Received the message "Error while Reading", at 87% progress in the copy mode of the movie Southpaw. Also tried with and received the same error.
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Southpaw Error while reading
Southpaw read error
Using and received same error as Task Progress 87%
3m 08.83s: Show UI Step 2
3m 09.16s: Show UI Step 3
3m 09.16s: Start show MainUI.
3m 09.16s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode.
3m 10.71s: Init process: init main ui successful.
3m 11.67s: Init process: show main ui successful.
3m 11.73s: DriveX msg: Init driveX D with I/O mode: 0
3m 11.73s: opening drive D
3m 11.73s: opened i/o
3m 11.73s: got media type 4
3m 15.08s: got max lba 3699441
3m 15.09s: got disc type 10
3m 15.13s: type DVD-VIDEO
3m 15.13s: volume label SOUTHPAW
3m 15.14s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX D.
3m 15.14s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX D.
3m 15.16s: Source managerpen source flag:1,1,0,1,1
3m 15.16s: Source managerpen source flag:1,1,0,1,1
3m 15.16s: Source managerpen source flag:1,1,1,1,1
3m 15.16s: Source manager: add source id 0.
3m 15.18s: Source open statusVD Yes, 2231-10-11
3m 15.18s: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1
3m 15.18s: internal path D:/VIDEO_TS/
3m 15.22s: got copyright 1 fe
3m 15.22s: key method 0
3m 15.57s: got udf/iso
3m 16.65s: got discinfo
3m 16.66s: pathplayer enabled
3m 18.97s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_2 cell_1 start_0 end_18811 sector_202 count_4
3m 58.97s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_1 start_18812 end_18874 sector_18812 count_7
3m 58.97s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_4 cell_1 start_18875 end_18938 sector_18875 count_12
3m 58.98s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_5 cell_1 start_18939 end_19001 sector_18939 count_12
3m 58.99s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_6 cell_1 start_19002 end_19064 sector_19002 count_12
3m 59.00s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_7 cell_1 start_19065 end_19129 sector_19065 count_12
3m 59.02s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_8 cell_1 start_19130 end_19193 sector_19130 count_12
4m 02.69s: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_9 cell_1 start_19194 end_19251 sector_19194 count_2
4m 04.88s: got dvdinfo
4m 05.05s: opened dvd
4m 05.83s: Source manager: open successful.
4m 05.89s: Work manager: create DVD mainmoive work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0.
4m 39.70s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start
4m 39.70s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start
4m 39.70s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work
4m 39.70s: UILog:right button to null, work falg = -1
4m 39.77s: UILog:Msg Start : run work
4m 39.77s: UILog:Run current Work.
4m 39.77s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter.
4m 39.77s: UILog:start running at thread.
4m 39.77s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok.
4m 39.83s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start
4m 39.86s: DVD Copy
4m 39.86s: Source: D:/
4m 39.86s: SourceSize: 7224 MB
4m 39.86s: OutputSize: 4300 MB
21m 40.25s: read error: 3 19624 3122236 2734320 0 1 19624
Process log
Analyzing of DVD started
Analyzing of DVD completed successfully
Copy process started
Copying VTS_01_1.VOB...
Copying VTS_01_2.VOB...
Copying VTS_01_3.VOB...
Copying VTS_01_4.VOB...
Copying VTS_01_5.VOB...
Copying VTS_01_6.VOB...
Task_1 failed! Error=102