Will DVD Copy ever be able to be modified to a version of Xbox360 Copy?
At one point, I had read that DVDfab would be releasing a program where you could back up Xbox360 games just like we do with DVD's. Is this concept still in the works and when will it be released? All answers will be accepted.
currently there are no plans for this. still you would have to modify the xbox 360 in order to run the backups, and you run the risk of being banned from xbox live.
Just so u know it is possiable to back up everything in the worrld on disc except PS3... I have backed up every single game i have ever owned on every single system that uses discs since they came out. Including PS1, PS2, XBOX, XBOX 360, WII. are the most popular but it cant be done with FAB. And as always a good brand drive with latest firmware should be used and top end media should be used. My entire life i have tried many discs probly just about all of them And there is only one Disc as of now i will trust the rest of my life. For CD's i use SONYS and for DVD's i use SONY DVD+R's and DVD+R DL for dual layers, and SONY's for BLU-RAY's both single and dual layer, and i think this may be a record i have never ever once since i started back in the dawn of CD burning have ever had a single coaster not once, then again i build computers and this is my life. may have had problems getting something to start befor or so but thats befor the burn ever happened and i would always get it fixed and burnt with out a problem ever. even some games in the past there would be giant forums up about people not being able to make a backup and tons of people from all over tryin this and that and id get em out the first try the first day the game came out. But as of today the only systems even worth making backups for would be XBOX360 and PS3 and the only way PS3 would even be able to be maby done would be with a stright blu-ray burner and you would have to use expensive DL blu-ray discs so it would be very expensive to do in the first place and just as of now no one can beat their copy protection, the only thing possiable to even do with PS3 is to save the entire games to a HDD and play them from there. And as stated with XBOX360 you will need to modify your system to also even be able to play the back ups and that 1 it will void your warrenty if your worried about that, and 2 it is possiable for them to detect that your system is modified and you may be banned for life from XBOX live. So the best way to be safe on that front would be to either buy the most expensive mod you can find hopefully one with a stealth function, id be able to say what the best is but i only play the strongest best systems out and thats PS3 right now so i havent kept up on my XBOX info it just cant hang with PS3 because it aint BLU-RAY like PS3. And the second way to avoid the problem would be to have a second XBOX360 that u would use for backups only and never hook it up to online... Hope some of the info helps you in your search for answers...