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Cant recognize DVD: Grease Rockin' Rydell Edition

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    Cant recognize DVD: Grease Rockin' Rydell Edition

    (New user with trial edition)

    DVD Fab says the disk is unplayable, but DVD Decrypter decodes all tracks. How do I determine why DVDFab is having a problem? Is there a way to correct this and backup the DVD to ISO?


    Originally posted by mknoblock View Post
    (New user with trial edition)

    DVD Fab says the disk is unplayable, but DVD Decrypter decodes all tracks. How do I determine why DVDFab is having a problem? Is there a way to correct this and backup the DVD to ISO?

    On August 22 2010 you stated you were using V4 with a trial version of V7.

    Now you state you are using a trial of V8112.

    As trials are good for 1 month and you never replied to my question of how you were using a trial version when you had a previous version on your computer I an waiting for you to explain the current use of a trial version after more than a year.


      Wow. You seriously looked up my entire history before you could answer a simple question? OK.

      I confess. I have posted here before, and tried DVDFab trials without success. I fully admit it, and here is my complete history:

      I had DVD fab 4 (I think - it was a long time ago) on a laptop my son gave to me. I spent a lot of time learning about backing up/ripping DVDs, and video formats. I had some programming experience, but nothing specific to audio/video. Actually, that's not exactly true; I work as a software engineer, developing Windows applications in C++ for industrial and transportation markets. Just trying to be completely honest here.

      So what I was trying to do was rip movies from my small collection of classic film noir (also some comedies, as well as some television series) to hard drive with the idea of watching them on the TV instead of on the laptop. At the time I had no idea what was involved in that whole process, because you also have the whole issue of cataloging the collection (which is a whole other round of trying out software to find the one that works the best), deciding on a format, deciding if HD was the way to go, and even whether or not to chuck the whole thing and go Mac (turns out one of my other sons is really into Apple, and he says AppleTV is the only way to go. The problem is that because of my job I'm so deeply embedded in Windows that I didn't want to take on yet another learning curve.) as an alternative.

      Now, because I have an interest in foreign films as well (a lot of really good film noir genre is in French) getting these ripped versions of the movies to include subtitles (so I could follow along with the movie, understanding the dialog regardless of the native language. I took French in high school and college, and while I had a pretty good understanding of written French, my
      conversational skills (I probably should have joined a club where I could engage in actual conversation with other students in French. The problem was I was a commuter student, and couldn't spend a lot of time on campus after classes.) were not completely developed. So the end result was, 20+ years later, if I watch a movie with French dialog, I can only pick up scraps of the conversation, and this is really distracting.) was very important.

      Anyhoo, I used DVDFab 4 (I think) for quite a while, while this learning curve thing was going on. I tried several different ones (including DVD Decrypter... I'm trying to remember some of the other ones... DVDtoOne was one of them I think - it had a really simple interface and a nice preview thing (which worked, by the way)... maybe it was called something else.) and found that they all had problems of one type or another (sorry I cannot recall any specific examples at the moment). DVDFab 4 (if that was the version) not only didn't work all the time, but I never could figure out how to reliably save subtitles with movies (I think you'll find that I asked some of these questions before, and although I got (I think) some responses, I either could not make it work in spite of them (part of this was that I didn't pursue this too vigorously on the forum, not wanting to waste everyone's time with something I should, after all, have been able to dope out myself (apparently)) or just decided at the time that I just did not have the time to spend on it. After all, you use a product a fair amount of time, and occasionally it does not work, so what do you do? You can either sigh and keep going, or decide to get to the bottom of it, which can turn into a part-time job when you have to post questions on a forum and wait for someone to (kindly) give you an answer.

      Now that laptop eventually died, and took the hard drive with it, so although I had a lot of movies saved, I couldn't restore DVD Fab so I thought I would take a look at the latest (at the time) version. I think what happened was I had the battery out of it, and it was running on straight AC power (looking back, I don't remember why I took the battery out in the first place. Actually,
      I may have had the thing lock up (that seemed to happen a lot with that laptop) and I unplugged it and took out the battery to kill it for a restart. I just get frustrated sometimes (Again, just trying to be completely honest and open with you here) again)) and we had a lightning storm come through. The power never actually went out, but I think it (the lightning) shot some spikes into the power lines and fried it (the laptop).

      Later on, at some point (you probably know the dates better than I do) I got another workstation and used DVD Decrypter for quite a while (it's free). Still had the occasional problems with things like foreign or opera subtitles, though. It eventually got to the point where I downloaded the trial version of DVDFab that you mentioned. I tried this, and it didn't seem to do much more than the version (4?) that I had before. I still had the same problems, most DVDs worked, some did not, and subtitles usually did not. I must have posted looking for an answer for this, August of 2010, apparently, but since I have never gotten this to work satisfactorily I must not have gotten an answer.

      Fast forward to last week. I downloaded DVDFab to once again try to settle the issue, since I now have a fulltime media server and would like to start storing AVI formatted movies on it. The question remains whether or not I can get subtitles consistently.

      I regret that you are so keen on not answering questions from posters with a dubious past. What bothers me is that you are such a stickler yet you never followed up with me in August of 2010 to make sure my questions were answered and that I could buy the product with confidence.

      I was unaware that, once a trial period expired, I must notify you on a public forum that I have let the trial lapse without purchasing. In addition, when I downloaded the trial for, I must have missed the questionnaire and the affadavit that would have verified that have never before downloaded a trial version. I promise to correct this behavior in the future.

      Now with my questionable past completely out in the open, I would like to asK:

      Does anyone know why DVDFab (trial version) would not recognize "Grease - Rockin' Rydell Edition"?

      Any help - or any constructive replies - will be most welcome.

      Note from Administrator:

      Responsive, relevant text shown in black. Unfunny pointless BS shown in yellow. Don't do this again if you expect help with your problem.


        You did not answer the question of how you are continuing to use trial versions.
        Not to mention that your attitude leaves a lot to be desired.

        Thread closed.

