keep getting errors lately
19:07:47: Analyzing of DVD started
19:07:47: Analyzing of DVD completed successfully
19:07:47: Copy process started
19:17:15: Copy process completed successfully
19:17:16: Burn DVD folder (D:\dvdfab movie outut\Temp\MainMovie\PLANET_51\) started
19:17:29: Task_2 failed! Error=111
tried several times and different movies
any help will be appreciated.
19:07:47: Analyzing of DVD started
19:07:47: Analyzing of DVD completed successfully
19:07:47: Copy process started
19:17:15: Copy process completed successfully
19:17:16: Burn DVD folder (D:\dvdfab movie outut\Temp\MainMovie\PLANET_51\) started
19:17:29: Task_2 failed! Error=111
tried several times and different movies
any help will be appreciated.