/Ingrid Goes West type 2
0m 31.85s: opening folder J:/Ingrid Goes West
0m 31.86s: Source manager: add source id 0.
0m 31.87s: bd set region ?
0m 31.88s: Source open status

0m 31.88s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2231-10-11
0m 31.88s: bd set region A
0m 31.90s: got bdmv
0m 32.06s: got extended bdinfo
0m 32.06s: TitleInfo : BD Parse Clone Title WARRING. title ID = 0
0m 32.06s: TitleInfo : BD Parse Clone Title WARRING. title ID = 1
0m 32.07s: TitleInfo : BD Parse Clone Title WARRING. title ID = 2
0m 32.07s: TitleInfo : BD Parse Clone Title WARRING. title ID = 3
0m 32.07s: TitleInfo : BD Parse Clone Title WARRING. title ID = 4
0m 32.08s: TitleInfo : BD Parse Clone Title WARRING. title ID = 5
0m 32.08s: TitleInfo : BD Parse Clone Title WARRING. title ID = 6
0m 32.08s: TitleInfo : BD Parse Clone Title WARRING. title ID = 7
0m 32.09s: TitleInfo : BD Parse Clone Title WARRING. title ID = 8
0m 32.09s: TitleInfo : BD Parse Clone Title WARRING. title ID = 9
0m 32.10s: TitleInfo : BD Parse Clone Title WARRING. title ID = 10
0m 32.10s: TitleInfo : BD Parse Clone Title WARRING. title ID = 11
0m 32.10s: TitleInfo : BD Parse Clone Title WARRING. title ID = 12
0m 34.83s: MoviePoster Log: Volume(Ingrid Goes West), DiscID(), Result(E:/DVDFab Temp/Temp/MediaServer/enwPgakYeduofhVxvS2KGR0nIpm.jpg)
0m 34.84s: Warning: IsTrackWatermarked Volume( Ingrid Goes West ) playlist( 1 ) audioID( 0 )
0m 34.84s: Warning: IsTrackWatermarked Volume( Ingrid Goes West ) playlist( 1 ) audioID( 1 )
0m 34.84s: Warning: IsTrackWatermarked Volume( Ingrid Goes West ) playlist( 1 ) audioID( 0 )
0m 34.85s: Warning: IsTrackWatermarked Volume( Ingrid Goes West ) playlist( 1 ) audioID( 1 )
0m 34.85s: Warning: IsTrackWatermarked Volume( Ingrid Goes West ) playlist( 1 ) audioID( 0 )
0m 34.85s: Warning: IsTrackWatermarked Volume( Ingrid Goes West ) playlist( 1 ) audioID( 1 )
0m 34.86s: Warning: IsTrackWatermarked Volume( Ingrid Goes West ) playlist( 1 ) audioID( 0 )
0m 34.86s: Warning: IsTrackWatermarked Volume( Ingrid Goes West ) playlist( 1 ) audioID( 0 )
0m 34.86s: Warning: IsTrackWatermarked Volume( Ingrid Goes West ) playlist( 1 ) audioID( 0 )
0m 34.86s: Warning: IsTrackWatermarked Volume( Ingrid Goes West ) playlist( 1 ) audioID( 0 )
0m 34.87s: Cinavia: no cinavia repair data.
0m 34.87s: Source manager: open successful.
0m 34.89s: Meta: Load meta info data failed from server.
0m 35.55s: Work manager: create BD fulldisc work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0.
0m 35.75s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
0m 35.76s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
0m 35.94s: Source manager: select video files for open.
0m 35.95s: Source manager: this source is exist, source id 0.
0m 36.24s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
0m 36.24s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
0m 36.26s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
0m 36.67s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
0m 36.67s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
0m 36.77s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
0m 36.87s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
0m 36.88s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
0m 37.20s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
0m 37.21s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
0m 37.27s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
0m 37.55s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
0m 37.56s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
0m 37.77s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
0m 37.92s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
0m 37.93s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
0m 37.93s: Source manager: open source flag:1,0,1,1,1
0m 38.28s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
2m 31.86s: UILog: OnMsgToolbar_Start
2m 31.86s: UILog: Msg Start: ready start
2m 31.88s: UILog: Msg Start: start test run work
2m 31.88s: UILog: Msg Start: run work
2m 31.89s: UILog: Run current Work.
2m 32.29s: UILog: Begin Work Copy Fulldisc
2m 32.30s: Init BurnLog : file(C:/Users/Documents/DVDFab10/Log/burn_internal.log)
2m 32.32s: UILog: start running at thread.
2m 32.33s: UILog: return flag at start running at thread ok.
2m 32.34s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
2m 32.36s: BD FullDisc watermark flag: 0
2m 32.36s: bd-fulldisk: RunTask 0 audios
2m 32.36s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start
------ process working ------
0m 00.06s: bd set region ?
0m 00.07s: set folder J:/Ingrid Goes West/ with type 2
0m 00.07s: opening folder J:/Ingrid Goes West
0m 00.07s: bd set region A
0m 00.09s: got bdmv
0m 00.11s: got extended bdinfo
0m 02.99s: Blu-ray Copy: Full Disc
0m 02.99s: Source: J:/Ingrid Goes West
0m 03.01s: SourceSize: 23429 MB
0m 03.01s: RemoveHDAudio: 0
0m 03.02s: OutputSize: 23000 MB
0m 03.02s: OtherSize (CLPI, JAR, etc.): 105 MB
0m 03.02s: OutputDisc: BDMV
0m 03.03s: OutputTarget: BD25
0m 03.03s: OutputVideo: 1080p/i
0m 03.36s: Output group estimatedblock size
0m 03.36s: EstimatedBlocks: 4437, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 4409
0m 03.37s: EstimatedBlocks: 4524, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 4440
0m 03.37s: EstimatedBlocks: 56745, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 56505
0m 03.37s: EstimatedBlocks: 296349, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 266479
0m 03.38s: EstimatedBlocks: 533070, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 482814
0m 03.38s: EstimatedBlocks: 549747, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 537836
0m 03.39s: EstimatedBlocks: 737763, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 623188
0m 03.39s: EstimatedBlocks: 9758835, EstimatedMainVideoBlocks: 7848981
0m 03.39s: to estimate the size of the group, index:0
0m 03.39s: RealOutputBlocks: 0, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 2116818
0m 03.67s: to estimate the size of the group, index:1
0m 03.67s: RealOutputBlocks: 4437, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 2116790
0m 04.10s: to estimate the size of the group, index:2
0m 04.10s: RealOutputBlocks: 8961, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 2116706
0m 04.11s: info: create bdcopy config
0m 04.11s: info: recommand= 56, Shrink support= 0, enable= 0, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8
0m 04.11s: info: vdecode hevc= 0, h264= 0, vc1= 0, mpeg2= 0, vencode h264= 0, hevc= 0 , plat = 5
0m 04.12s: info: create bdcopy manager
0m 04.12s: info: enable bd copy(mode=0)
0m 04.12s: info: estimate copied other streams size(0 MB), estimate output video size(106 MB)
0m 04.13s: info: video encode mode(0), bitrate(14225), lr-encode(no)
0m 04.13s: info: video codec(28)
0m 04.14s: info: streams(4113.2)
0m 04.14s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[00009.m2ts]]])
0m 04.14s: info: enable multi-thread software decoder, thread count = 8
0m 04.16s: info: ex process path= D:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 1040/fabcore.exe
0m 05.19s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(14225) crf(-1) interlace(0)
0m 05.20s: info: processing source(00009.m2ts)
0m 12.86s: info: bluray read data end
0m 15.77s: info: group(elem[atomic[00009.m2ts]]) playtime(60060 ms) source(110 MB) request(107 MB) real(3 MB) bitrate(14225 kbps)
0m 15.78s: compress finished: groups request(107 MB, 107 MB) real(3 MB) average_bitrate(14225 kbps)
0m 16.77s: to estimate the size of the group, index:3
0m 16.78s: RealOutputBlocks: 10524, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 2116466
0m 16.78s: info: create bdcopy config
0m 16.79s: info: vdecode hevc= 0, h264= 0, vc1= 0, mpeg2= 0, vencode h264= 0, hevc= 0 , plat = 5
0m 16.79s: info: create bdcopy manager
0m 16.80s: info: enable bd copy(mode=0)
0m 16.80s: info: estimate copied other streams size(58 MB), estimate output video size(504 MB)
0m 16.80s: info: video encode mode(0), bitrate(17496), lr-encode(no)
0m 16.81s: info: video codec(28)
0m 16.81s: info: streams(4113.2)
0m 16.82s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[00015.m2ts],atomic[00014.m2ts]]])
0m 16.82s: info: enable multi-thread software decoder, thread count = 8
0m 16.83s: info: ex process path= D:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 1040/fabcore.exe
0m 17.85s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(17496) crf(-1) interlace(0)
0m 17.86s: info: processing source(00015.m2ts)
1m 14.23s: info: bluray read data end
1m 14.24s: info: processing source(00014.m2ts)
2m 27.32s: info: bluray read data end
2m 32.73s: info: group(elem[atomic[00015.m2ts],atomic[00014.m2ts]]) playtime(231605 ms) source(578 MB) request(563 MB) real(571 MB) bitrate(17496 kbps)
2m 32.74s: compress finished: groups request(563 MB, 563 MB) real(571 MB) average_bitrate(17496 kbps)
2m 33.73s: to estimate the size of the group, index:4
2m 33.74s: RealOutputBlocks: 303141, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 2086596
2m 33.74s: info: create bdcopy config
2m 33.74s: info: vdecode hevc= 0, h264= 0, vc1= 0, mpeg2= 0, vencode h264= 0, hevc= 0 , plat = 5
2m 33.75s: info: create bdcopy manager
2m 33.75s: info: enable bd copy(mode=0)
2m 33.76s: info: estimate copied other streams size(98 MB), estimate output video size(914 MB)
2m 33.76s: info: video encode mode(0), bitrate(17474), lr-encode(no)
2m 33.77s: info: video codec(28)
2m 33.77s: info: streams(4113.2)
2m 33.77s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[00001.m2ts],atomic[00005.m2ts],atomic[00006.m2ts],atomic[00000.m2ts]]])
2m 33.78s: info: enable multi-thread software decoder, thread count = 8
2m 33.78s: info: ex process path= D:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 1040/fabcore.exe
2m 34.81s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(17474) crf(-1) interlace(0)
2m 34.83s: info: processing source(00001.m2ts)
3m 11.10s: info: bluray read data end
3m 11.23s: info: processing source(00005.m2ts)
3m 48.41s: info: bluray read data end
3m 48.44s: info: processing source(00006.m2ts)
5m 06.06s: info: bluray read data end
5m 06.07s: info: processing source(00000.m2ts)
6m 09.71s: info: bluray read data end
6m 14.40s: info: group(elem[atomic[00001.m2ts],atomic[00005.m2ts],atomic[00006.m2ts],atomic[00000.m2ts]]) playtime(420335 ms) source(1041 MB) request(1013 MB) real(1006 MB) bitrate(17474 kbps)
6m 14.41s: compress finished: groups request(1013 MB, 1013 MB) real(1006 MB) average_bitrate(17474 kbps)
6m 15.40s: to estimate the size of the group, index:5
6m 15.41s: RealOutputBlocks: 818313, EstimatedBlocksCanNotBeCompressed: 2036340
6m 15.41s: info: create bdcopy config
6m 15.41s: info: vdecode hevc= 0, h264= 0, vc1= 0, mpeg2= 0, vencode h264= 0, hevc= 0 , plat = 5
6m 15.42s: info: create bdcopy manager
6m 15.42s: info: enable bd copy(mode=0)
6m 15.42s: info: estimate copied other streams size(23 MB), estimate output video size(1019 MB)
6m 15.43s: info: video encode mode(0), bitrate(35000), lr-encode(no)
6m 15.43s: info: video codec(28)
6m 15.44s: info: streams(4113.2)
6m 15.44s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[00019.m2ts]]])
6m 15.44s: info: enable multi-thread software decoder, thread count = 8
6m 15.45s: info: ex process path= D:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 1040/fabcore.exe
6m 16.48s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(212787) crf(-1) interlace(0)
6m 16.49s: info: processing source(00019.m2ts)
41m 04.00s: UILog: MsgWork:current work finish: 2
41m 04.00s: UILog: Run Work to end.
57m 14.09s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
57m 14.09s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
57m 14.09s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
57m 14.16s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
57m 14.17s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
57m 14.25s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
57m 14.25s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
57m 14.34s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
57m 14.35s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
57m 14.35s: Source manager: open source flag:1,0,1,1,1
57m 14.61s: bd-fulldisk: FillWorkData not remove audio
57m 33.15s: Exit process: processBeforeClose.
57m 33.15s: Exit process: clear temp folder.
57m 33.62s: Exit process: stop quality task.
57m 33.62s: Exit process: stop thumbnail thread.
57m 33.63s: Exit process: save config file.
57m 35.75s: Exit process: create jump list.
57m 35.75s: Exit process: save meta info to local file.
57m 35.76s: Exit process: stop running.
57m 35.82s: Exit process: finish MainUI.
57m 35.86s: Exit process: finish FreePref.
57m 35.86s: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release.