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I tried to convert a 23gb main movie to BD9 8gb ISO, but the ISO ended up as 29gb, even bigger than the source is. What went wrong there ?
I believe this is still a work in progress, there are a few members here who have had much success with the compression functionality, and then there are the rest of us, I have never had any success with the compression feature,so all I can suggest is you keep playing around with it, and maybe you will hit on a formula that works.
Still no luck I am afraid, I get this error message......
20:07:39: You are going to try "Blu-ray to Blu-ray" option.
20:07:39: Source( 00000.m2ts )
20:07:39: Copy process started
21:18:51: Task_1 failed! Error=1000(501.1 5 Exception occurred in filter(type128:id2), info = 15 4 00000.m2ts 67145619456 122880,)
21:18:52: Process failed!
Now, I know the reason, it is due to lack of disk space BUT the ISO file DVDFab was making was going on forever, it was 65gb in size when it ran out of disk space. It would of gone on for ever until it ran out I am sure.
The first time I tried to copy from the disc itself and the same thing happened, although I got fed up waiting before it ran out of disc space that time. The second time it just happened quicker, as I made an ISO of the blu-ray on the HDD first and then tried to copy. Both methods just kept building a massive ever-increasing ISO file in size. This is using the latest beta too.
I know I am in the minority though, as I am trying to down convert a BD25 I made myself in Nero Vision, to BD9. So most people are trying to convert proper commercial releases, so perhaps this is an isolated problem with home made blu-rays.