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Copy successful...dvd does not play.

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    Copy successful...dvd does not play.

    Hello, I'm not at all tech savvy so please forgive me.

    Since the update I've had nothing but trouble. I've tried some of the other suggestions on other threads here with no success.

    Recently tried to back up Monsters U, according to dvdfab the process completes "successfully" but when I try to play the disc my player says "cannot play this type of disc please insert another". It's the same stack of discs I've been using and the same dvd player as well.

    I think what follows is the type of log that might help....

    DVDFab (2013/10/30 17:19:24)

    0m 00.10s: Start preload dll...
    0m 00.17s: Load dll successful.
    0m 00.17s: Start load fabplay dll...
    0m 00.24s: Load fabplay dll successful.
    0m 00.26s: Transfer settings successful.
    0m 00.26s: info: fabcheck logpath= C:\Users\chris\Documents\DVDFab9\Log\
    0m 00.28s: fab_check_gpu is running ...
    0m 00.45s: fab_check_gpu run successful
    0m 00.45s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 2
    0m 00.45s: GPUAccelerate: 5
    0m 00.45s: CUDA cap: 0
    0m 00.45s: Support coreavc decode: 0
    0m 00.45s: Graphics info: Intel(R) HD Graphics Family : :
    0m 00.45s: Load config successful.
    0m 00.45s: Windows os type is: 13.
    0m 00.51s: Parse string is: 2:8260762964
    0m 00.51s: Parse string is: 11:8260762964
    0m 00.51s: Parse string is: 1:0
    0m 00.51s: Parse string is: OV:9072
    0m 00.51s: Parse string is: BV:9072
    0m 00.51s: Parse string is: S:3da06f53112c6eb408b438763a58b149
    0m 00.53s: Option check status: Local
    0m 00.53s: option dvd2dvd 1 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 1 bd2mobile 1 bd23d 1 bd2dvd 1 file2dvd 1 file2bluray 1 file2mobile 1
    0m 00.53s: Init GPU settings successful.
    0m 00.53s: CommmandLine:
    0m 00.53s: Start get sys number.
    0m 00.82s: Serial number is: 9c-b7-0d-64-76-59:00-26-6c-03-3b-4e:9c-b7-0d-64-76-59
    0m 00.82s: Reg URL link is:
    0m 00.82s: Version is: 9072
    0m 00.82s: Product is: 2
    0m 00.82s: Connect type is: 0
    0m 01.15s: Begin init preview play engine.
    0m 01.68s: Init internal engine successful.
    0m 01.86s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile
    0m 01.95s: locale: en_US
    lan: ENU
    default font: ms shell dlg
    use font: Arial
    fonts: Aharoni,Andalus,Angsana New,AngsanaUPC,Aparajita,Arabic Typesetting,Arial,Arial Black,Batang,BatangChe,Bodoni MT,Browallia New,BrowalliaUPC,Calibri,Calibri Light,Cambria,Cambria Math,Candara,Comic Sans MS,Consolas,Constantia,Corbel,Cordia New,CordiaUPC,Courier,Courier New,DaunPenh,David,DFKai-SB,DilleniaUPC,DokChampa,Dotum,DotumChe,Ebrima,Est rangelo Edessa,EucrosiaUPC,Euphemia,Eurostile,FangSong,Fix edsys,Franklin Gothic Medium,FrankRuehl,FreesiaUPC,Gabriola,Gautami,Geor gia,Gisha,Gulim,GulimChe,Gungsuh,GungsuhChe,Impact ,IrisUPC,Iskoola Pota,JasmineUPC,KaiTi,Kalinga,Kartika,Khmer UI,KodchiangUPC,Kokila,Lao UI,Latha,Leelawadee,Levenim MT,LilyUPC,Lucida Console,Lucida Sans Unicode,Malgun Gothic,Mangal,Marlett,Meiryo,Meiryo UI,Microsoft Himalaya,Microsoft JhengHei,Microsoft New Tai Lue,Microsoft PhagsPa,Microsoft Sans Serif,Microsoft Tai Le,Microsoft Uighur,Microsoft YaHei,Microsoft Yi Baiti,MingLiU,MingLiU-ExtB,MingLiU_HKSCS,Mingt 0m 02.02s: Times of connecting error is: 0
    0m 02.02s: Parse string is: 2:8260762964
    0m 02.02s: Parse string is: 11:8260762964
    0m 02.02s: Parse string is: 1:0
    0m 02.02s: Parse string is: OV:9072
    0m 02.02s: Parse string is: BV:9072
    0m 02.02s: Parse string is: S:e07e4b35503c5f1c5beb3a5057d82453
    0m 02.03s: Option check status: NewWork
    0m 02.03s: option dvd2dvd 1 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 1 bd2mobile 1 bd23d 1 bd2dvd 1 file2dvd 1 file2bluray 1 file2mobile 1
    0m 09.90s: Init burn engine successful.
    0m 10.83s: Init driveX with I/O mode: 0
    0m 11.03s: opening drive D
    0m 11.04s: opened i/o

    Your log is not you copy the Monsters University process. You can add attachment if you cannot find the copy task log.
    User Manual for DVDFab v10 (pdf)

    DVDFab log default location:
    For Windows: C:\Users\User Name\Documents\DVDFab10\Log
    For Mac: Finder> Documents> DVDFab10> Log

    DVDFab Player 5:
    For Windows:C:\Users\User Name\Documents\DVDFab Player 5\Log


      Read this enclose the internal log for this movie the link will explain how.


        Sorry, I was trying older discs to check if it was a Monsters U problem or a larger didn't work for anything I tried. I believe this is the monsters log.

        DVDFab (2013/10/30 15:13:06)

        0m 00.12s: Start preload dll...
        0m 00.18s: Load dll successful.
        0m 00.60s: Start load fabplay dll...
        0m 00.70s: Load fabplay dll successful.
        0m 01.23s: Transfer settings successful.
        0m 01.23s: info: fabcheck logpath= C:\Users\chris\Documents\DVDFab9\Log\
        0m 01.37s: fab_check_gpu is running ...
        0m 01.49s: fab_check_gpu run successful
        0m 01.49s: info: recommand= 0, Shrink= 0, cuda_cap= 0 , cpu_count= 2
        0m 01.49s: GPUAccelerate: 5
        0m 01.49s: CUDA cap: 0
        0m 01.49s: Support coreavc decode: 0
        0m 01.49s: Graphics info: Intel(R) HD Graphics Family : :
        0m 01.49s: Load config successful.
        0m 01.49s: Windows os type is: 13.
        0m 01.65s: Parse string is: 2:8260762964
        0m 01.65s: Parse string is: 11:8260762964
        0m 01.65s: Parse string is: 1:0
        0m 01.65s: Parse string is: OV:9072
        0m 01.65s: Parse string is: BV:9072
        0m 01.65s: Parse string is: S:22293a4d16499110d74fbb2d002e8f45
        0m 01.65s: Option check status: Local
        0m 01.65s: option dvd2dvd 1 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 0 bd2mobile 0 bd23d 0 bd2dvd 0 file2dvd 0 file2bluray 0 file2mobile 0
        0m 01.66s: Init GPU settings successful.
        0m 01.66s: CommmandLine:
        0m 01.68s: Start get sys number.
        0m 01.79s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile
        0m 01.79s: Serial number is: 9c-b7-0d-64-76-59:00-26-6c-03-3b-4e:9c-b7-0d-64-76-59
        0m 01.79s: Reg URL link is:
        0m 01.79s: Version is: 9072
        0m 01.79s: Product is: 2
        0m 01.79s: Connect type is: 0
        0m 02.26s: Begin init preview play engine.
        0m 02.32s: Init internal engine successful.
        0m 02.43s: Times of connecting error is: 0
        0m 02.44s: Parse string is: 2:8260762964
        0m 02.44s: Parse string is: 11:8260762964
        0m 02.44s: Parse string is: 1:0
        0m 02.44s: Parse string is: OV:9072
        0m 02.44s: Parse string is: BV:9072
        0m 02.44s: Parse string is: S:2ed47c8f72c6016e7235e960342de747
        0m 02.44s: Option check status: NewWork
        0m 02.44s: option dvd2dvd 1 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 1 bd2mobile 1 bd23d 1 bd2dvd 1 file2dvd 1 file2bluray 1 file2mobile 1
        0m 02.50s: locale: en_US
        lan: ENU
        default font: ms shell dlg
        use font: Arial
        fonts: Aharoni,Andalus,Angsana New,AngsanaUPC,Aparajita,Arabic Typesetting,Arial,Arial Black,Batang,BatangChe,Browallia New,BrowalliaUPC,Calibri,Calibri Light,Cambria,Cambria Math,Candara,Comic Sans MS,Consolas,Constantia,Corbel,Cordia New,CordiaUPC,Courier,Courier New,DaunPenh,David,DFKai-SB,DilleniaUPC,DokChampa,Dotum,DotumChe,Ebrima,Est rangelo Edessa,EucrosiaUPC,Euphemia,FangSong,Fixedsys,Fran klin Gothic Medium,FrankRuehl,FreesiaUPC,Gabriola,Gautami,Geor gia,Gisha,Gulim,GulimChe,Gungsuh,GungsuhChe,Impact ,IrisUPC,Iskoola Pota,JasmineUPC,KaiTi,Kalinga,Kartika,Khmer UI,KodchiangUPC,Kokila,Lao UI,Latha,Leelawadee,Levenim MT,LilyUPC,Lucida Console,Lucida Sans Unicode,Malgun Gothic,Mangal,Marlett,Meiryo,Meiryo UI,Microsoft Himalaya,Microsoft JhengHei,Microsoft New Tai Lue,Microsoft PhagsPa,Microsoft Sans Serif,Microsoft Tai Le,Microsoft Uighur,Microsoft YaHei,Microsoft Yi Baiti,MingLiU,MingLiU-ExtB,MingLiU_HKSCS,MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB,Miria! 0m 10.60s: Init burn engine successful.
        0m 11.66s: Init driveX with I/O mode: 0
        0m 11.85s: opening drive D
        0m 11.86s: opened i/o
        1m 02.44s: opening drive D
        1m 03.16s: opened i/o
        1m 03.17s: got media type 4
        1m 03.29s: got max lba 4163807
        1m 03.30s: got disc type 10
        1m 03.34s: type DVD-VIDEO
        1m 03.34s: volume label MONSTERS_UNIVERSITY
        1m 03.37s: internal path D:/VIDEO_TS/
        1m 03.45s: got copyright 1 f6
        1m 03.96s: got udf/iso
        1m 07.35s: got discinfo
        1m 07.43s: pathplayer enabled
        1m 07.69s: button: vts_0 menu_1 pgc_2 cell_1 sector_122 count_4
        1m 08.62s: button: vts_6 menu_0 pgc_1 cell_1 sector_3979 count_2
        1m 08.87s: button: vts_14 menu_1 pgc_11 cell_1 sector_5943 count_6
        2m 44.02s: button: vts_14 menu_1 pgc_12 cell_1 sector_7818 count_6
        2m 44.49s: button: vts_14 menu_1 pgc_33 cell_1 sector_44722 count_3
        2m 56.88s: button: vts_14 menu_1 pgc_35 cell_1 sector_46146 count_3
        2m 58.15s: button: vts_14 menu_1 pgc_16 cell_1 sector_34037 count_17
        2m 59.59s: button: vts_14 menu_1 pgc_40 cell_1 sector_47572 count_5
        3m 00.06s: button: vts_14 menu_1 pgc_44 cell_1 sector_49273 count_6
        3m 02.86s: button: vts_14 menu_1 pgc_50 cell_1 sector_50973 count_5
        3m 03.15s: button: vts_14 menu_1 pgc_17 cell_1 sector_34705 count_17
        3m 03.36s: button: vts_14 menu_1 pgc_46 cell_1 sector_50406 count_1
        3m 03.80s: button: vts_14 menu_1 pgc_42 cell_1 sector_48706 count_1
        3m 38.31s: button: vts_14 menu_1 pgc_18 cell_1 sector_35373 count_17
        3m 38.58s: button: vts_14 menu_1 pgc_19 cell_1 sector_36041 count_17
        3m 38.86s: button: vts_14 menu_1 pgc_20 cell_1 sector_36709 count_17
        3m 39.14s: button: vts_14 menu_1 pgc_21 cell_1 sector_37377 count_17
        3m 39.43s: button: vts_14 menu_1 pgc_22 cell_1 sector_38045 count_17
        3m 39.71s: button: vts_14 menu_1 pgc_23 cell_1 sector_38713 count_17
        3m 43.64s: button: vts_6 menu_0 pgc_2 cell_1 sector_9242 count_2
        3m 43.93s: button: vts_14 menu_1 pgc_13 cell_1 sector_22850 count_6
        3m 44.26s: button: vts_14 menu_1 pgc_14 cell_1 sector_24801 count_6
        3m 44.36s: button: vts_14 menu_1 pgc_34 cell_1 sector_45434 count_3
        3m 44.56s: button: vts_14 menu_1 pgc_36 cell_1 sector_46859 count_3
        3m 45.02s: button: vts_14 menu_1 pgc_24 cell_1 sector_39381 count_17
        3m 45.10s: button: vts_14 menu_1 pgc_41 cell_1 sector_48139 count_4
        3m 45.20s: button: vts_14 menu_1 pgc_45 cell_1 sector_49840 count_5
        3m 45.78s: button: vts_14 menu_1 pgc_51 cell_1 sector_51540 count_5
        3m 45.99s: button: vts_14 menu_1 pgc_25 cell_1 sector_40049 count_17
        3m 47.87s: button: vts_14 menu_1 pgc_26 cell_1 sector_40717 count_17
        3m 48.12s: button: vts_14 menu_1 pgc_27 cell_1 sector_41385 count_17
        3m 48.37s: button: vts_14 menu_1 pgc_28 cell_1 sector_42053 count_17
        3m 48.63s: button: vts_14 menu_1 pgc_29 cell_1 sector_42721 count_17
        3m 48.86s: button: vts_14 menu_1 pgc_30 cell_1 sector_43389 count_17
        4m 24.67s: got dvdinfo
        4m 24.67s: opened dvd
        5m 07.24s: DVD Copy
        5m 07.24s: Source: D:/
        5m 07.24s: SourceSize: 71216 MB
        5m 07.24s: OutputSize: 4300 MB
        24m 49.67s: opening drive D
        24m 49.69s: opened i/o
        24m 49.69s: got media type 5
        24m 49.70s: got max lba 0
        24m 51.61s: Burn data size is: 4300
        24m 51.61s: Burn disc space is: 4488
        24m 51.91s: burn folder C:\Users\chris\Documents\DVDFab9\Temp\FullDisc\MON STERS_UNIVERSITY\ with VSO

