How do I burn movie only copies of my DVDs to my NAS and still have the forced subtitles of my DVDs in the playback? I cant seem to figure this out, I have the latest copy of DVDFab and do copy only of the main movie. Can anyone talk me through this? Thanks-
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Forced subtitles, Thor 2, X-Men Forst Class, Capatin America Civil War
Try changing a few settings for this disk for the English forced subtitles so copy down your regular set settings before you change them so you can return the settings after your done with this disk back to the normal Fab settings you normally use.
Try this:
Here is what you do load the disk into Fab pick out your profile (or use main movie and skip advanced settings step)) open advanced settings(for ripper) make sure the settings for subtitle is set to remux to file from what ever is in the pull down box and on the right side of that setting should be another pull down box that setting should say pgs subs.(skip last step for main movie)
ok now close advanced setting go to fab and expand to full screen now look to the right under subtitles there's a drop down box open it you want to select the English subtitles that had worked in the previewer(I think it's the second set of English subs for xmen but check to be sure in previewer).Un check the other English subtitles and uncheck display only forced subtitles box.Now move the black arrow on the left of the checked marked subtitle to the English subtitle that worked in previewer so only the checked marked subtitle is the subtitle with the little black arrow next to the subtitle now go ahead and convert the disk and you will be good to go remember to return the settings for the next disk converted to the way they normally are.Hope this works for you.