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DVD Der Polarexpress / The Polar Express

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    DVD Der Polarexpress / The Polar Express

    leider ist mein Englisch nicht so gut, ich versuche es mal auf Deutsch.
    Ich versuche die DVD Der Polarexpress zu Rippen. Beim Lesen der DVD wird mir nur der englische Ton angegeben. Die LogDatei hat folgendes aufgezeichnet.

    2019.12.20-16:04:14: DriveX msg: Init driveX G with I/O mode: 0
    2019.12.20-16:04:14: opened i/o type 5
    2019.12.20-16:04:14: opening drive G
    2019.12.20-16:04:14: Is Encryption 0
    2019.12.20-16:04:14: got drive Inquiry!
    2019.12.20-16:04:14: got drive general error!
    2019.12.20-16:04:14: got drive name!
    2019.12.20-16:04:14: Drive Version: G,
    2019.12.20-16:04:14: Source manager: open source flag:1,0,1,1,1
    2019.12.20-16:04:15: service name: IODVDServices
    2019.12.20-16:04:15: device name: disk6, bsdid=6
    2019.12.20-16:04:15: opened i/o
    2019.12.20-16:04:15: currentProfile: 16
    2019.12.20-16:04:15: got media type 4
    2019.12.20-16:04:15: got max lba 2504255
    2019.12.20-16:04:16: got disc type 10
    2019.12.20-16:04:16: type DVD-VIDEO
    2019.12.20-16:04:16: volume label POLAR_EXPRESS_DISC_1
    2019.12.20-16:04:16: Is Encryption 1
    2019.12.20-16:04:16: DriveX msg: media open(false) success in driveX G.
    2019.12.20-16:04:16: DriveX msg: add media success in driveX G.
    2019.12.20-16:04:16: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX G.
    2019.12.20-16:04:16: Source manager: add source id 0.
    2019.12.20-16:04:16: Source open statusVD Yes, 2231-10-11, No
    2019.12.20-16:04:16: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1, No
    2019.12.20-16:04:17: Source open status:UHD Yes, 2158-1-1, No
    2019.12.20-16:04:17: opened i/o type 5
    2019.12.20-16:04:17: opening drive G
    2019.12.20-16:04:17: service name: IODVDServices
    2019.12.20-16:04:17: device name: disk6, bsdid=6
    2019.12.20-16:04:17: opened i/o
    2019.12.20-16:04:17: currentProfile: 16
    2019.12.20-16:04:17: got max lba 2504255
    2019.12.20-16:04:18: got disc type 10
    2019.12.20-16:04:18: Is Encryption 0
    2019.12.20-16:04:18: internal path G:/VIDEO_TS/
    2019.12.20-16:04:18: css adjustment
    2019.12.20-16:04:18: failed to send challenge: sensekey 00 asc 00 acsq 00
    2019.12.20-16:04:20: css adjustment
    2019.12.20-16:04:20: got copyright 1 ed
    2019.12.20-16:04:20: key method 0
    2019.12.20-16:04:24: got udf/iso
    2019.12.20-16:04:25: dvd discid 2D35323433373032353133393838323735353035
    2019.12.20-16:04:25: dvd disable cloud decryption
    2019.12.20-16:04:29: got discinfo
    2019.12.20-16:04:29: pathplayer enabled
    2019.12.20-16:04:34: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_2 cell_1 start_0 end_55 sector_0 count_15
    2019.12.20-16:04:35: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_2 start_10932 end_21001 sector_11136 count_4
    2019.12.20-16:05:19: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_1 cell_3 start_21002 end_30250 sector_21193 count_4
    2019.12.20-16:05:20: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_2 cell_2 start_34247 end_34304 sector_34247 count_9
    2019.12.20-16:05:20: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_2 cell_3 start_34305 end_34362 sector_34305 count_9
    2019.12.20-16:05:21: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_2 start_36219 end_36272 sector_36219 count_9
    2019.12.20-16:05:21: button: vts_1 menu_1 pgc_3 cell_3 start_36273 end_36326 sector_36273 count_3
    2019.12.20-16:05:22: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_2 cell_2 start_56 end_111 sector_56 count_16
    2019.12.20-16:05:23: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_2 cell_3 start_112 end_167 sector_112 count_16
    2019.12.20-16:05:23: button: vts_2 menu_1 pgc_2 cell_4 start_168 end_221 sector_168 count_9
    2019.12.20-16:05:25: full disc copy/play is supported
    2019.12.20-16:05:25: css adjustment
    2019.12.20-16:05:26: css adjustment
    2019.12.20-16:05:26: css adjustment
    2019.12.20-16:05:26: css adjustment
    2019.12.20-16:05:28: server id 0
    2019.12.20-16:05:28: server id 0
    2019.12.20-16:05:29: got dvdinfo
    2019.12.20-16:05:29: opened dvd
    2019.12.20-16:05:30: Source manager: open 0 successful.
    2019.12.20-16:05:30: StartSyncMetaInfoThread begin, 0
    2019.12.20-16:05:31: http status code: 404
    2019.12.20-16:05:31: Work manager: create Converter work 0 with source 0 and uiinfo 0( title 0 ).
    2019.12.20-16:05:31: error curl get: Failure when receiving data from the peer
    2019.12.20-16:05:31: drivex:G, playlist: 1, source.type:1, device_type:0X43c
    2019.12.20-16:05:32: error curl get: Failure when receiving data from the peer
    2019.12.20-16:05:32: error curl get: Failure when receiving data from the peer
    2019.12.20-16:05:32: Meta: the ownership is E_Meta_No_Owner.
    2019.12.20-16:05:33: error curl get: Failure when receiving data from the peer
    2019.12.20-16:05:33: error curl get: Failure when receiving data from the peer
    2019.12.20-16:05:34: error curl get: Failure when receiving data from the peer
    2019.12.20-16:05:34: Meta: editable flag is META_INFO_EDITABLE_FLAG_NOT_FOND
    2019.12.20-16:05:34: StartSyncMetaInfoThread End, 0
    2019.12.20-16:05:36: MoviePoster Log: Volume(POLAR_EXPRESS_DISC_1), DiscID(13203041559721276111)
    2019.12.20-16:05:57: ========WorkAttr::SetSource=======
    2019.12.20-16:05:57: Source Video Size Original: 720 x 298
    2019.12.20-16:05:57: Source Video Size Display: 1024 x 424
    2019.12.20-16:05:57: Source Video FPS: 25 / 1
    2019.12.20-16:05:57: Source Video Bitrate: 1200
    2019.12.20-16:05:57: Source Audio Bitrate: 384000
    2019.12.20-16:05:57: Source Audio Channels: 6
    2019.12.20-16:05:57: Source Audio Volume: 100
    2019.12.20-16:05:57: Source Audio Bitdepth: 0
    2019.12.20-16:05:57: Source Audio SampleRate: 48000
    2019.12.20-16:05:57: Work Profile: MP4
    2019.12.20-16:05:57: Source manager: open source flag:1,0,1,1,1

    Die DVD ist definitiv deutsch.
    Hat jemand eine Idee, warum ich den deutschen Top nicht auswählen kann?

    Translated above post for a none English member.

    unfortunately my English is not so good, i will try it in German.
    I try to rip the DVD The Polar Express. When reading the DVD I am only given the English sound. The log file recorded the following.

    The DVD is definitely German.
    Does anyone have an idea why I can't choose the German top?


      The OP has said the ripper doesn't show the German soundtrack only English is ripped.The disk itself when played gives choice of English or German soundtracks.
      A clone should give both soundtracks but OP wants a rip.
      German translation of above below so the OP can read it.

      Das OP hat gesagt, dass der Ripper den deutschen Soundtrack nicht anzeigt, nur Englisch wird gerippt. Die DVD selbst gibt bei der Wiedergabe die Wahl zwischen englischen oder deutschen Soundtracks.
      Ein Klon sollte beide Soundtracks liefern, aber OP möchte einen Rip.
      Deutsche Übersetzung von oben unten, damit das OP es lesen kann..
      Last edited by D780; 12-21-2019, 04:38 PM. Reason: übersetztung ins Deutsche ein wenig korrigiert


        Hello Saki007,

        Please open the source disc using the latest version of DVDFab, once DVDFab successfully opens the disc, you can go to the
        C:\Users\User Name\Documents\DVDFab11\Log
        Zip the entire log folder and send it to us.



          Originally posted by Mona View Post
          Hello Saki007,

          Please open the source disc using the latest version of DVDFab, once DVDFab successfully opens the disc, you can go to the
          C:\Users\User Name\Documents\DVDFab11\Log
          Zip the entire log folder and send it to us.

          Hallo Mona,
          vielen Dank für deine Hilfe.
          Hier sind die Files als Zip Datei
          Attached Files


            Originally posted by Saki007 View Post

            Hallo Mona,
            vielen Dank für deine Hilfe.
            Hier sind die Files als Zip Datei
            Okay, I will have the developer check, any news, I will update you.

