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Success with Iron Man 2, Robin Hood, etc

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    Success with Iron Man 2, Robin Hood, etc

    All you guys and gals have reported problems Iron Man 2, Robin Hood and others. I was also having problems with Gladiator and the above mentioned tiles.

    Well I have successfully backed up all these disc's with no issues. And yes I have watched all the movies and they are just fine. A bit of a process but none the less it worked.

    Here is what I did.

    1. Using ver I cloned the disc to HD.
    2. Using ver I used the cloned image as my source. Then I did a full disc copy and did my compression from 50GB to 25GB again saving the file to an newly named ISO file and folder.
    3. Still using ver I then wrote data using the compressed ISO file and wrote to my burner.

    All ISO files were made using ImgBurn.

    Total time from start to finished copy was about 3 hours.

    I also did Fool's Gold and the ISO file after the clone was smaller than 25GB so compressing wasn't necessary. Clone was done using ver and write data was using ver

    Perfect every time.

    I hope this helps you out and if I can provide more info let me know.

    It didn't work for me. 3 hours later I ended up with what looked like a movie in slow motion, with out of sync audio.


      I'LL try it, this is my last test, i mean the developer should be doing this. trying out different version and to whats going on.. if they want me to keep testing my fees are low only $5.00 an hour... =p
      Intel quad q6600 2.4Ghz
      OCZ 2 gig memery
      nvidia 9800gtx+
      Windows 7 ultimate
      >>>ASUS BW 12B1ST <<<


        k, robin hood is doable, i only watched 10 min of it. but there is jitters, maybe one sec not bad it is watchable.. seems like the older version work better lol.. ill try ironman later... nice find =p
        Intel quad q6600 2.4Ghz
        OCZ 2 gig memery
        nvidia 9800gtx+
        Windows 7 ultimate
        >>>ASUS BW 12B1ST <<<

