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BETA 7021 -title command line switch not working since december release.

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    BETA 7021 -title command line switch not working since december release.

    Using a batch file to rip individual episodes/titles off a tv/dvd no longer works. for more than 1 year I've been able to use the batch script below to grab individual titles off a disc but its stopped working and still doesnt in latest beta.

    You'll find this same process/failure can be tested with ANY dvd just by specifying -title for anything other than the main title. The result of the script below is four .iso files all containing the "main title" and not the specified title via the switch.

    set show=Lost
    set dest=z:\television\%show%\
    set season=S04
    set program=c:\program files (x86)\dvdfab 7\

    mkdir "%dest%"
    REM "%program%dvdfab.exe" /mode mainmovie /src "d:\" /dest "%dest%%show%.%season%E04.iso" /Title 2 /removemenu yes /removepgc yes /outdisc dvd9 /close
    "%program%dvdfab.exe" /mode mainmovie /src "d:\" /dest "%dest%%show%.%season%E05.iso" /Title 4 /removemenu yes /removepgc yes /outdisc dvd9 /close
    "%program%dvdfab.exe" /mode mainmovie /src "d:\" /dest "%dest%%show%.%season%E06.iso" /Title 6 /removemenu yes /removepgc yes /outdisc dvd9 /close
    "%program%dvdfab.exe" /mode mainmovie /src "d:\" /dest "%dest%%show%.%season%E07.iso" /Title 8 /removemenu yes /removepgc yes /outdisc dvd9 /close

    Can you try it with double quotes - /TITLE "1". It worked for me a while back. Not sure on the release but I think it was

    //EDIT I just realized I was doing DVD2Mobile not DVD2DVD.
    Last edited by billbell52; 03-19-2010, 06:53 PM.

