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DVD Fab under VMWare Fusion

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    DVD Fab under VMWare Fusion

    Hi, first time post after a brief look through the forum. I've just recently setup Windows 7 as a virtual machine on my Mac. Doesn't seem to be any apps that are as good as DVD Fab on the Mac (MacTheRipper 2.6.6 is not supported anymore and has failed me too many times, and the newest MTR 4.0 isonly available if you go through some long drawn out 'gift' process in PayPal and I can't be bothered with that.

    Anyway, I've so far ripped my daughter's Monster's Inc DVD so that she isn't using the original disc and scratching it etc and this went smooth. However, I'm now trying to rip one of my region 1 DVDs (BladeRunner) and this is not going well. After inserting the disc, it asks me to choose the region code, I get a progress bar which disappears after 10 secs or so, then nothing. The source remains empty. I try clicking on the browse folder, go to the disc in the drive, select region 1, and still nothing (no progress bars this time either).

    Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Or is this a limitation of the virtual environment concerning out of region discs? My region is 2 and that is what my iMac is set to - could this be the cause of the problem?

    Hope I've provided enough info and I look forward to hearing any suggestions...


    Bladerunner is an older move so turn off pathplayer and see it that works.



      I've disabled that but I still have the same problem...


        Have you made sure the disc is clean?

        Does it have a lot of scratches?

        Do you have your setting to Ignore All Read Errors?


          Hi again, thanks for your help here btw... Not going well here. The disc is clean and there are only 2 very light scratches on it. The disc is readable on my multi region dvd player, and my laptop - and it was on this virtual windows 7 until I changed the prefs to ignore all errors - now it won't recognise the disc at all - very strange - not sure what is going on at all!

          When I try and browse manually to the drive, the disc spits out... I've changed the prefs back now but still no joy. Weird...


            change DVDFab back to default settings and then disable pathplayer and try again


              Fab is not supported in the VMWare environment so you will have to be lucky to get this problem resolved.
              "Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." - Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790

