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Mapped network drives

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    Mapped network drives

    I am interested in DVDFab DVD Copy, as I have friends who have used with great success.

    This may be the ultimate newbie question, but here goes.

    My question is this: I would want to install DVDFab on a Windows XP laptop, and it only has a CD-ROM optical drive. There is another computer on my LAN that has a DVD-RW drive, and I have no trouble sharing that drive and browsing its folders and/ or mapping it from the laptop.

    Can DVDFab work its magic in a scenario like this, or does the optical drive have to physically inside the PC doing the decrypting?

    Thanks for reading.


    Yes, DVDFab could open the folder which you shared drive on another PC.
    I have a try, but the speed is so slow (less than 2M, need more than 1 hour) when opening the shared folder.
    However, to copy a dvd is less than 15 minutes normally (Use the iso file or drive directly).
    Why not install DVDFab on the PC which have DVD-RW drive?

    Hope this help you!
    Please post your logs the default location is:
    For DVDFab 13: C:\Users\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\DVDFab13\Log
    For StreamFab: C:\Users\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\StreamFab\log
    Please use attachment button and attach your most recent, Internal log and post right here.
    If it's the burning issue, please also attach burn log.




      I appreciate the quick reply. Why not install DVDFab on the PC that has a DVD drive is the most intelligent question I can think of, and here's the answer:

      I own 2 Macs, plus the Dell laptop I mentioned. The desktop with the DVD drive is a PowerPC Mac (not Intel), so unlike Intel Macs, it can't run Windows natively (Boot Camp) or in a reliable emulation mode (Parallels). It can easily do Windows file sharing and share the DVD to any Windows clients on the LAN.

      So that's the rest of the story. I was pretty sure that if it could work, it would be slow. I can handle that, but would have been unhappy if DVDFab could not work at all. I was afraid it required a hardware DVD on the PC.

      Many thanks, Wilson. If it works at all, I will be happy.


        Hi HG722
        Here is another suggestion for you.
        Why not buy an external drive and use it with your laptop.
        They are not that expensive and you will not have to do any modifications to your laptop, just plug in and go.
        Even if it's a little thing, do something for those who have need of help, something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.

        Setting Up ImgBurn and DVDFab to work together

        Tips for Posting DVDFab Logs in the Forum

