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Imgburn DL Disc question!!

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    Imgburn DL Disc question!!

    I have decided to go ahead and use Imgburn with DVDFab. I followed the instructions given by Troy512 and set it up.
    However, using Double Layer +R discs is confusing me since there are more steps to take.
    I use DVDFab (the latest version) and rip the full copy and save it in DVDFab folder. When the data is around 4,5 GB, I use DVD 5 and burn the movie on single layer disc. Imgburn engine seems to do a fine job.

    I insert DL +R disc when there is too much data to burn. When Imgburn software is about to start the burning process (a Full copy), a window appears on the computer screen.It's title is " Create layer break position".
    If there is only one line with a colored star at the beginning, I select that line, click OK. The disc burns without any issue.

    Today I was trying to burn a DL disc. Imgburn asked me to choose among three lines. The same window appeared on the screen. All lines had the same gray color star. I found it pretty confusing and didn't want to guess.

    I ended up going back and changing the engine to DVDFab burn engine.

    So, my question is how to decide what to do under similar circumstance. This window (Create layer break position) has 12 columns such as LBA, padding ,file/vts etc.

    I appreciate any suggestion. thanks.

    The remove layer break box is usually checked by default, uncheck it and you should get much better choices in ImgBurn. See attached:
    Attached Files
    How to post the internal log

    Things should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.
    Albert Einstein

