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Burning speed inaccurate

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    Burning speed inaccurate

    I am using version of DVDFab Platinum under Windows 7 Ultimate Edition, and I have noticed that although the program is burning DVDs at the same speed it always has, the speed indicator is no longer working as it once did.

    I have it set to a maximum of 8X, which usually means that it tops out at 6.1X, yet the speed indicator shows it only reaching 1.1X.

    The value in brackets expressed is perfectly normal, but it is only the times (eg 6.1X) one which is malfunctioning.

    I also have XP Professional and Vista Ultimate in a multiboot setup with all three OSs on separate physical drives on the same computer, and will try the same version of DVDFab under those two as well, then report back.

    At this stage it is simply an annoyance, as the discs seem OK and play flawlessly on both my DVD and Bllu-Ray player.

    It does not seem to matter which movie I am copying at the time.

    Hoping that someone can shed some light on this possible bug in the software.

    I suppose I should be grateful that it is not crashing or making coasters as has been reported here by others, but I like my registered software to function as it was designed to and am I admit a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to such matters as this one.

    Or must I just grin and bear this relatively minor inconvenience?

    Kindest regards to all,


    The latest version is it.


      Sounds as you are stuck in PIO mode with that burner if you only get 1.1x write speed.


        I thank you both for responding, and will reply to your suggestions in the reverse order from that in which they were posted.

        The important point which you have misunderstood is that the burner is writing at exactly the same speed it always has (topping out at 6.1X when it was set to a maximum of 8X). This means that it only takes approximately 10 minutes and although the times value shows as 1.1X, the time to burn the disc has not changed by even a few seconds from what it was since that burner was installed.

        Also unless a beta version is specifically designed to address a particular problem I am having, I have made it my policy not to install them as experience has shown me that doing so can often only add more problems to the one which I am already having.

        I still need to check out this problem under the other two operating systems as I said that I would to see if this might be specific to Windows 7. I will try to get this done during the weekend if I can, but in the meantime I am still open to suggestions as well as hearing from anyone else who has had a similar experience.

        Thanking both of you again, but for the moment, beyond testing the most recent non beta version out under the other two versions of Windows, I do not intend to change anything hardware or software wise through fear of making the problem which is effectively only a cosmetic one up until now much worse than it already is.



          same observation with the, it displays as 1.1x, my setting is set to 6x. and It is a bit slower.
          I have to use, since does not work on mine.
          (see my msg on application/program)


            DVDFab don't have its own burning agent, DVDFab uses one of three "subcontractors" - VSO, Nero and ImgBurn. It comes "preset" to work with VSO, however, ImgBurn proven to be the best one, so please follow this link and set up your Fab to work with ImgBurn as it says:
            Let us know how it worked out for you.

            Please post your logs the default location is:

            For Win7 C:\Users\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\Log
            For Vista C:\Users\User Name\Documents\DVDFab\Log
            For XP C:\Documents and Settings\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\Log
            Please use attachment button and attach your most recent, Internal log and post right here.


              Something sounds not right if you select 8x and you can only top 6.1x. Can you post a log from a burning?


                I am quite satisfied with the maximum 6.1X speed and it taking about 10 minutes to burn a disc, and have just as of the last hour updated to version under all three operating systems.

                Let's see if that helps resolve this annoying problem.



                  I am now using version 7.6.7 of DVDFab Platinum under Windows 7, and the speed indicator problem described in detail above continues unchanged.

                  Now according to this the top writing speed is 1.3X (8.29 MB/s)

                  I repeat that the burner is writing at the same speed it always has which tops out at 8.29 MB/s, which if 1.0X equals 1.35 MB/s should be 6.14X which is correct.

                  Although still only a cosmetic problem, will there be a fix for this bug in a later version of this otherwise brilliant program?

                  Since I now use Windows 7 by default when burning, I still have not tested it out under XP and Vista.

                  So I still do not know if it is a Windows 7 specific problem.




                    I too have noticed this glitch in the gui. I've even tried updating to the very latest version (which I always do when available) and it's still there.
                    I'm sure it isn't a problem as in the logs the burn speed and time is reported accurately. I've always used the vso engine and have never had problems. I'm sure I could switch now to imgburn but there isn't a problem with the burn, just the "reporting" on the gui about the speed. Very odd seeing 1.4x and 9-plus mb/s together though. If I go back to ver.7.4 or 7.60 it burns the same but the gui shows the correct "x" along with the mb/s. I guess it's just something to be straightened out in the next version.


                      Hey Vidman,

                      Yes I always said that it was a surface problem and simply a bit of a nuisance rather than it being a fully fledged bug which decreases the maximum burning speed to a crawl.

                      You did not mention which operating system you are currently using, so can I safely assume that it was also Windows 7?

                      I am trying to find someone who is using one of the earlier OSs who is having the same experience as we are, to determine whether it is the Windows 7 GUI itself which is the source of all this, in the way in which it interacts with the software.

                      It is as if the proper burning speed information is there but is simply not being accurately reported to the OS for it to be displayed and as you say the burn log itself is otherwise quite normal for your setup.

                      I am not about to revert to an earlier version merely to have the speed reported correctly again, although I would certainly understand it if the people who are getting crashes etc with every DVD or BRD did this.

                      And there are some other people who have reported that their burning speeds have dropped well below their previous values. These would be good reasons to revert to an earlier version in my book, but doing so in our situation seems to me to be a case of overkill.

                      Thanking you kindly for your input and could you please confirm which operating system you are using, especially if it is not Windows 7?

                      Much appreciated,




                        Sorry it's taken a while to respond. Been a little busy.

                        I have this software on my winxp-pro sp3 machine, q6600.

                        I think that there is a bug with the program's gui and it's possible there's a bit of a burn one too. I've currently reverted to ver. 7.4 and a requested burn of 6 displays normally in the gui of the program and in the logs I'll get a reported burn of 6 or so. I only used the latest versions above that (7.4) a few times but the logs showed a burn rate of 3-5. Hmmm. So I wouldn't go thinking it's Win7 but rather a glitch in the latest vso burn engine or something to do with this software. That's why I always keep a folder of previous versions I can fall back on.
                        Sure we could start using IMGburn but I've never had an issue that a rollback and some patience for the next version couldn't solve.



                          Now that was just what I wanted to know.

                          The minor issue is being seen on other OSs than Windows 7.

                          If the fault had either caused the burn time to significantly increase or the program to crash with every disc as many people are reporting happens on their system, I would also revert to the same version as yourself, but since later versions often incorporate improved copy protection removal and other minor adjustments designed to improve the reliability and enjoyment of the product, I personally feel that to do it only because of this display glitch would be in my case a backward step.

                          But I respect your right to make any such decisions about your own setup, as you do towards mine.

                          I also am looking forward to it eventually disappearing in later versions, but I am not going to lose any more sleep over it and I thank you sincerely once again for your useful feedback which has finally identified the problem as being non Windows 7 specific. This information in a way is a relief, especially as I have just added Windows 7 to my previous dual boot at some expense.

                          Kindest regards to all who have responded to my call for assistance.

                          Top grade software. Top grade programmer and user support. What more could anyone want than that?



                            Originally posted by reeman50 View Post

                            Now that was just what I wanted to know.

                            The minor issue is being seen on other OSs than Windows 7.

                            If the fault had either caused the burn time to significantly increase or the program to crash with every disc as many people are reporting happens on their system, I would also revert to the same version as yourself, but since later versions often incorporate improved copy protection removal and other minor adjustments designed to improve the reliability and enjoyment of the product, I personally feel that to do it only because of this display glitch would be in my case a backward step.

                            But I respect your right to make any such decisions about your own setup, as you do towards mine.

                            I also am looking forward to it eventually disappearing in later versions, but I am not going to lose any more sleep over it and I thank you sincerely once again for your useful feedback which has finally identified the problem as being non Windows 7 specific. This information in a way is a relief, especially as I have just added Windows 7 to my previous dual boot at some expense.

                            Kindest regards to all who have responded to my call for assistance.

                            Top grade software. Top grade programmer and user support. What more could anyone want than that?

                            Perhaps the problem lies with your spindle of blank disks. I sometimes have a spindle with a lot of crappy disks (even with verbatim - they don't seem to be as reliable as they once were.) and the burn speed with any of the burning programs I use drops significently.


                              Originally posted by Jerrinfla View Post
                              Perhaps the problem lies with your spindle of blank disks. I sometimes have a spindle with a lot of crappy disks (even with verbatim - they don't seem to be as reliable as they once were.) and the burn speed with any of the burning programs I use drops significently.
                              I can't speak for the OP, but for myself I use verbatim and Taiyo Yuden. The results are the same.
                              If it was a matter of slow burning, that may be the burner, disk or hardware problem but the issue is the program gui displaying a burn "x" of 1 or so while in fact the disk is burning at 6x (according to my watch and the burn logs). I haven't installed on my win7 64bit i7 machine as that's my exclusive "work machine" for business but I wouldn't expect that would change anything if I did when it comes to this very minor "bug". As long as the burns are successful, it really doesn't matter much. Now if it really did burn at the indicated 1x, that would be a problem...

