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DVDFab7 and 8 problems

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    DVDFab7 and 8 problems

    I have been using DVDFab for several years (since version 5} with no problems. I upgraded to 6, also with no problems. When I got version 7 I was never able to get it to work. It would not automatically read a disk as 5 and 6 had done, and when I manually selected the disk it would continually scan it but never actually start decoding. In version 8.005 I have to manually select the disk, and it will read it but when it usually lets you select your options, it crashes and opens a window to report the error, which I have done a couple of times.

    Version 6 still works on most disks, but I found a couple that it would not read so I would like to get the new version working if possible.

    I am running Windows7 Home Premium with if it matters.

    Try latest beta version
    Life is a gift and should be experienced in full joy


      Try this and see

      Sometimes when you're downloading certain programs or software, your CD-ROM start acting fruity on you and the disk drive ends up deleting itself. to restore this, it's not hard just tried this and follow the directions exactly to the T. only delete anything that says upper filters or lower filters.

      [Start] [Run] [Regedit]
      Registry Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Class
      Key Name: {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
      Value Data: [Delete All Value Data from UpperFilters and LowerFilters]
      Note: Do not delete the Key or the Multi-String Values. Delete only the data values.
      Exit Registry and Reboot
      Last edited by prican1493; 10-01-2010, 02:27 AM. Reason: Did not make sense


        If you delete filters with out knowing what program they belong to then the program that installed them will no longer work so deleting them without posting them on forum first is a big no no. You can using ImgBurn to see the filters and to post them on the forum and someone here can tell you if any of them are causing the problem


          Please review previous post

          First off is posted what file to delete the lower and higher filters. And it's only for the CD-ROM drive. So before you jump in a conversation please read the entire instruction because then you are not helping and you're scaring off the person that really needs help.


            Originally posted by prican1493 View Post
            First off is posted what file to delete the lower and higher filters. And it's only for the CD-ROM drive. So before you jump in a conversation please read the entire instruction because then you are not helping and you're scaring off the person that really needs help.
            Actually this member only has one post and probably not know anything about a computer I assume so it better for them to download and install ImgBurn and then use the tools in the ImgBurn toolbar to get to the filter list and then copy those to forum so another member with more experience can look and see if any of them need removing.

            Also I know what you said in your post so not need to read it again

