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DVD to DVD command line problem

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    DVD to DVD command line problem

    Hi all,

    I have a system with 1 BD and two DVD drives. I have a batch script running that works pretty well and allows me to put three DVD's in the computer and rip all three to hard drive in about 15 minutes.

    However I have to put in a three minute pause between each instance of Dvdfab is started because of one major problem.

    Even though the batch files tells Dvdfab to use D, E, or F drives, Dvdfab appears to ignore this and it always attempts to use a different drive. This is a bit of a problem because the 2nd instance of Dvdfab will then interfere with the first drive copying and almost stop the 1st instance. Dvdfab seems to ignore the drive directive in the command line and just tries to work out if there is activity on a earlier drive.

    For example I start a rip on drive D. The batch file waits three minutes then starts a second instance instructed to rip from drive E, however when it starts it attempts to access drive D again, when it finally works out it can't it access drive D it reverts to E and gets on with the rip. When the third instance opens it tries to rip from drive E until it realises... you get the picture. The pause is necessary to ensure the drive gets up to optimum rip speed as to not completely stop the process. I would like to get rid of the pause and..

    If this was fixed it would be very simple to create an autorun handler and we would not need a batch file to kick of the ripping process. It could just be completely automated at each individual drive level.

    Apart from this nagging issue the application is fantastic and worth every penny.

    Last edited by 999111; 05-30-2010, 09:31 AM.


    Can anyone help with this? I just tried the latest release and the problem is still there. Can any of the developers or experienced users comment?

    Many thanks.


      I suggest that you post the contents of your batch file so that one of our batch experts can have a look at it.
      "Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." - Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790


        I am afraid you are right on the operation. As part of the initialization process it tries to read from the optical drive and then it looks to see if it has command line arguments to process. It seems all the programs that use the optical drive operate in a similar manner. It should look to see if it is busy and skip trying to read it. It can certainly check that another instance of DVDFab is running and skip reading it. It could first check to see if there are command line arguments and skip reading it. I created a script that runs sequentially:

        I did some test and did not find that doing it in parallel was all that much faster. I usually extract MainMovie and compress to DVD5 so some time is spent compressing.

        I would recommend adding this as a feature request.


          Hi thanks for the response. Where can I add this as a feature request? It's sort of an unusual feature as the feature is there it just doesn't really work as expected.

          As for the simultaneous rip, my system is very quick so I don't have any issues with the rip doing three at once. If I didn't have the pause in there that I talked about it would comfortably rip 3 DVD's in approximately 10 minutes.


            Hi Bill,

            My batch file knowledge is limited so my batch files are very simple, but here they are (maybe you can improve them) - I use "start" to instantiate seperate cmd prompts:


            start ripd.bat
            CHOICE /T 180 /C ync /D y > NUL
            start ripe.bat
            CHOICE /T 180 /C ync /D y > NUL
            start ripf.bat


            "C:\Program Files (x86)\DVDFab 7\DVDFab.exe" /MODE "FULLDISC" /SRC "D:\VIDEO_TS" /DEST "G:\MOVIES\COMMERCIAL\" /CLOSE


            "C:\Program Files (x86)\DVDFab 7\DVDFab.exe" /MODE "FULLDISC" /SRC "E:\VIDEO_TS" /DEST "G:\MOVIES\COMMERCIAL\" /CLOSE


            "C:\Program Files (x86)\DVDFab 7\DVDFab.exe" /MODE "FULLDISC" /SRC "F:\VIDEO_TS" /DEST "G:\MOVIES\COMMERCIAL\" /CLOSE


            I have shortcut to ripmaster.bat on the desktop and just kick this off once I've loaded the three trays, it then ejects them one by one until finished. Repeat ad infinitum.


              I posted this on the forum guides. If you have problems PM me.



                Originally posted by billbell52 View Post
                I posted this on the forum guides. If you have problems PM me.

                Bill, this is a sequential rip not a simultaneous rip or am I missing something?

                I gather even with your batch file DVDFab will still try to access the last accessed drive rather than the drive the batch file instructs it to address?

                With D, E & F drives, if the batch files tells it to look at E it will look at D first, then look at E.

                This is the core problem as far as I can see and surely this is just a programming bug in the command line handling?


                  It is sequential. I tried a parallel test case and I ran into the same problem. Doing it in parallel is not a lot faster for me since I do movie only and compress to dvd5. The compression loads the cpu down. Like I said in an earlier post it may be a bug but it seems like every program does it in a similar way.


                    Originally posted by 999111 View Post
                    surely this is just a programming bug in the command line handling?
                    Let me add that I have the same desire and face the same problem.

                    Yesterday I made an autoplay-utility that would allow me to simply pop in DVDs in my PC and have them ripped automatically by DVDFab. But the /SRC parameter seems to be completely ignored so multiple autoplays ends up working entirely on the first drive.

                    I too would therefore really love to see this bug in the command line handling fixed.


                      Any news on this? Is it going to be fixed?


                        Hi All, we have submitted this common line issue to our developer to check, please understand the technology improvement will take some time. Thanks in advance for your patience.
                        Last edited by sunny; 04-21-2011, 01:43 PM.


                          Hi 999111:
                          DVDfab can working on specified device in Command line mode with build 8024beta.
                          It is mean you can start a new job when others are on going using such as "dvdfab 8\dvdfab.exe /mode bdfulldisc /src "x:\bd\avatar.iso /dest "d:\Demo".", and DVDfab will not analysis the device.



                            Potti - Great!!

                            It works, I have just downloaded and run and it works fine and fast using the batch files I posted. Excellent, thank you!

                            Ric - any chance of sharing your autoplay utility?


                              PS - 12 1/2 minutes to copy three DVD's, DVD9, to hard drive. So 14 discs an hours or thereabouts depending on size.

