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Dvdfab wont open properly?

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    Dvdfab wont open properly?

    I am trying to install Dvdfab on my laptop, when I click on the short cut it brings up a registration status (?) window, in it, it has dvd to dvd enabled, yes, expire never, but it wont run the program, just options to register, not sure what to do? tried to delete dvdfab all through my computer and reinstall, dont know what another poster was talking about regarding choosing to run it through administrator? not such option throughout installation that I can see.

    oh, I have a life time subscription.

    "dont know what another poster was talking about regarding choosing to run it through administrator?"

    Please understand that if your computer's Operating System is windows 7 or windows vista, you need to login your computer as administrator to install and register DVDFab.

    After launch DVDFab, you would get the welcome screen (with your registration information) at first, please click on the button "Start DVDFab" to run the program.

    Best regards,
    DVDFab Support Team
    Last edited by sunny; 11-23-2010, 03:30 AM.


      Hi, I am running XP, I have the welcome window, it say I have dvd 2 dvd never expire but no start button, just register button even though it does have there that I am registered


        Originally posted by blackbirdblue View Post
        Hi, I am running XP, I have the welcome window, it say I have dvd 2 dvd never expire but no start button, just register button even though it does have there that I am registered
        Click OK to start DVDFab see attachment
        Attached Files
        Last edited by AGJ; 11-23-2010, 10:53 AM.


          oh no! I feel so silly!! the welcome window was too big for my lap top screen so it cut off the bottom where the start button was! I just managed to move enough to click it! working now thank you


            OK and to the bottom left of that welcome screen you have a box to check so you not see it again when DVDFab starts as well

            Well glad you got it figured out and we all make mistakes when using new computer and programs and I think the DVDFab Developers should make that screen a bit smaller due to this issue as you not the first to post about it on the forum here
            Last edited by AGJ; 11-23-2010, 10:21 PM.

