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    I have been trying to burn copy's of my P90X3 now dvdfab 9 gose all the way through the rip / burn just fine but the disc dose not work in my dvd player I have a Philips dvd player I am sure I have a setting wrong in dvdfab but not sure witch one can you help ???

    Most times it's because you burned the disk to fast or use cheap media.Burn at 1/2 the disks rated speed if 8x burn at 4x or use Fabs recommended burn speed in Fab settings their's burn speed settings for dvds and blu rays.


      well I can change the burn rate but I have used these disc for ever and I never had a problem with the old dvdfab


        Post your burn logs and internal logs for this disk see how in my link below.


          from or from 9 ??


            From version 9 just the disk your having trouble with.


              DVDFab (2014/02/04 03:52:38)

              0m 00.10s: App info: 2014-1-22
              0m 00.10s: App info: 9125 Official
              0m 00.10s: App info: client type 2.
              0m 00.12s: Fabplay load: preload successful.
              0m 00.18s: Fabplay load: Load successful.
              0m 00.18s: Init process: Transfer settings successful.
              0m 00.18s: info: fabcheck logpath= C:/Users/jermey/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/
              0m 00.18s: fab_check_gpu is running ...
              0m 00.42s: fab_check_gpu run successful
              0m 00.42s: info: recommand= 8248, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 12
              0m 00.42s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-12345
              0m 00.42s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-8248, 8248
              0m 00.42s: GPU check: CUDA cap-1
              0m 00.43s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0
              0m 00.43s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1
              0m 00.43s: GPU check: Graphics info: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 280 : :
              0m 00.43s: Init process: Load config successful.
              0m 00.43s: Init process: Windows os type is 13.
              0m 00.45s: Init process: command line in is
              0m 00.54s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 20:12287482034 )( 80:12287482034 )( 61:8260762964 )( 62:8260762964 )( 1:0 )( OV:9125 )( BV:9123 )( S:258372e1963c3f0cddf0a1699603e12b )
              0m 00.54s: Reg check: Option check status-Local
              0m 00.56s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):0:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:0 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:1 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:1 )-( File Mover:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:0 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-
              0m 00.56s: App info: language type ENU.
              0m 00.56s: Reg check: Start get sys number.
              0m 00.56s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-1f-bc-0d-b2-d1:00-1f-bc-0d-b2-d2
              0m 00.56s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0
              0m 00.62s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful.
              0m 00.74s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine.
              0m 01.28s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0
              0m 01.28s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:682b9b427404f2b2b6a2465e5f706c84
              0m 01.29s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork
              0m 01.60s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile
              0m 01.76s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful.
              0m 02.20s: Burn engine: start init.
              0m 03.94s: Burn engine: engine type-0.
              0m 03.94s: Burn engine: writer count 1.
              0m 03.95s: Burn engine: 0- I:\ [HL-DT-ST BD-RE BH16NS40 1.00 (Ide)].
              0m 03.95s: Burn engine: end init.
              0m 04.76s: Init process: Init setting page successful.
              0m 05.04s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode.
              0m 05.45s: Init process: init main ui successful.
              0m 05.51s: Init process: show main ui successful.
              0m 05.52s: DriveX msg: Init driveX I with I/O mode: 0
              0m 05.52s: DriveX msg: Init driveX L with I/O mode: 0
              0m 05.54s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX I.
              0m 05.54s: opening drive L
              0m 05.55s: opened i/o
              0m 05.55s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX L.
              0m 07.68s: opening drive I
              0m 07.68s: opened i/o
              0m 07.82s: got media type 5
              0m 08.01s: got max lba 0
              0m 08.01s: DriveX msg: media open(false) failed in driveX I.
              1m 13.60s: UI manager: switch to Ripper mode.
              1m 22.17s: UI manager: switch to Convert mode.
              1m 23.29s: UI manager: switch to Creator mode.
              1m 27.03s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode.
              2m 08.82s: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX I.
              2m 16.87s: DriveX msg: adding media in driveX I.
              2m 27.01s: opening drive I
              2m 27.01s: opened i/o
              2m 27.06s: got media type 4
              2m 28.20s: got max lba 2294911
              2m 28.24s: got disc type 10
              2m 28.29s: type DVD-VIDEO
              2m 28.29s: volume label P90X3_DISC_9
              2m 28.30s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX I.
              2m 28.30s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX I.
              2m 28.30s: Source manager: add source id 0.
              2m 28.32s: Open blu-ray disc expired time: 22311011
              2m 28.33s: internal path I:/VIDEO_TS/
              2m 28.34s: got copyright 1 0
              2m 30.85s: got udf/iso
              2m 47.37s: got discinfo
              2m 47.42s: pathplayer enabled
              2m 49.37s: button: vts_15 menu_1 pgc_2 cell_1 sector_2246 count_2
              2m 50.17s: button: vts_15 menu_1 pgc_4 cell_1 sector_1173 count_8
              3m 15.65s: button: vts_15 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_1 sector_30 count_7
              3m 21.96s: button: vts_15 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_1 sector_528 count_8
              4m 29.68s: got dvdinfo
              4m 29.68s: opened dvd
              4m 29.69s: Source manager: open successful.
              4m 30.05s: Work manager: create DVD clone work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0.
              4m 58.95s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start
              4m 58.95s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start
              4m 58.96s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work
              4m 58.97s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1
              4m 58.98s: UILog:Msg Start : run work
              4m 58.98s: UILog:Run current Work.
              4m 58.99s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter.
              4m 58.99s: UILog:start running at thread.
              4m 59.00s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok.
              4m 59.24s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start


                VSO burn log also


                  ******************** Log session stop 04-Feb 02:54:06.848 PID 4180********************
                  2014-02-04 02:49:44 Info WRITE SUCCESS: Disc written
                  2014-02-04 02:49:44 Info Finalization Time 00:00:00 - Total completion time 00:05:37
                  2014-02-04 02:49:44 Info Write finished in 00:05:37 - Finalization start here. Avg. burn rate 7.11
                  2014-02-04 02:41:00 Info Lead-in burning time (mS) 26201
                  2014-02-04 02:41:00 Info Write started 2294912 sectors to write
                  2014-02-04 02:41:00 Info Init success: DVD-R SAO
                  2014-02-04 02:41:00 Info Writing speed requested x8.0, effective x8.0
                  2014-02-04 02:41:00 Info Available write speed: 16x ,12x ,8x
                  2014-02-04 02:41:00 Info Media ID: CMC MAG. AM3
                  2014-02-04 02:41:00 Info Media type: DVD-R
                  2014-02-04 02:41:00 Info DMA is not available on this bus type
                  2014-02-04 02:41:00 Info Write started
                  2014-02-04 02:41:00 Info Writable disc DVD-R inserted. Ready to write
                  2014-02-04 02:41:00 Info Parsing disc ...
                  2014-02-04 02:36:38 Info Disc ejected by user.
                  2014-02-04 02:32:16 Info Disc (DVD-ROM) not empty.
                  2014-02-04 02:32:16 Info Compatible media types : DVD-R, DVD-RW Seq., DVD-RW RO, DVDRAM, DVD+R, DVD+RW, CD-R, CD-RW, DL DVD+R, DL DVD-R, Blu Ray-R Seq., Blu Ray-R Rnd., Blu Ray-RE
                  2014-02-04 02:32:16 Info Drive has Serial ATA physical interface
                  2014-02-04 02:32:16 Info New Drive selected : 6:0:0 - HL-DT-ST BD-RE BH16NS40 1.00 [I] (Ide)
                  2014-02-04 02:32:16 Info Disc (DVD-ROM) not empty.
                  2014-02-04 02:32:16 Info Parsing disc ...
                  2014-02-04 02:27:53 Info Disc ejected by user.
                  2014-02-04 02:27:53 Info WRITE SUCCESS: Disc written
                  2014-02-04 02:27:53 Info Finalization Time 00:00:00 - Total completion time 00:05:37
                  2014-02-04 02:27:53 Info Write finished in 00:05:37 - Finalization start here. Avg. burn rate 6.63
                  2014-02-04 02:19:09 Info Lead-in burning time (mS) 26177
                  2014-02-04 02:19:09 Info Write started 2137696 sectors to write
                  2014-02-04 02:19:09 Info Init success: DVD-R SAO
                  2014-02-04 02:19:09 Info Writing speed requested x8.0, effective x8.0
                  2014-02-04 02:19:09 Info Available write speed: 16x ,12x ,8x
                  2014-02-04 02:19:09 Info Media ID: CMC MAG. AM3
                  2014-02-04 02:19:09 Info Media type: DVD-R
                  2014-02-04 02:19:09 Info DMA is not available on this bus type
                  2014-02-04 02:19:09 Info Scanned files #56, folder #2 - total size 4376778752 b. (4.08 Gb.)
                  2014-02-04 02:19:09 Info Inserted media type : DVD-R
                  2014-02-04 02:19:09 Info Write started
                  2014-02-04 02:19:09 Info Writable disc DVD-R inserted. Ready to write
                  2014-02-04 02:19:09 Info Parsing disc ...
                  2014-02-04 02:19:09 Info Disc ejected by user.
                  2014-02-04 02:10:25 Info Disc (DVD-ROM) not empty.
                  2014-02-04 02:10:25 Info Compatible media types : DVD-R, DVD-RW Seq., DVD-RW RO, DVDRAM, DVD+R, DVD+RW, CD-R, CD-RW, DL DVD+R, DL DVD-R, Blu Ray-R Seq., Blu Ray-R Rnd., Blu Ray-RE
                  2014-02-04 02:10:25 Info Drive has Serial ATA physical interface
                  2014-02-04 02:10:25 Info New Drive selected : 6:0:0 - HL-DT-ST BD-RE BH16NS40 1.00 [I] (Ide)
                  2014-02-04 02:10:25 Info Compatible media types : DVD-R, DVD-RW Seq., DVD-RW RO, DVDRAM, DVD+R, DVD+RW, CD-R, CD-RW, DL DVD+R, DL DVD-R, Blu Ray-R Seq., Blu Ray-R Rnd., Blu Ray-RE
                  2014-02-04 02:10:25 Info Drive has Serial ATA physical interface
                  2014-02-04 02:10:25 Info New Drive selected : 6:0:0 - HL-DT-ST BD-RE BH16NS40 1.00 [I] (Ide)
                  2014-02-04 02:10:25 Info Current Drive selected : 6:0:0 - HL-DT-ST BD-RE BH16NS40 1.00 [I] (Ide)
                  2014-02-04 02:10:25 Info Using SPTI interface
                  2014-02-04 02:10:25 Info System default language : English (United States)
                  2014-02-04 02:10:25 Info User default language : English (United States)
                  2014-02-04 02:10:25 Info DLL Version :
                  2014-02-04 02:10:25 Info DLL : C:\Program Files (x86)\DVDFab 9\vso_hwe.dll
                  2014-02-04 02:10:25 Info Version : 9, 1, 2, 5
                  2014-02-04 02:10:25 Info ExeName : C:\Program Files (x86)\DVDFab 9\DVDFab.exe
                  2014-02-04 02:10:25 Info OS : Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate (Build 7601: Service Pack 1)
                  2014-02-04 02:10:25 ---- ******************** Log session start 04-Feb 02:10:25.408 PID 4180********************


                    I see your burning drive firmware is out of date theirs a newer firmware for it if you don't follow directions you can make your drive useless so if you decide to upgrade make sure you follow directions to the t.


                      I just went in and set my burn speed to the lowest it could go and I retried to rip/burn disc again and it still don't work in my dvd player


                        Try playing it on the computer with a software player.


                          ok I did the firmware update but it said it was the same firmware that I had


                            I just put the dvd in my computer and it plays just fine


                              Try another disk in your Philips to see if it plays.On the firmware it's the first one in the set of two it says 101a1 your using version 100a4

