When running some movies through DVDFab for pulling "full disc" on my system with 7 optical drives, sometimes my optical drives will stop reading properly. When a new disc is inserted into a drive, the Windows Explorer logo will change to the image of the disc, but will not have a name. When double clicked from Windows Explorer, the drive will say no disc is inserted and eject the drive.
Once the offending disc has completed its rip and that instance of DVDFab quits, the rest of the drives immediately start working again (no eject required, they immediately work right away)
I'm using VBScript to detect media in my drives, and am running the following command (objItem.Drive is the drive letter such as E:\ and VolName is the letter of the drive such as E. DoAdd prevents duplicate file issues and simply adds a timestamp and drive letter to the end of the ISO filename if the file already exists at Y:\Ripped\, the last part simply calls an eject script that ejects the drive when the rip is complete.)
An example run for the DVDFab portion would be:
Any ideas as to what might be causing this?
Once the offending disc has completed its rip and that instance of DVDFab quits, the rest of the drives immediately start working again (no eject required, they immediately work right away)
I'm using VBScript to detect media in my drives, and am running the following command (objItem.Drive is the drive letter such as E:\ and VolName is the letter of the drive such as E. DoAdd prevents duplicate file issues and simply adds a timestamp and drive letter to the end of the ISO filename if the file already exists at Y:\Ripped\, the last part simply calls an eject script that ejects the drive when the rip is complete.)
objShell.run "cmd.exe /C """"C:\Program Files (x86)\DVDFab 9\DVDFab.exe"" /NOSCANDRIVE /MODE ""FULLDISC"" /SRC """ & objItem.Drive & """ /DEST ""Y:\Ripped\" & VolName & DoAdd & ".iso"" /CLOSE & """ & Replace(WScript.ScriptFullName, WScript.ScriptName, "") & "Eject.vbs"" " & DriveLetter & """",0,false
"C:\Program Files (x86)\DVDFab 9\DVDFab.exe" /NOSCANDRIVE /MODE "FULLDISC" /SRC "E:\" /DEST "Y:\Ripped\Spiderman.iso" /CLOSE